China Joe and the Wuhan Virus: A Search for the Truth

Guest Post by Justin O. Smith

The United States, China and many other foreign governments are rife with unscrupulous and corrupt people, who don’t let a little thing like a treaty, namely “The Convention on the Prohibition of Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction” [referred to as the Biological Weapons Convention], get in the way of their pursuit of unseemly, even dangerous agendas. They seem to always be seeking “loopholes” and end-runs around the mandates of the agreements, through non-governmental agencies, private laboratories, university research groups and relatively obscure government agencies with little oversight, like the National Institute for Health. They choose the more destructive, immoral and evil path, rather than simply following the treaty’s requirements to safeguard the good of all people, in their “gain-of-function” Dr Frankenstein experiments, that one day may actually crash us into the end-of-world days.

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