Obama jumps the shark on bathroom insanity

President Obama’s done lost his mind. He’s just flushed the civil rights of men and women, boys and girls, to pee in peace and shower without having naked, sexually confused or sexually predatory members of the opposite sex ogling them, or intentionally exposing their genitalia for a cheap thrill. Reports Fox News: “The Obama administration […]

Source: Obama jumps the shark on bathroom insanity

Ann Barnhardt’s “musings” on TG toilets for tots (that didn’t take very long.)

 The Chesterton Axiom No Longer Applies


When I did my baconalicious koran burning five years ago, in an interview a few days afterward I was asked the following question:

IOTW –  In your video you pretty much dare Muslims to come and get you. Are you being a martyr, or do you pretty much have confidence that you can handle yourself?

Ann – Were the guys who volunteered to fight in all previous wars “martyrs”€?  Did the boys who enlisted in ’41 have a death wish?  No.  There just comes a point where any person of integrity knows that they have to fight.  I love G.K. Chesterton’s quote, “A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”  I love my country and my fellow man enough to be willing to lay down my life to defend them against evil.  And, yeah.  I can damn sure handle not only myself, but also an assault rifle, a big ass tactical shotgun, a sniper rifle, and a nine for those “intimate” encounters.


I no longer love what is behind me.  I have zero desire to fight for or in any way contribute to the continuance of what used to be called “The United States.”  Burn it.  Burn it to the ground.

What brought this post on?

Continue reading “Ann Barnhardt’s “musings” on TG toilets for tots (that didn’t take very long.)”

Sex and State Power — What’s Behind Obama’s Transgender Push

The Obama administration has announced that from this day forward, all public schools in America must let children choose their bathroom and locker room based upon a child’s feelings about hi…

Source: Sex and State Power — What’s Behind Obama’s Transgender Push

Ann’s Video on Diabolical Narcissism

I just don’t have three hours right now to watch this video (thanks a lot Ann for releasing this on a day I have appointments.  And I reserved that spot by my pond for your van and everything!).  Since the topic (Narcissism)  is near and dear to my current research project, I thought I’d share it here and see what kind of comments the SFM crew of TBP will fling at it before I watch it.

Treasury out of money, cancels Tubman on the $20

Just hours after announcing that civil rights pioneer Harriet Tubman would replace Pres. Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, the Treasury Department canceled the project after realizing it no longer ha…

(Hat tip Ed) Source: Treasury out of money, cancels Tubman on the $20 

A Rambling Opinion on the Mongols (and a really cool time-lapse graphic)

An Irish pal sends me links to some interesting vimeos almost daily.   She and I “met” on a stop smoking forum almost ten years ago, and she long ago left the group of older and wiser “One NOPE at a time” (NOPE=not one puff ever) coaching staff on the forum.

I think she must have been paid a lot of money, unlike Admin here at TBP whose devotion to truth, intellectual exchange of ideas and wise recognition that heated, but rational debate (aka chatter of the STMs) is what drives him to selflessly devote enormous amounts of his time to an ungrateful remnant of thinking readers.

No, my friend at the forum left after a nasty fight with other staff members caused a break with  her minions and the original group.  I’m one of her minions.  This isn’t about my Irish pal except to say that she is proof to me that  sometimes you really can develop true friendships with folks you’ve never seen in person, but managed to actually communicate with on a human level.  Since I’d promised to really try to quit smoking that time and had given Nick my word of honor I would not start sneaking cigarettes behind his back rather than admit I’d slipped to him honestly, I’d break a powerful Trust invested in me that I did not want to break.  So, I met my Irish cyber friend in an effort to keep that Trust, which was important to me.  Over the next weeks and months, our friendship grew off-forum and I know quite a bit about her now.

