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Video of the Day – John McAfee Proclaims “An Apple Backdoor is the End of America”

Guest Post by Michael Krieger 

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When it comes to Apple vs. the FBI, you can listen to Donald Trump, or you can listen to someone who knows what he’s talking about. If you’d like to do the latter, take a watch.

As I wrote in a lengthy piece published Friday, this showdown is not theater. The U.S. government has been waiting for a terror incident to set a precedent to destroy all privacy and security efforts underway in America. This is a big part of that effort.

For prior posts on the FBI vs. Apple, see:

As the Apple vs. FBI Debate Rages, Congress Plots to Mandate Encryption Backdoors

Trump Sides with the FBI Against Apple; On Torture Proclaims “Water Boarding Is Fine but Not Tough Enough”

Apple Vows to Defend Its Customers as the FBI Launches a War on Privacy and Security

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

Did Tim Cook Lie To Save Apple Stock: The “Channel Checks” Paint A Very Gloomy Picture

Tyler Durden's picture

Back in February 2013, Thorsten Heins, then-CEO of what was once the iconic “smartphone” brand Blackberry, publicly lied that its Hail Mary iPhone competitor, the Z10, had “record” early sales. He told CNET, that “BlackBerry nearly tripled the sales of its best performance over the first week in the U.K., while it had its best first day ever in Canada. In fact, it was more than 50 percent better than any other launch day in our history in Canada.”

Less than one year later, and less than two years after he was hired, the ruse was up – Blackberry’s US market share has fallen from 50% to 3% in four years – and Thorsten was fired.

Fast forward to Monday morning, when the S&P500 had just hit its first limit down in history, stocks were crashing, countless ETFs were crashing more as ETF pricing models were corrupt and broken, the QQQs were plummeting, and none other than AAPL was set to open at a price of $92 wiping out tens of billions of market cap overnight.

It is then that AAPL CEO Tim Cook may have pulled a page straight out of Thorsten Heins’ playbook when did something nobody expected him to do – he panicked, and emailed CNBC anchor Jim Cramer to do what the AAPL CEO himself admitted the company does not do by providing mid-quarter updates, and assure the CNBC anchor that there is no need to sell AAPL stock.

Continue reading “Did Tim Cook Lie To Save Apple Stock: The “Channel Checks” Paint A Very Gloomy Picture”

Are Tech Giants’ New Buildings Signs Of The Top?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

If pouring billions of dollars into outrageous “look at me” buildings isn’t tempting the gods, what is it?

When banks build new gleaming headquarters, that generally marks the top of the bank’s fortunes. There appears to be some sort of hubris in constructing a monumental new headquarters that shouts “we’re rich beyond all conception” that angers the stock market gods.

For this reason, we should ponder the glamorous new headquarters Facebook just completed and Apple’s “spaceship” campus that is under construction. Google’s plans for an ultra-modernist headquarters were recently tabled by the city of Mountain View, but the grandiose plans themselves may count as hubris to the stock market gods.

Here is an interior view of Facebook’s new digs: note that it’s literally dripping with arty decor:

Here is Facebook’s stock chart:

Here is a drone-cam view of Apple’s spaceship campus under construction:

Continue reading “Are Tech Giants’ New Buildings Signs Of The Top?”


“It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of the problem. Why do you think Apple and Google are doing this? It’s because the public is demanding it. People like me: privacy advocates. A public does not want an out-of-control surveillance state. It is the public that is asking for this. Apple and Google didn’t do this because they thought they would make less money. This is a private sector response to government overreach.

Then you make another statement that somehow these companies are not credible because they collect private data. Here’s the difference: Apple and Google don’t have coercive power. District attorneys do, the FBI does, the NSA does, and to me it’s very simple to draw a privacy balance when it comes to law enforcement and privacy: just follow the damn Constitution.

And because the NSA didn’t do that and other law enforcement agencies didn’t do that, you’re seeing a vast public reaction to this. Because the NSA, your colleagues, have essentially violated the Fourth Amendment rights of every American citizen for years by seizing all of our phone records, by collecting our Internet traffic, that is now spilling over to other aspects of law enforcement. And if you want to get this fixed, I suggest you write to NSA: the FBI should tell the NSA, stop violating our rights. And then maybe you might have much more of the public on the side of supporting what law enforcement is asking for.

