Guest Post by John Helmer

The sudden change of US warfighting plans in defence of Israel, disclosed on Saturday by General Lloyd Austin, the US Defense Secretary, reveals the trap which Russia, China, and Iran have opened, and the desperate measures the US has taken as it falls in.

Austin announced  that he has “redirected the movement of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to the Central Command area of responsibility. This carrier strike group is in addition to the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, which is currently operating in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. It will further increase our force posture and strengthen our capabilities and ability to respond to a range of contingencies.”


CNN Poll Says 66% Of Americans Believe Another Joe Biden Term Will ‘Lead To Disaster’

Via ZeroHedge

Following an Associated Press/NORC poll in April which indicated that only 26% of Democrats want Joe Biden to run for a second term as president, a recent CNN poll conducted by SSRS now shows that 66% of all Americans (not just Republicans) believe that another four years of Biden could lead to ‘disaster.’  Even CNN can’t dismiss the “horrible news” any longer.

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Biden’s Presidency Summarized In One Tweet

Via ZeroHedge

With markets cratering thanks to a flood of terrible economic data – which is anything but ‘transitory’ – this tweet by Ross Hendricks sums things up nicely:

But but…

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President Biden calculates his first anniversary in Dog Years

Via Sovereign Man


A few days ago, the White House held its biggest rally to date to celebrate President Biden’s first year in office; the guest list included a Who’s Who of absolutely nobody, with officials estimating attendance in the tens of people.

When asked about the rally’s attendance figures, Press Secretary Jen Psaki commented, “We really blew the doors off of this one, we’re easily at double the number of supporters from last year’s inauguration.”

White House aides had to react quickly upon realizing that none of the invited dignitaries had shown up to participate in the event.

But they managed to bus in an local elementary school girls’ choir just in time; the girls took a knee as they hummed “Hail to the Chief” while Mr. Biden was helped onto the stage.

The President, who currently identifies as Elected, took a moment to sniff all the children’s hair before removing his three face masks and starting his remarks.

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WRONG, JOE: You Are A Bigger Threat To Democracy Than January 6th

Via The Blue State Conservative

I did not tune in for a nanosecond to the predictably boring, empty, wrong, and hyperventilating media coverage of the first anniversary of January 6th.  For one, I have an actual job and a family. That darn real life gets in the way again. For another, I could have written every article and broadcast speech because we all know the talking points. Trump is bad, Trump is dangerous, Trump supporters are dangerous, and everything related to Trump is a threat to democracy. Did I miss anything?

Oh yeah, no asking about Ashli Babbitt’s videotaped murder or myriad examples of police brutality. Tsk tsk.

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Biden’s “Big O”

Guest Post by Simon Black

In 1894, a retired university professor named Paul Bachman was living out his golden years in Weimar, Germany.

Recently divorced, Bachman filled his days writing books, including what would become a five volume series… about analytical number theory.

It wasn’t exactly a James Bond novel; number theorists study things like prime numbers, infinity, and the fundamental properties of arithmetic.

Here’s a simple number theory example to give you a basic idea: prove that the sum of the first n integers (i.e. 1+2+3+4 . . . + n) is equal to (n2 + n)/2.

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Are Democrats Looking to the Lifeboats?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Are Democrats Looking to the Lifeboats?

So, how are Biden and the administration he leads doing with the American people who put them into office? According to a stunning Washington Post-ABC News poll this weekend, not well, not well at all. If the 2022 elections were held this November, registered voters would back Republican candidates over Democratic opponents 51-41.

Not so long ago, President Joe Biden was being talked of as a transformative president, a second Franklin D. Roosevelt in terms of the domestic agenda he would enact.

And there was substance to the claim.

Early in his presidency, Biden had passed a $1.9 trillion stimulus package. While his majorities in both houses of Congress were razor-thin, they proved sufficient to push through a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.

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What Trump Will Leave in Biden’s Inbox

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

What Trump Will Leave in Biden's Inbox

Then, there are the human rights backsliders that are U.S. partners and allies — Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. How does Biden deal with the party’s progressives who demand he sanction such partner-nations — without risking the loss of these countries’ cooperation on our policy agenda?

Dismissing President Donald Trump’s claim that the 2020 election remains undecided, Joe Biden has begun to name his national security team.

Right now, it looks Democratic establishment all the way.

Antony Blinken, a longtime foreign policy aide, is Biden’s choice for secretary of state. Jake Sullivan, one of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, is said to be his choice for national security adviser.

Biden’s urgency in naming his foreign policy team is understandable.

For if his election is confirmed by the Electoral College, then he will find himself on Jan. 20 with a lineup of foreign policy crises.

Continue reading “What Trump Will Leave in Biden’s Inbox”