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Via Ben Garrison

CNN’s Ratings Collapse As Primetime Shows Draw Less Viewers Than Re-Runs Of “Yogi Bear”

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A series of fake news articles (see here, here and here), black mail of anonymous Reddit users who had the audacity to poke fun at them and a couple of undercover videos from Project Veritas revealing CNN producers admitting their own news is “mostly bullshit,” seems to be taking a toll on CNN’s ratings.

As The Federalist notes in the table below, for the week of June 26th – July 2nd, CNN’s primetime shows (Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon) managed to draw about 6% fewer viewers than multi-decade old re-runs of “Yogi Bear,” “Full House,” and “Friends” which air in the same time slots on Nick-At-Nite.



Sometimes it’s difficult to know for sure, but we think this is a bad trend…



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Jeff Zucker Should Stand Trial for Conspiring Against the United States For Corporate Profits – Enough is enough!

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Project Veritas, which CNN and others try bad mouthing, has caught CNN’s Supervising Producer admitting (1) they are on a witch-hunt against Trump, and (2) they constantly bash Trump with Russia putting the entire world at risk of war simply to make money. They treat their viewer as idiots who lack enough intelligence to distinguish the truth from propaganda.  CNN has become the source for misrepresenting implicitly that Trump won only with Putin’s help.

The CEO of CNN, Jeff Zucker, is a very dangerous man who is violating federal law pursuing money and to hell with ethics, God, or the country. Trump has made CNN because he has been their number one story – relentlessly. Zucker has lost all credibility but he loves it and Time Warner is becoming a really dangerous propaganda corporation since Zucker is the true face of just how unethical Time Warner has become.

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CNN Tries To Move Forward After Its Latest Humiliation

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

“Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary beings who refuse to be forced into one or more specific genders,” began CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker, employing the network’s prescribed group salutation. “I have gathered you all today here in the CNN newsroom to discuss this Anthony Scaramucci Russia story we retracted and how it has had a negative impact on our network’s sterling reputation for journalistic integrity and objectivity. Hey, pay attention! Stop laughing!”

The room quieted down. Even Don Lemon looked up from the bar, where he was mixing a cosmopolitan.

“Listen, people….,” Zucker began.

“I identify as an otherkin and that’s humanocentric!” shouted a producer dressed in a bright blue fox costume. The network was rightfully proud of its “a-furry-mative action” outreach to the marginalized furry and brony communities.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – CNN launches – 1980


On this day in 1980, CNN (Cable News Network), the world’s first 24-hour television news network, makes its debut. The network signed on at 6 p.m. EST from its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, with a lead story about the attempted assassination of civil rights leader Vernon Jordan. CNN went on to change the notion that news could only be reported at fixed times throughout the day. At the time of CNN’s launch, TV news was dominated by three major networks–ABC, CBS and NBC–and their nightly 30-minute broadcasts. Initially available in less than two million U.S. homes, today CNN is seen in more than 89 million American households and over 160 million homes internationally.

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How a Hypnotist Sees a Verbal Slip

Guest Post by Scott Adams

A few days ago, Mike Cernovich broke the news that ex-Obama advisor Susan Rice had asked for the identities of Americans caught up in electronic surveillance of foreigners, including some Trump associates. After Mike broke the story, the big news organizations followed. I asked my well-informed Trump-hating friend what he thought of the story.

He said he hadn’t heard of it.

I was surprised. It was the headline news. While we were on the phone, he checked CNN’s website on his computer and informed me that no such story existed. In his words, it was probably “fake news” that he assumed I saw “on Breitbart” or some other site he considers below his standard of news excellence.

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O’Keefe Drops “Bombshell” Undercover Video Footage From Within CNN

Tyler Durden's picture

As promised two days ago on the Sean Hannity radio show, James O’Keefe and his team at Project Veritas just released covertly captured, previously unseen video footage from within the CNN newsroom.  But unlike his usual undercover sting operations, this footage was allegedly sourced from a CNN insider who apparently grew frustrated with the biased reporting of the “fake news” media outlet.

Per O’Keefe’s website, today’s release include hundreds of hours of raw footage from CNN and his team is asking for help to transcribe and investigate the recordings.

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In Part One of this article I explored Thomas Paine’s critical role in the creation of our nation. His Common Sense pamphlets inspired the common people to uncommon acts of courage and heroic feats of valor; leading to the great experiment we call the United States of America. Paine, Franklin and the other Founding Fathers produced a republic, if we could keep it.

John Adams championed the new Constitution precisely because it would not create a democracy, as he knew a democracy “soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself.” Their herculean efforts, sacrifices, and bloodshed have been for naught as we allowed our republic to devolve into a democracy and ultimately into our current corporate fascist warfare/welfare surveillance state. Sadly, we were unable to keep the republic Franklin and his fellow revolutionaries gave us.

“From the errors of other nations, let us learn wisdom.” – Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Some might contend Paine’s Common Sense arguments against a despotic monarchy two and a half centuries ago, with an audience of two and a half million colonists, couldn’t be pertinent today in a divided nation of 325 million people. But when you examine the events, actions and catalysts inspiring Paine to pen Common Sense, you see the parallels with the events, decisions and facilitators of our current Crisis.

Continue reading “COMMON SENSE – 2017 (PART TWO)”


“Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain.” John Adams

Thomas Paine was born in 1737 in Britain. His first thirty seven years of life were pretty much a series of failures and disappointments. Business fiascos, firings, the death of his first wife and child, a failed second marriage, and bankruptcy plagued his early life. He then met Benjamin Franklin in 1774 and was convinced to emigrate to America, arriving in Philadelphia in November 1774. He thus became the Father of the American Revolution with the publication of Common Sense, pamphlets which crystallized opinion for colonial independence in 1776.

The first pamphlet was published in Philadelphia on January 10, 1776, and signed anonymously “by an Englishman.” It became an instantaneous sensation, swiftly disseminating 100,000 copies in three months among the two and a half million residents of the 13 colonies. Over 500,000 copies were sold during the course of the American Revolution. Paine published Common Sense after the battle of Lexington and Concord, making the argument the colonists should seek complete independence from Great Britain, rather than merely fighting against unfair levels of taxation. The pamphlets stirred the masses with a fighting spirit, instilling in them the backbone to resist a powerful empire.

Continue reading “COMMON SENSE – 2017”