Then let me just conclude by saying I do agree with law enforcement that we live in a dangerous world. And that’s why our founders put in the Constitution of the United States—that’s why they put in the Fourth Amendment. Because they understand that an Orwellian overreaching federal government is one of the most dangerous things that this world can have. I yield back.”

Rep. Ted Lieu


iMorons unite and buy an idiotic watch for $500 that has to be recharged every 3 hours and does the exact same things as your iPhone. The idiocy of the iGadget addicted iBoobs is immense. Here’s my new Apple Watch that I bought for 99 cents a pound:

Here’s some more creative less expensive options:



So this is what the 92 million people who have “voluntarily” left the labor force have been doing. They’ve been waiting in line for the new iPhone 6. Of course this is a rational thing for an iMoron to do. They couldn’t possibly go online and have the phone delivered to their house in the next two days. They couldn’t saunter into Wal-Mart or any of the other millions of retail outlets that will have these Chinese made, NSA approved, surveillance gadgets, in the next week and whip out that credit card or lease it with nothing down. iMorons must unite. They must broadcast to the world their utter stupidity, materialism, and lack of jobs. The shallowness, vapidity, and utter foolishness of the vast swath of America is breathtaking to behold in all its iGlory. So it goes.

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Apple Doesn’t Take Customer Security Seriously – 5 Irresponsible and Shocking Lapses

Screen Shot 2014-09-03 at 2.35.22 PMI’m the furthest thing in the world from a technology or security expert, but what I have learned in recent years is that a dedicated, sophisticated and well funded hacker can pretty much own your data no matter how many precautions you take. Nevertheless, the major technology companies on the planet shouldn’t go out of their way to make this as easy as possible.

In the wake of the theft of private images from several prominent celebrities, many people are rightly wondering whether how vulnerable their data is. The answer appears to be “very,” and if you use Apple, the following article from Slate may leave you seething with a sense of anger and betrayal.

David Auerbach wrote the following for Slate. Read it and weep:

In the wake of the theft of the private data and photos of dozens of celebrities, there is at least one major culprit. Not the alleged leakers, though obviously they’re to blame, but the company that has most prominently overstated its security in the first place: Apple.  

What is clear is that Apple has had a known security vulnerability in its iCloud service for months and has been careless about protecting its users. Apple patched this vulnerability shortly after the leak, so even if we’re not sure of exactly how the photos got hacked, evidently Apple thinks it might have had something to do with it. Whether or not this particular vulnerability was used to gather some of the photos—Apple is not commenting, as usual, but the ubiquity and popularity of Apple’s products certainly point to the iCloud of being a likely source—its existence is reason enough for users to be deeply upset at their beloved company for not taking security seriously enough. Here are five reasons why you should not trust Apple with your nude photos or, really, with any of your data.

1. The vulnerability is Security 101 stuff.

Up until Monday, Apple had a significant and known brute-force vulnerability in its Find My iPhone servicewhere you type in your Apple ID and password on your computer in order to locate your iPhone on a map. Most services that use passwords, from Facebook to Google to banks, will lock your account or at least throttle logon attempts after a certain number of failed access tries to prevent a person who is not you from making endless guesses at common passwords. Apple itself will do this in most places—but not through its Find My iPhone service, where hackers are allowed unlimited attempts at guessing passwords. You can endlessly try password after password as quick as you like. Once a correct Apple ID password is confirmed through Find My iPhone, a hacker then has access to your iCloud account.  

2. The vulnerability was publicly known since May.

A Russian security group called HackApp released iBrute, a proof-of-concept tool to exploit this vulnerability, on Aug. 30. But don’t blame them, because the celebrity hacking probably took place quite a while before that. The Register publicized the lack of any sort of limit on iCloud logon attempts in May, and Apple did nothing about it, giving hackers plenty of time to bash away at accounts. Even after iBrute was publicly released, Apple didn’t patch the vulnerability until Sept. 1 and did nothing to secure accounts in the meantime.

