

And TBP was posting their truth from the beginning. This hoax never gained any traction on TBP. I wrote P for Pandemic Part 1 & Part 2 in March 2020. I smelled a rat from the very beginning. And the rat was Fauci.

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You Joo Bashers Are On Thin Ice

You are surely aware of this as it made national news …. the FBI issued a dire warning a few days ago that there was a  broad threat to synagogues in New Jersey.  Today the NJ Shit Ledger has as it’s front page story that the FBI, once again, caught their man.  PTL!  Here is a direct quote by the FIB  regarding Da Despicable Dude Dat Did Da Dirty Deed (D*8);

“He expressed radical, extremist views and ideology, as well as an extreme amount of hate against the Jewish community.”

The article continues …

“While no specific target, timing or plan was mentioned, the nature of the post created enough concern that the FBI decided to put a general warning out of an abundance of caution.”

The article continues …

“We always worry, you know, and look for patterns, look for trends.”

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So do you go to a normal hair stylist to have that done or do you need to visit one of those specialty dog groomers that make poodles all fancy?



If your boots cover more of your body than the rest of your articles of clothing combined, you might wanna change into something a little more appropriate.


Continue reading “WAL-MART FREAKS OF THE WEEK”

Rates UP! – Fireworks! – Is MSM for Real? – Rishi’s Challenge – Markets not Working? – Your Budgets – Climate Scam – Letter from Great Britain [11-05-22]

“If I don’t know – I can’t act” – Knowledge of The Word is Spiritual Power

STOP PRESS: BoE hiked rates by 0.75% (to 3%) on Thursday, confronting the markets’ expectations, which are too high.  ZeroHedge: “The BoE is “sending a clear signal that the Bank Rate path expected by the markets ahead of the policy meeting is too high. The outcome contrasts sharply with the hawkish message from Fed’s Powell yesterday and could trigger a further drop of the GBP/USD rate-spread, adding to the headwinds for GBP/USD.”   This bodes not too well for both UK mortgages and inflation with the £/USD at £1.138 as at close of business yesterday.

As I predicted in Chapter 13 – the UK is already in recession, and it is predicted that GDP will fall for eight straight quarters until mid-2024.  I know TBTP will not acknowledge the ‘D’ word but this is where Britain is today IMHO – look out below! And it’s always worth noting what others say about us – here is South Africa; dailymaverick-uk-chancellor-jokes-about-britains-dismal-economic-situation  We have the foreign MSM reporting this – SAD!

AND let’s not forget the mortgage holders.  Here are some serious facts: “Karen Noye, mortgage expert at ‘Quilter’ explained: “Let’s assume that yesterday when the base rate was 2.25%, someone on their lender’s SVR was paying 4.25% interest on a £200,000 mortgage over 25 years then they would have been paying about £1,083 per month. Now the base rate has climbed to 3%, the SVR will also climb to a conservative estimate of 5%. That same mortgage at that interest rate would cost £1,169.” /hundreds-of-thousands-will-see-mortgage-interest-rates-of-up-to-8%

Continue reading “Rates UP! – Fireworks! – Is MSM for Real? – Rishi’s Challenge – Markets not Working? – Your Budgets – Climate Scam – Letter from Great Britain [11-05-22]”

Love Letter to Ireland! (and to ALL the Debt-Enslaved Nations of the World)

Guest Post by David Chu

Love Letter to Ireland! (and to ALL the Debt-Enslaved Nations of the World)

How often have the Irish started out to achieve something and every time they have been crushed politically and industrially. By consistent oppression, they have been artificially converted into an utterly impoverished nation.

~ Friedrich Engels, 1856

Look out, Ireland!

Financial debt-bergs, dead ahead!

The Irish “external debt to GDP” ratio is currently at 609%. In December 2010, it was well over 1,000% (1,091.5% to be precise). No other nation on Earth carries this much external debt to its GDP. The United States, the world champion of all debts for sure with an official national debt reaching almost $31 Trillion, only has 104% as its external debt to GDP.