She is a “true” Irish Catholic and has some really powerful and eye-opening stories first hand from being a 60-something Catholic in Ireland the last several decades.  She’s a great go-to for the European viewpoint on things and makes me wonder if all the Irish are as inquisitive and intelligent as she or if she is just an outlier.  She is the first person who will jump into some religious-themed anecdote or story-line I blather on about in order to come to a really poignant and well-developed (in my mind) point to my readers (I have a community page where I write stories to entertain my fans — family and local yocals) to tell me that the first premise I use for my argument is wrong, since the European Christians never such-and-such in India/Jamaica/British Isles/South America and so I made an assumption that is WRONG.

Continue reading “A Rambling Opinion on the Mongols (and a really cool time-lapse graphic)”

Subscribe to Panama Papers

Exactly why is anyone the least bit surprised that all the controls put in place to keep all of us from having any financial privacy are avoided by those who put the controls in place? How many people here at TBP think some of our current crop of political hacks in Congress may have some hidden dollars revealed in these papers?

And, while I’m at it… how many people think these journalists will be objective about who gets named and who does not?



Panama Papers: a massive document leak reveals a global web of corruption and tax avoidance

Updated by Matthew Yglesias on April 3, 2016, 9:30 p.m. ET

Mossack Fonseca is not a household name, but the Panamanian law firm has long been well-known to the global financial and political elite, and thanks to a massive 2.6-terabyte leak of its confidential papers to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists it’s about to become much better known. A huge team of hundreds of journalists is poring over the documents they are calling the Panama Papers.

The firm’s operations are diverse and international in scope, but they originate in a single specialty — helping foreigners set up Panamanian shell companies to hold financial assets while obscuring the identities of their real owners. Since its founding in 1977, it’s expanded its interests outside of Panama to include more than 40 offices worldwide, helping a global client base work with shell companies not just in Panama but also the Bahamas, the British Virgin Islands, and other notorious tax havens around the world.

The documents provide details on some shocking acts of corruption in Russia, hint at scandalous goings-on in a range of developing nations, and may prompt a political crisis in Iceland.

But they also offer the most granular look ever at a banal reality that’s long been hiding in plain sight. Even as the world’s wealthiest and most powerful nations have engaged in increasingly complex and intensive efforts at international cooperation to smooth the wheels of global commerce, they have willfully chosen to allow the wealthiest members of Western society to shield their financial assets from taxation (and in many cases divorce or bankruptcy settlement) by taking advantage of shell companies and tax havens.

If Panama or the Cayman Islands were acting to undermine the integrity of the global pharmaceutical patent system, the United States would stop them. But the political elite of powerful Western nations have not acted to stop relatively puny Caribbean nations from undermining the integrity of the global tax system — largely because Western economic elites don’t want them to.

What’s a shell company? Why would someone want one?

Sometimes a person or a well-known company or institution wants to buy things or own assets in a way that obscures who the real buyer is.

Continue reading “Subscribe to Panama Papers”

Dictatorial Merchandise

Don’t you hate the recent trend in product directions and disclaimers that assume you are an imbecile? As if you aren’t smart enough to figure out that eating the rat poison out of the box isn’t a good idea for humans? Or you have to read the bottle of antiseptic spray to make sure it is intended for external use only?
 photo DSC04261_zpsyznjgvzo.jpg
Well, take a look at this product I just received in the mail! As if I’m so stoopid I would put New Hampshire Pure Maple Syrup on the rabbit I’m simmering in the pot in order to make Hassenfeffer to pressure can and send to Admin to support the TBP effort.

I am tempted to use this syrup for all sorts of things NOT on this list. Harrrrumph! That is one bossy jug of syrup.  And, it is IDENTICAL to the other half gallon jug I received, as well.


Looking forward to breakfast tomorrow!  Am planning to put the syrup on the scrambled eggs, since it isn’t on the list of approved items.

Who is Donald Trump



by Don Fredrick, ©2015, blogging at The Complete Obama Timeline

Donald Trump’s campaign slogan is “Make America great again!”

(Dec. 11, 2015) — The better question may be, “What is Donald Trump?” The answer: A giant middle finger from average Americans to the political and media establishment.