3. Apple defaults users into the cloud.

Clouds are wispy and ephemeral, the very opposite of secure, so why would you want to store anything in them? No one particularly does: Cloud storage has been forced on users because it suits tech companies, not because it’s what’s best for consumers. But Apple makes it very hard not to store photos in its cloud, nude or otherwise. Camera Roll automatically backs up photos (all photos) to the cloud by default, and Apple makes it difficult for average users to change the default. It’s worked. And it’s too bad, because whatever you store on the cloud has far less legal and security protection than what’s on your own computer. Even deleting photos from your phone doesn’t delete them from the cloud, as security expert Nik Cubrilovic pointed out on Twitter. (The American Civil Liberties Union’s Christopher Soghoian has wisely suggested a “private photo” feature that doesn’t upload certain photos to the cloud.)* Defaulting to the cloud is like checking baggage on an airline: People might look through your stuff, and even steal it. And like the airlines, Apple’s liability is strictly limited by the extremely generous (to Apple) agreement you sign when you purchase any of its products.

4. Apple does not encourage two-factor authentication.

Two-factor authentication, in which physical possession of a particular device (like a phone) is necessary to log in to an account, is one of the most common and effective supplements to the problematic security of regular passwords. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, and many other services offer two-factor, though rarely by default. Still, as the Daily Dot writes, “For reasons that defy all logic, Apple makes it extraordinarily difficult to enable two-step verification,” making users wait three days just to turn it on. (In other words, if you had found out about the vulnerability on Aug. 30, you couldn’t have protected yourself until Sept. 2.) Apple barely publicizes its two-factor authentication and has not encouraged users to adopt it. Apple controls the default user experience for its products, and it has the responsibility for that default to be reasonably secure—which it currently is not.

5. Two-factor authentication wouldn’t have worked anyway.

Even if you were a celebrity who had enabled two-factor authentication, it wouldn’t have helped in this case because Apple doesn’t enforce two-factor authentication for iCloud logons even if you have it turned on, as was reported by Ars Technica all the way back in May of 2013Apple primarily uses two-factor to prevent credit card purchases, not to protect the privacy of your data.

At this point, I want to highlight two previously published articles:

Apple’s Massive Security Flaw: NSA Exploit or an Honest Mistake?

Apple Directors Overrule and Reject Shareholder Proposal to Protect User Privacy

But sure, go ahead and camp out for 19 days for that iPhone 6.

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Have no fear. Even if Apple did protect your data, NSA employees will still pass around your nude pics with reckless abandon. Let’s not forget what Snowden said in a July interview:

“You’ve got young enlisted guys, 18 to 22 years old,” Snowden said. “They’ve suddenly been thrust into a position of extraordinary responsibility where they now have access to all of your private records. In the course of their daily work they stumble across something that is completely unrelated to their work in any sort of necessary sense. For example, an intimate nude photo of someone in a sexually compromising position. But they’re extremely attractive.

“So what do they do? They turn around in their chair and show their co-worker. The co-worker says: ‘Hey that’s great. Send that to Bill down the way.’ And then Bill sends it to George and George sends it to Tom. And sooner or later this person’s whole life has been seen by all of these other people. It’s never reported. Nobody ever knows about it because the auditing of these systems is incredibly weak. The fact that your private images, records of your private lives, records of your intimate moments have been taken from your private communications stream from the intended recipient and given to the government without any specific authorization without any specific need is itself a violation of your rights. Why is that in a government database?”

“It’s routine enough, depending on the company that you keep, it could be more or less frequent. These are seen as the fringe benefits of surveillance positions.”

Because terrorism…

Full Slate article here.

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger


I’m sure our beloved government and their cooperative mega-corporations have your best interest at heart in this matter. We all know that cell phone theft is a scourge on society and must be addressed before the thousands of other crimes being committed in our Orwellian state. Virtually every adult in America owns a cell phone. At least they thought they owned it. We already know the NSA knows everything you say, text, or send on your cell phone. The outrage from the sheeple has been deafeningly non-existent. The sheep trust their keepers as they are herded towards the slaughterhouse.

Now our keepers have quietly developed a scheme with their capitalist cronies at Apple, Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Verizon and the rest of the cell phone oligarchy to kill your cell phone when the shit hits the fan. Everything they do is in the name of safety – spy drones flying overhead, militarization of local police forces, mass surveillance of all electronic communications, trying to revoke the 2nd amendment, and pretending the 4th amendment doesn’t exist.

This kill switch is not to protect you. It is to control you. It puts the government in control of your communications. They know the shit is going to hit the fan in the next few years. They desperately wanted to pass SOPA to control the internet, but have failed thus far. They want to be able to shut down all electronic communication by those they consider enemies of the state who oppose their Orwellian tactics and control. 

