AOC Survives Omicron Despite 99.9% Survival Rate

Via Armstrong Economics

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) contracted COVID while partying during her Florida vacation and enjoying the freedoms she denies to her own supporters. I have been waiting for her to comment on her ailment as she would undoubtedly say something stupid, and of course, she did not fail to disappoint.

The seemingly physically healthy 32-year-old who has been vaccinated three times miraculously survived omicron despite the 99.9% survival rate. The drama queen of politics posted three images of herself online pretending to recover at home. Her lingering symptoms seem to be a closer infatuation with communism with a nod to the coming push for N95 masks.

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Via Blue State Conservative

AOC’s Florida Trip Exposes Endless Hypocrisies

At the risk of venting my (until now, unbeknownst) pent-up sexual energies and yearnings for Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and against my own wishes to react to such a flat-out dumb human being, her recent vacation to Florida highlights several glaring hypocrisies of both her specifically and the political left in general. Like it or not, exposing her as a fraud continues to be is the only way to lessen her outsized and undeserved influence.

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Occasio Cortez hires Blackwater security after attempting to defund the police

Submitted by Georges S

In an interesting turn of event our dear OAC the virtuous “Defund the Police” queen, hires an ex Blackwater security. employee for personal security.,height=411,fit=cover,f=auto/

Via Equity News Report

AOC has spent thousands on security, including $4k-plus to ex-Blackwater contractor

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paid thousands for personal security to a former Blackwater contractor, a review of Federal Election Commission records shows.

AOC’s campaign spent at least $4,636 at Tullis Worldwide Protection for “security services” between January and June of this year, according to the filings.

The Franconia, Virginia-based company is owned by Devin Tullis, whose other clients include the royal families of both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, according to his website.

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