The British Government Has Flushed Honor

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

As Putin says, the British government is nothing but an American lackey

Findings of Torture: The UN Rapporteur and Julian Assange

The British are now ruled by their former colonial lackeys. An Indian who is the British Home Secretary has ruled, as he was ordered to do, the extradition of a foreign national who is not a citizen of the country extraditing him or a citizen of the country requesting his extradition. India, long an English colony, has some idea of British justice, but Priti Patel does not sufficiently appreciate the essence of British justice to be able to defend it. One can say that neither did the judges on the British courts who approved the extradition of Julian Assange to the US where Washington wants him for revenge. Britain, it seems, is no longer British, and America is no longer American.

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Assange’s Extradition Is Another Building Block of The Controlled Demolition

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Corrupt US & British governments, greatly aided and abetted by Western presstitutes, have destroyed the First Amendment protection of journalism.  Julian Assange’s extradition to the US to stand trial for espionage signals the termination of a free press as a method of holding government accountable.  Henceforth, any journalist who publishes a leaked story unfavorable to the government can be prosecuted as a spy.

During the Vietnam War the US government tried this on Daniel Ellsberg and the New York Times, but could not get away with it.  But times have changed.  Today’s Ellsberg–Julian Assange–and today’s New York Times–Wikileaks–are demonized as spies serving foreign intelligence.

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I don’t want to hear any more about the “Free World.” There’s not one.

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The corrupt UK High Court is nothing but an extension of the corrupt US Department of Justice (sic) and has done its duty to serve as Washington’s agent.

The charges against Julian Assange make no sense. Assange is not an American citizen, but the charges against him assume that he is a US citizen in the pay of a foreign government. He is charged with spying on the US. Other countries spy on us, as does our own government and commercial firms, just as the US spies on other countries and commercial firms, but no one is arrested for doing so unless it is a citizen of the country spying in the pay of a foreign government. There is no evidence whatsoever that Assange was doing that.

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UK Judge Rules Julian Assange Can’t Be Extradited To US

Via ZeroHedge

In a historic ruling that some say could help protect press freedoms in the US, a British judge has ruled that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange can’t be extradited to the US.

The New York Times described the ruling as “…a major victory against the U.S. authorities who have accused him of conspiring to hack government computers and violating the Espionage Act with the release of confidential communications in 2010 and 2011.”

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