Know your enemy.  

‘Kill Switch’ Included on All Cell Phones Made in U.S. by 2015

Melissa Melton
The Daily Sheeple
April 16th, 2014

According to a program launched yesterday by CTIA-The Wireless Association®, an international nonprofit that has represented the wireless communication industry since 1984, all phones manufactured in the U.S. after July 2015 will be required to contain a “kill switch” system that can remotely disable and wipe any cell phone’s data.

Although the “Smartphone Anti-Theft Voluntary Commitment” is a voluntary program, apparently all the major players have already happily jumped on board: “Apple, Google, Samsung and Microsoft, along with the five biggest cellular carriers in the United States, are among those that have signed on to a voluntary program announced Tuesday by the industry’s largest trade group,” reported CNN.

And the supposed reasoning — anti-theft — sounds super phony, but just like everything else, it’s all for you and your safety of course:

Advocates say the feature would deter thieves from taking mobile devices by rendering phones useless while allowing people to protect personal information if their phone is lost or stolen. Its proponents include law enforcement officials concerned about the rising problem of smartphone theft. (source)

Yeah, because law enforcement really cares about whether or not your smartphone is stolen…unless it’s law enforcement stealing your phone from you in the first place because you’ve used the camera on it to protect yourself from police state activity by taking incriminating photos and videos of said law enforcement.

Well, now they won’t even have to physically take your phone from you, because apparently with just the push of a button, the phone can be remotely wiped clean of all data.

(On an aside, someone tried to break into my house and it took a whole day for the cops to even bother to show up…like they really give half a crap about whether or not your phone is stolen.)

As with every other trendy new technology advertised as making consumer’s lives just Jetsons-level awesome, there’s an obvious flipside that can be used (abused) for quite the opposite.

By the way, the 2014 CTIA Board of Directors and Officers include the higher ups (Presidents, CEOs and VPs, etc.) from many major communications companies including Ericsson, Verizon Wireless, Blackberry, AT&T, Sprint, Qualcomm, LG Electronics, Samsung, T-Mobile, Motorola, U.S. Cellular, Nokia and Apple.

So it should be no surprise whatsoever that Nokia, Motorola, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint and U.S. Cellular have all signed on to the kill switch program.

And remember, many of these companies are the same ones that voluntarily joined the NSA Prism program, allowing the government to track all your online communications and populate the government’s databases with your skimmed data.

In this day and age of dwindling privacy ala 1984, you would think there would be a major market for a privacy-respecting telecom, but it takes a lot of money to set up the infrastructure for that kind of thing, and it’s no secret that the U.S. intelligence community via sources like In-Q-Tel (the CIA.’s official venture capital firm) are the real backers incubating all the new technology these days:

Founded in 1999 as a way for the U.S. to keep up with the rapid innovation in science and technology, In-Q-Tel has been an early backer of start-ups later acquired by Google, Oracle, IBM and Lockheed Martin.

“If you want to keep up with Silicon Valley, you need to become part of Silicon Valley. The best way to do that is have a budget because when you have a checkbook, everyone comes to you,” said Jim Rickards, an adviser to the U.S. intelligence community who is familiar with the activities of Arlington, Va.-based IQT.

Given the increasing importance of cyber security and big data, it is a safe bet that the U.S. intelligence community will continue to lean on private-sector development in its behind-the-scenes fight against terrorism and other geopolitical threats. (source)

But as we all know, it was the U.S. military that invented the Internet in the first place, after all.

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Melissa Melton of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Melton is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media. Wake the flock up!

– See more at:


I feel like Dirty Harry the way I’ve been gunning down stinking retailers today. And now I’ve got Ron Johnson, the worst retail CEO in history, laying on the ground with my 44 Magnum pointed at his fat ego inflated head. And I’m itching to pull the trigger.

Ron Johnson has been the CEO of JC Penney since November 2011. In the space of 14 months this douchebag has single-handedly destroyed a retailer that has been around for over 100 years. His stunning incompetence is breathtaking to behold. I worked for a horrible retail CEO at IKEA named Pernille Lopez. She was as dumb as a sack of hammers, but she was unable to destroy IKEA. Johnson arrived at JC Penney with his Apple Ego and $400 million fortune and proceeded to prove that a retard could have done a better job by throwing darts at a list of ideas to improve the company.

