Biden is a war criminal

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Pink Floyd Front Man Roger Waters Has Been Political For Years, But Now He’s A Pariah For Doing The Unthinkable

Guest Post by Jess Lawson

Roger Waters is a talented man who, along with guitarist David Gilmour, was largely responsible for the incredible success of the band Pink Floyd. Albums such as Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall have sold tens of millions of copies and have made Waters very wealthy.

Roger Waters is also an intelligent man. One doesn’t create the quality of music that Waters has without a significant intellect, and if we’ve ever seen him interviewed as he discusses his achievements it’s clear he’s a smart guy. But Waters isn’t nearly as smart as he apparently thinks he is.

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Is Biden also a War Criminal Bringing Civilization to a Complete Collapse?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Biden has declared that “major war crimes” are now being discovered in Ukraine as Russian forces retreat from areas around Kyiv. In a total propaganda move where he just takes whatever Zelensky says at face value who is a puppet intended to create World War III because the ability of government to continue to function under Keynesian Economics is coming to an end. On top of that, Biden is desperate to change the focus from his own corruption and that of Hunter Biden hoping to change the topic. Biden is denying any independent investigation just taking the word of Zelensky who has done NOTHING but tried to create war with Russia refusing to comply with the 1991 Belgrade Agreement of Neutrality and the Minsk Agreement which was to allow the Donbas to vote on their own independence.

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Biden’s Syria Attack: An Actual Impeachable Offense

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Last Thursday President Biden continued what has sadly become a Washington tradition: bombing Syria. The President ordered a military strike near the Iraqi-Syrian border that killed at least 22 people. The Administration claims it struck an “Iranian-backed” militia in retaliation for recent rocket attacks on US installations in Iraq.

As with Presidents Obama and Trump before him, however, Biden’s justification for the US strike and its targets is not credible. And his claim that the US attack would result in a “de-escalation” in the region is laughable. You cannot bomb your way toward de-escalation.

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