Hypervaccinating gigamasker Bill Gates tests positive for SARS-2

Guest post by eugyppius

Is there anything more ridiculous than the statements public officials make every time one of them tests positive? They all have to reassure everyone that, yes, they’re supervaccinated; yes, they’re self-isolating at home; yes, their symptoms are mild.

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Watch: Bill Gates Sardonically Compares Wearing A Mask To Wearing Pants

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Bill Gates has mocked people who are against mask mandates by sarcastically comparing wearing one to having to wear pants in public.

A maskless Gates along with a maskless panel at the 2022 Munich Security Conference laughed it up as they mocked people who point out the downside of face coverings.

CNBC ‘jounalist’ Hadley Beale asked “What about masks? I think there are a lot of people in America who are confused about whether they should be wearing a mask, and in the United Kingdom for, example, they’ve scrapped that all together.”

Gates replied “Well that’s interesting you know what is the downside of wearing a mask?

Adopting a sardonic tone, he then declared “I mean it’s got to be tough, you know, you have to wear pants. I mean this is tough stuff, these societies are so cruel, why do they make you wear pants? I’m trying to figure it out.

Then all five of them laughed it up as Beale added “We’re very glad you have yours on.”

Yeah, doesn’t have a mask on though does he.

“That will be on the web, that will be on the web,” another panelist stated.

Continue reading “Watch: Bill Gates Sardonically Compares Wearing A Mask To Wearing Pants”