It is almost incomprehensible what he has been able to accomplish in one year on the job. Here is a link to their results.

Here is the verdict:

  • In a virtually impossible feat, this guy was able to REDUCE JC Penney sales by $4.3 BILLION in one fucking year. I swear to God a retarded shit eating monkey couldn’t accomplish that feat. This is a stunning 25% reduction in sales. And it actually got worse in the 4th quarter, with a 28% decline. The 28% decline INCLUDED an extra week of sales versus the prior year.
  • Comparable store sales in the 4th quarter were down 31.7%.
  • He managed to LOSE $552 million in one quarter and $985 million for the year. The year before he arrived they lost $152 million.
  • He managed to lose $600 million of cash in one year. He only has $930 million left.
  • While Macys online sales went up 47%, JC Penny online sales plunged by 33%. This guy can’t get bricks and mortar or online right. He’s a jack-off of all trades.
  • Gross margins are plunging and inventory has dropped by $550 million.
  • Interestingly, their merchandise payables are up 10%. Someone is a little slow paying their bills. When suppliers start to get worried, it will be all over Ron Johnson.
  • This is a company that was using its “spare” cash to buyback stock when it was $50 a share. Today it is trading at $18 a share. Target and Home Depot are using this same strategy today.

Ron Johnson is a disgrace. JC Penney is a public company and its Board of Directors are a disgrace. This asshole should be fired immediately. They are paying this motherfucker millions to drive this company into the ground. It seems his free kids haircuts on Sundays didn’t turn things around. To show you what a fucking ego he has, he didn’t even move to Plano Tx when he took the job. He still lives in San Francisco and commutes several times a week in a corporate jet.

After concluding the worst year ever by a retailer of this size, here is what this rocket scientist had to say:

“We have accomplished so much in the last twelve months.  We believe the bold actions taken in 2012 will materially improve the Company`s long-term growth and profitability.”  

Delusional doesn’t come close to describing this asshole. The hubris of making a statement like that is appalling. He should be on his fucking knees apologizing to the employees and few remaining customers for the atrocious management and dreadful decisions he has made. But you will hear none of that. He doesn’t give a fuck about the thousands of employees who will lose their jobs when this disaster sinks to the bottom of the retail graveyard. He is responsible for 159,000 employees. Most or all will lose their jobs.  This fucker will get a $10 million severance package and fly off to his gated estate in Silicon Valley. I love watching the Wall Street dickheads who have continually come out with positive reports on this dog of a company be proven to be shills and shysters.

You can checkout my previous thoughts about Mr. Johnson here:

May 2012 –

August 2012 –

September 2012 –

November 2012 –

December 2012 –

I’ve decided that my new theme song is from my boys the Black Keys. My predictions make me a Lonely Boy but when I’m right, I gots to dance.


Just when you think Americans can’t act like bigger dumbasses, they top themselves. Not only do these non-thinking dregs believe that Iran is a threat to the United States, but they are willing to wait hours and in some cases days to be the first to get a new iPad. As if they won’t be available tomorrow or next week or for the rest of their freaking lives. How meaningless and pathetic must their lives be that they will worship at the altar of Apple for a lousy touch screen gadget. Such a vast swath of humanity has become so degraded, ignorant, and driven by nothing other than an insatiable appetite for material possessions, that only a collapse of the current economic system will bring people back to their senses. Or they will riot, loot, burn shit and kill each other. It will be a fitting conclusion when these zombies are killing each other with their igadgets.



Apple iPad Ocho

iGotaBigAssPocket Concept

Apple iPad Advertising: 35% Superlative Garbage

iPad Future

iPad With Wings

iPad Tampon

The New iPad


Petty Despots, Financial “Authorities” and FRAUD

Some very interesting developments have occurred in the world of Petty Despots, namely Laurent Ghabo of the Ivory Coast and “Baby Doc” Duvalier of Haiti.  Larry appears to be defaulting on some loans and has had all his Assets frozen by “Authorities” in Switzerland, while Baby Doc returned to Haiti and then was promptly arrested and then mysteriously released.  This is all some very confusing stuff to try to get a handle on.

