Dereliction of duty

This is an article rinsed off from 2016, some of the names were brought up to date but the criminality remains the same two presidents and three congresses later.  It is not a call for optimism.

One might be called naive if one expected the political class to be dependable.  They obviously are not.  They are afraid to tell the truth for three main reasons.  One is that we do not want to hear the truth and the next is that their paymasters want return on their investment in each politician.  Lastly, the politician needs to make a good deal of money in case he wears thin and is thrown out.

We have had a huge problem simmering on the back of the stove for a number of decades.  That is the insolvency of our country.  The issue has been successfully ignored by a generation of these criminals.  We have debts for current programs that are not being met.  We also have accumulated long term obligations in the form of Medicare and Social Security that have no chance of being paid.

The effect of these problems will fall directly on the young people of today.  The choice the kids will have to make is going to destroy our society.  Can you feed your grandparents, parents and yourself while trying to save enough for your own place to live and have your own family?  That is the conundrum that is being faced today.  It currently means living in the parents’ basement if there is one, or bunking in 3-4 guys in a rental unit.

We  hear quite often that social security will have to be cut back and “end of life care” will have to be adjusted.  That sounds like assisted suicide or murder to me.  They do it now in England.  They starve old folks to death in the hospital.  It is called the “Liverpool Pathway”.  It created a bit of a scandal recently when it was found that the government was paying the hospital to snuff out old people.  It will happen here soon.

So what have McConnell, Pelosi and of course Joe Bribe ‘em done about this impending disaster?    Crickets of course.  They are screaming about homosexual and negro rights to keep your eye off the ball.  This means an extra election win and putting away more money in their own purse.

The answers are easy of course.  If the maximum SS tax was eliminated,  it would take care of the majority of the shortfall in the program.  It would be assessed on all income of the entire population instead of just the middle earners. It is embarrassing to admit that Chile has a solvent retirement system but we do not.  They have a tax on income that goes directly into your own personal account.  It is not available to the government.  Guess what?  It is solvent and it works.  We could begin a program like that today.  Sadly it will not happen.  It is much easier to ignore things and feather your own nest.

Another easy answer would be to reinstate the “workfare” program that was set up under Newt Gingrich in the ‘90s and signed by Clinton.  It was very successful.  In some states the rolls dropped by 30%.  The military is a pot of total corruption and could have its’ finances straightened out by cutting the desk jobs in half.  If we use the figure of 10% of the soldiers carry a rifle it becomes quite easy to see significant savings by eliminating the desk warriors like General Milly.

Will any of these ideas be implemented?  Of course not.  That would mean that Congress would have to do with fewer kickbacks and Joe would have to take 5 instead of 10%.  The only way to stop the deep state is to cut off its’ money.  If Congress does not toe the line with a republican house majority, it will never happen.

The Madame

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ursel doran
ursel doran
January 27, 2023 5:45 pm
Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
January 27, 2023 6:05 pm

“Another easy answer would be to reinstate the “workfare” program”

Maybe we could create a system
of camps, to concentrate these
people needing assistance into
large enough groups so as to
assist farming and industry.

They could learn how hard
work will set them free.

  Euddolen ap Afallach
January 27, 2023 6:45 pm

Arbeit macht frei scheisse Heer

I can SEE the Future!
I can SEE the Future!
January 27, 2023 6:08 pm

“If Congress does not toe the line with a republican house majority, it will never happen.”

One Day, a great man named algore will invent something called the “Information Super-Highway” Prolly call it something short&sweet, EZ to remember….(wait a minute! i’m receiving another vision!)

The Web! It’s gonna be called The Web!

And Then We Will ALL be able to research, endlessly, to see if ANYTHING like that lurid Fantasy of Yours has EVER occurred. In History.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
January 27, 2023 6:13 pm

Might big “If”.

January 27, 2023 7:38 pm

The reset will have UBI, just sign away your earthly possessions and become a worthless bum. How many pieces of silver for your soul?