Some Trump supporters are like the 60s white girls who dated black guys just to annoy their parents. But most Trump supporters have simply had it with the Demosocialists and the “Republicans in Name Only.” They know there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between Hillary Rodham and Jeb Bush, and only a few cents worth between Rodham and the other GOP candidates. Ben Carson is not an “establishment” candidate, but the Clinton machine would pulverize Carson, and the somewhat rebellious Ted Cruz will (justifiably so) be tied up with natural born citizen lawsuits (as might Marco Rubio). The Trump supporters figure they may as well have some fun tossing Molotov cocktails at Wall Street and Georgetown while they watch the nation collapse. Besides, lightning might strike, Trump might get elected, and he might actually fix a few things. Stranger things have happened. (The nation elected a Marxist in 2008 and Bruce Jenner now wears designer dresses.)

Millions of conservatives are justifiably furious. They gave the Republicans control of the House in 2010 and control of the Senate in 2014 and have seen them govern no differently than Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Yet those same voters are supposed to trust the GOP in 2016? Why? Trump did not come from out of nowhere. His candidacy was created by the last six years of Republican failures.

Continue reading “Who is Donald Trump”

Would you buy candy here?


I pass the billboard for this General Store every time I travel to Oklahoma from our new home.  This time, I decided to post a photo of the advertisement and ask if anyone else would have the same problem with buying fudge from this place.

Anyone here who will admit they have tried this fudge?  I guess you could order some and have them pack it and send it.


A Face in the Crowd


Hat tip Left A Comment.

Left A Comment placed this link on the Andy Griffith clip about the time Opie illicitly recorded the prisoners at the Mayberry jail talking about their criminal plans and offered Andy the recording to prove their guilt. While Andy’s lecture to Opie is priceless about the right of any man to feel secure in his private conversations, this 1957 performance by Andy Griffith is stunning.

I’d never seen it before and I’m now very troubled about his ability to change character so quickly and so completely.  Since I know that Andy Griffith was a liberal at heart, which character was closest to his true nature?

But more troubling is that it begs this question: Are all politicians so cunning?

Using Photobucket to Post Graphics at TBP

I have offered and been taken up on the offer to write a simple tutorial on how to post images with comments here at TBP.  Because you need an online photo hosting service to do that and Photobucket is free and easy, it is what I use.  Therefore, it is what I’m going to tell you how to use.

I don’t know if bandwidth/data usage is an issue with you because it has been a long time since I’ve been on a “normal” internet connection. However, before you start uploading a lot of photos from your computer, you probably need to know if your service has a data limit like mine does. Our service out here in the hills has unlimited downloads from 11 p.m. until 5 a.m., which is why I’m sitting here at 1 a.m. working with graphics on Photobucket.  I should be able to upload this in about ten minutes.

If there are problems, just ask questions in the comments and I’ll address your questions. If you want to know how to turn screen shots into images you can upload, I can tell you how to do that too, but I just wanted to post the bare essentials for someone who wants to put a picture of their pet goldfish on the blog for all to admire.

Continue reading “Using Photobucket to Post Graphics at TBP”

The View From Olympus: Learning Russians | traditionalRIGHT

The View From Olympus: Learning Russians

by William S. Lind


There is an old saying that Russia is never as strong as it appears to be, and Russia is never as weak as it appears to be. According to the lead story in the October 15 New York Times, “Russian Military Uses Syria as Proving Ground, and West Takes Notice,” the pendulum is swinging from focusing on Russia’s weakness to seeing her again as strong and threatening. Much of the latter is threat inflation, an old Pentagon practice during the Cold War. (After lecturing on military reform many years ago at the Air Force’s Squadron Officers’ School, an Air Force intel captain came up to me and asked, “Does military reform mean we can stop inflating the threat?”)

But it does seem the Russians have learned. The Times story notes that Russian jets in Syria are now conducting as many airstrikes in a day as the U.S. and its allies have been carrying out in a month. Sortie rate is an important measure of an air force’s effectiveness, and ours has long been abysmal, except for the A-10. The newer our equipment, the worse the picture, because each new aircraft we buy requires more maintenance hours per flight hour than the one it replaced.

Continue reading “The View From Olympus: Learning Russians | traditionalRIGHT”