Now, Ghabo appears to have a few tons of possessible Gold keeping him nominally Rich for the moment despite the fact his other financial assets are frozen.  However, it is unclear where Ghabo might go with his pile of Gold where they will allow him to keep it.  One suspects wherever he goes, the “authorities” in Switzerland will send a Repo Squad to wherever he turns up and divest him of it in order to pay off some of his outstanding debts.  One also suspect whatever country he goes to will cooperate with the Swiss “authorities”, since if they don’t their own financial assets might get frozen also for aiding and abetting a Financial Criminal, as defined by of course, the Swiss “Authorities”.

One of my favorite financial Bloggers, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard often uses the term “Authorities” when talking about the folks in Brussels who run the EMU, World Bank and IMF offices situated there.  What I would like to know is why they have “authority” over anything?  Have these folks been voted into their offices of authority by anybody anywhere?  Why do they get to decide whose assets get Frozen?

At the same time Ghabo is doing a disappearing act from Ivory Coast, Baby Doc Duvalier reappears in Haiti a quarter century after being deposed.  Does anyone here suppose Baby Doc did this willingly?  He is returning there to Save Haiti all of a sudden?  There is a popular uprising among the Quake Vicitms longing for the good old days when a Duvalier was in charge of torturing people?  What?

Here is my WAG on Baby Doc.  He’s been living “peacefully” in France for the last 25 years, doubtless on tons of Haitian Assets he absconded with, but with all the shit going on in Haiti now, said assets aren’t paying off anymore, and Creditor “Authorities” in Switzerland informed him that if he didn’t get his ass back to Haiti and take control of them he would have whatever assets he stole Frozen.  His Job is to get those assets paying off again, which he promises to do with the help of a squad of Halliburton Mercs and perhaps some local Gangstas he might have some family connections to. 

Ghabo is in a disputed election with some other despot named Ouattara, who apparently is the Most Favored Puppet by the UN Globalists, who are holding some $3B in IMF “aid’ hostage until Ghabo officially steps down.  Ouattara clearly has cut  deal with the IMF letting them know he is the BEST Puppet, and will make sure to give them all the cheap cocoa they want to sell at as high a price as they want on the international markets.

To an extent, this is all BAU down in the banana republics, except for the fact that for the most part the system has been in a status quo holding mode for the last 25 years, but now all of a sudden Dictators are changing faster than LLPOH swallows Smokey’s throat yogurt.

This effect isn’t limited to African and Latin American Banana Republics, the Irish are about to depose Brian Cowen, and Belgium which is home to Brussels hasn’t had a functioning Goobermint in close to a year now.  Nevertheless, there are “Authorities” in Brussels who will tell whatever Goobermint does take over in Ireland exactly how they should tax their population and spend their money.

Here in the FSofA, we did a Diaper Change of Congress this last election cycle, and in the next one will likely pick a new Puppet to replace Obama, who also will take his orders from “Authorities” on Wall Street, who themselves are of course taking their marching orders from “Authorities” at the BIS in Switzerland, though of course this still goes on behind the curtain.  As the FSofA progreesively morphs into Banana Republic status, its only a matter of time before the Swiss “Authorities” at the BIS attempt to take over explicit control by issuing out some new One World Currency, and doling out just as much of it as they think our “assets” are worth here.

Now, in order to keep the Gravy Train going here at the BIS, they gotta have some Protection Racket to “restore order” in all these places, which for the Banana Republics comes in the form of UN “Peacekeepers”.  How many UN Peacekeepers are there anyhow?  Who is funding all these Peacekeepers?  Its not the boys in Brussels or Zurich, but they are calling the shots as far as where the Peacekeepers get deployed here, until they run out of Peacekeepers.

Long as these disturbances are in Banana Republics, Authorities in Brussels and Zurich can get enough Mercs from the countries that they do control to go in and bust some heads and kneecap debtors as necessary.  However, once these problems work their way inward to the major countries, its going to become a whole lot harder to round up enough Mercs to do a decent job of controlling these populations.  My guess would be that once Spain and/or Italy start to fail as performing assets that the UN Peacekeeping Force will be out of its League.

Meanwhile, as far as the individual Politicians and Banksters go who like Ghabo and Duvalier used their control over the economic wealth of their countries to build personal fortunes, as varying members of our political and bankster class lose control over performing assets, they will also find their personal stolen hoards Frozen by Authorities at the BIS.  Try to flee to parts unknown with a Pile of Gold will be about impossible except for the most inner circle.