What this means is that Ireland will be fleeced once again, meaning her people will be enslaved financially and economically . . . when interest rates rise. Interest rates are rising significantly and will rise dramatically. Ireland is the poster child of nations in debt slavery and what will happen to those who borrow way beyond their means.

Before we get into the nitty gritty of this unlucky Irish story, I want to state for the record that I am not an economist. Thank God! I am a mechanical engineer by profession and I understand numbers. Numbers don’t usually lie. Well, sometimes numbers can be manipulated. But most of the times, they also can tell the truth. We are going to take a 30,000 feet overview of this increasingly hot and very dangerous situation that is not adequately covered by the mainstream or the alternative media.

Continue reading “Love Letter to Ireland! (and to ALL the Debt-Enslaved Nations of the World)”

The One Chart That Explains Everything

Authored by Mike Whitney,

Look at the chart below. The chart explains everything.

It explains why Washington is so worried about China’s explosive growth. It explains why the US continues to hector China on the issues of Taiwan and the South China Sea. It explains why Washington sends congressional delegations to Taiwan in defiance of Beijing’s explicit requests. It explains why the Pentagon continues to send US warships through the Taiwan Strait and ship massive amounts of lethal weaponry to Taipei. It explains why Washington is creating anti-China coalitions in Asia that are aimed at encircling and provoking Beijing.

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Science lessons from self-appointed expert Chris Thompson

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I hadn’t heard of Chris Thompson either, but he claims to know something I don’t know about the sudden deaths. So I’m hoping he’ll set the record straight since he’s an expert on science.

I’ve never heard of Chris Thompson before today.

He apparently has few followers judging by this post where he proclaims with great certainty that “there is no reason to believe that the vaccine contributed to” the death of Shane Warne.

So I guess Chris must be an expert on the topic, but you wouldn’t know that by the number of likes (only 5).

But what got my attention is that he’s schooling Aseem Malhotra on what science is after Aseem retweeted the new VSRF video that everyone should watch, like, and forward:

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Believe It or Not!

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

I have a confession to make. I do not believe most of what I hear. That doesn’t at all mean I think it is false or untrue, I just don’t believe it is true—neither true, or untrue—neither fact or fiction.

Since all this Covid caca began I have adopted the phrase, “consider everything, believe nothing.” Which basically means I don’t commit to much of anything but I keep an open mind. This has worked pretty well for me, albeit a bit wishy-washy.

I don’t really start believing something unless I have seen some pretty compelling evidence in support of it, or someone I trust says or writes it, or there is so much science behind it, it would be impossible not to “believe.”

Also things that I have experienced directly I tend to believe, but even that can be dicey.

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No Alaskan King or Snow Crabs Will Be Harvested This Year

Via Mercola

alaskan king and snow crab population decline

Story at-a-glance

  • The snow crab population dropped from 8 billion to 1 billion between 2018 and 2021 and the mature female population of king crab is also down. This has triggered great concern as Alaska produces 60% of the nation’s seafood and has supported a lucrative industry, which is now in danger of collapse
  • Crabs are cold-adapted species that require cold water to survive. However, Alaska is warming faster than any other area on Earth, losing billions of tons of ice each year and causing degradation of the permafrost on which Fairbanks, Alaska, is built
  • Scientists are using large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s climate, known as geoengineering, to alter the effects of global warming and the United Nations is considering a controversial form that comes with potentially disastrous effects
  • The risks of geoengineering on a large scale are immense, including being used as a weapon to advance wealthy societies at the expense of poor countries by artificially cooling some areas and triggering dangerous droughts, severe weather and heat in others so food can no longer be grown

A report released in August 20211 by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that heat waves, hurricanes and other extreme weather conditions will likely worsen as global warming continues to spiral out of control.

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What Is Left of My Country?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I write often of the West’s disapproval of itself and its remaking in a Woke image that rejects Western civilization and  insists on the deracination of the white ethnicities that created the civilization.  When a civilization loses its belief in itself, or that belief is intentionally destroyed by poisonous ideas, and its defining values are lost, the civilization  disappears.  Geographically the land still exists, and there are people on it, but they are a different people.

Continue reading “What Is Left of My Country?”