Just when you think Americans can’t act like bigger dumbasses, they top themselves. Not only do these non-thinking dregs believe that Iran is a threat to the United States, but they are willing to wait hours and in some cases days to be the first to get a new iPad. As if they won’t be available tomorrow or next week or for the rest of their freaking lives. How meaningless and pathetic must their lives be that they will worship at the altar of Apple for a lousy touch screen gadget. Such a vast swath of humanity has become so degraded, ignorant, and driven by nothing other than an insatiable appetite for material possessions, that only a collapse of the current economic system will bring people back to their senses. Or they will riot, loot, burn shit and kill each other. It will be a fitting conclusion when these zombies are killing each other with their igadgets.



Apple iPad Ocho

iGotaBigAssPocket Concept

Apple iPad Advertising: 35% Superlative Garbage

iPad Future

iPad With Wings

iPad Tampon

The New iPad