The Political Turmoil amongst the Petty Despots and Puppets is a sign of the Pigman v Pigman battle in progress.  The small time operators are now getting flushed out and what wealth they stole is getting repoed by bigger thieves.  As time goes by, bigger ones still will be thrown under the Bus.  In the process, still more Political control will be lost, and just as we have failed states in places like Somalia and pretty much Mexico, eventually even the largest Nation States will become failed states.

Another form of the Petty Despot are the Hedge Fund Managers.  Like Puppet Dictators, these folks control a variety of assets, just they are diversified Globally rather than being contained in a single country.  In order to Perform and get big returns on their investments, these guys have to lever up to beat the band these days, and eventually the risky assets they hold are not going to be backstopped by Da Fed and there will be margin calls.  State Bonds, Munis, SOMETHING here is not going to get backstopped at some point.  Da Fed may get a Management Change here as Helicopter Ben is Deposed in favor of John Taylor, who might be this generation’s Andrew Mellon.  Liquidate Stocks, Liquidate Real Estate, Liquidate Liquidate Liquidate!  LOL.  All indicators are that the Illuminati are using the SAME Playbook here, and after a massive attempt at inflation they will rapidly deflate the money supply and force liquidation across the board.  Creative Destruction will take on a whole new meaning in that crash. lol.

Anyhow, we appear to be entering the beginning part of this end game.  There is a LOT of Musical Chairs being played up at the top of some of the Big Name tech companies all at the same time.  Steve Jobs taking a”leave of absence” for “health” reasons,  Google CEO swapping seats, and practically the entire board of Hewlett Packard is being replaced. Warren Buffett also stepped off the board at  That ALL of these changes are happening at the same time is unlikely to be a Coinkidink.

I have a real good Tinfoil Theory to pitch out here as I ponder on all of this stuff.  We know for a FACT that the entire RE market has been one big FRAUD for the last decade, right?  Is it beyond the realm of possibility that Google is one big FRAUD also, and has been cooking their books since the Dot Com Bubble collapsed?  Personally, I have never really bought their revenue model for monetizing the search engine.  I could easily see some Bankster creating an SIV specifically for the purpose of buying Ads on Google to inflate their income, with said SIV funded by some kind of Junk Bonds.  All these bonds are basically worthless, there are no real companies behind some of the Ads or they are shell companies over in China, whatever.  Accounting standards have been so lax over the last decade ANYTHING is possible here.

Similarly, are Apple’s sales numbers of I-phones and I-pads really accurate?  Yes I do see quite a few more people using these toys so probably most of the sales numbers are legit, but really if they have say a 10% shortfall in the numbers they would have to sell on the balance sheet to be showing a Profit, it wouldn’t be too hard to create an SIV in say Singapore and have that fund buy up a warehouse full of I-phones and put them on ice.  Da Goobermint of China is doing this with the Cars they are producing, they buy them and then stick them in parking lots.

Remember folks, we have been in a Mania period here for a full decade, and based on the Fraud that occurred in the RE market, why would similar frauds not be undertaken in the Tech market for Toys?  For the Bankster originating the loans necessary for some Warehouse owner in Singapore to fill up his warehouse with Iphones the take home profit would be enormous.  All he has to do is convince some investors/suckers that his Distributor in Singapore is going to bring home big profits by buying up these Iphones and selling them over in Asia.  He pockets a tidy profit once he sells the securities, and the warehouse owner pockets money each time he sells a few Iphones, but most of the Iphones just sit in the warehouse.  It takes a while, but eventually the Investors are left holding the bag on a warehouse full of Iphones that they can’t sell except for pennies on the dollar.

Think about the possibilities here folks!  Imagine if Google is just one big Enron style Financial Fraud of  GARGANTUAN proportions!  If/WHEN one of these FRAUDS does exist and finally sees the light of day, there is absolutely NOTHING that could stop a massive liquidation attempt in stocks and bonds across the board.  Katy Bar the Door!  Defrauded Investors would lose EVERYTHING.  Hedge Fund Managers jumping from Wall Street Skyscrapers, the WORKS!

This is NOT a Prediction!  Its just a Tin Foil Theory fueled by a few Sam Adams.  However, if it happens to be correct, you can say you heard it here first off the keyboard of Reverse Engineer. 🙂