In Part 1 of this article I discussed the catalyst spark which ignited this Fourth Turning and the seemingly delayed regeneracy. In Part 2 I pondered possible Grey Champion prophet generation leaders who could arise during the regeneracy. In Part 3 I focused on the economic channel of distress which is likely to be the primary driving force in the next phase of this Crisis. In Part 4 I assessed the social and cultural channels of distress dividing the nation. In Part 5 I’ll examine the technological, ecological, political, and military channels of distress likely to burst forth with the molten ingredients of this Fourth Turning, and finally in Part 6 our rendezvous with destiny, with potential climaxes to this Winter of our discontent.

Technological & Ecological Distress

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” Aldous Huxley – Ends and Means

The level of distress being produced by technology was probably underestimated by Strauss & Howe when they wrote their book in 1997. The internet, cell phones and e-commerce were still in their infancy, while cyber security was an unknown concept. Huxley would be shocked by how backwards we have “progressed” through the efficient distribution of iGadgets, creating millions of distracted, non-thinking, passive, easily pliable, willfully ignorant sheep who adore their technological servitude.

A vast swath of the populace never reads a book and can’t go more than a few minutes without checking their iGadget to view the latest funny cat video, the latest update on Kim Kardashian’s ass, Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner’s courage, or Lamar Odom’s latest whorehouse escapade. Our country is drowning in a sea of irrelevance as our infinite craving for diversions and triviality overwhelms any thoughts of confronting our oppressors. The adoration of technology has degraded our ability to think and allowed the Deep State to control the masses by amusing them to death.

The totalitarian Orwellian utilization of technology was exposed by a millennial with courage, intelligence, and love of his country – Edward Snowden. His revelations were very distressful to the felonious government apparatchiks who blatantly flaunt their disregard for the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. The criminals at the NSA, fully supported by Obama and Congress, have made Big Brother look like an amateur, as they siphon up every phone call, text, email, and facebook entry made by each person in this country and for good measure the political leaders of our allies and enemies.



There is some fucked up shit going on today. Does anyone else get a weird feeling that the shit is already hitting the fan and we don’t know it yet? Overnight the Chinese stock market crashes by 5% despite every effort of their communist government to stem the tide.

Then every United/Continental plane in the country was grounded because their computer system went down.

Then Zero Hedge went down for over an hour as they were overwhelmed with traffic. That means a Denial of Service Attack. I know all about those. The attack appears to be ongoing as their site continues to experience loading problems.

The Wall Street Journal website has also been down today.

And now the NYSE has been down for over an hour. Stocks in the United States cannot be traded. It’s funny how this only happens when the stock market is down by 200 points. How come the NYSE never breaks on big time up days? Never.

Did the powers that be “break” the stock market because it was about to plunge by 1,000 points? Are they purposely manipulating the systems to prevent an all out collapse? There is nothing underpinning this market. It is built on hot air and debt. The immense level of margin debt will create a waterfall collapse once certain stock levels are breached.

Is the country under some sort of cyber-attack? Are the Chinese and/or Russians taking advantage of the worldwide turmoil to create a chaotic financial collapse? Are hackers from Anonymous or some other group flexing their muscles?

All is not right. I have an eerie feeling that something bad is about to happen. But, I’ve been wrong before.

So resume your denial and delusion until further notice.

Time for a fitting tune.



Are You Ready for the e-PATRIOT Act?

Earlier this month, news emerged that the US government had suffered its worst cyberattack ever.

On June 4, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) revealed that hackers had penetrated its networks, possibly for many months. The data thieves stole personal information of up to 18 million current and former federal government applicants and employees.

There’s a good chance the attack is even worse than what you’ve read about. The OPM hack included a database holding security clearance information on hundreds of thousands of federal employees and contractors. This database contains details of applicants’ financial and investment records, family members, and even names of neighbors and close friends.

Another database that may have been breached includes criminal history, psychological records, and information about past drug use. The hackers might even have acquired detailed personal and sexual profiles obtained through lie detector tests.

With all the talk of Edward Snowden and the supposed “irreparable” damage he did to US interests, this theft is a lot worse. While OPM doesn’t hold personnel records for the CIA, it does for other US intelligence agencies. The hackers now know the identity of hundreds of thousands of federal employees with security clearances. Not only that, they also have sensitive background information on each of them, which they could easily use for blackmail.

Oh, and get this – the breach wasn’t actually discovered by the OPM. It was only uncovered during a sales demonstration by a security company named CyTech Services.

So what does the Obama administration want to do to solve the problem?

Continue reading “Are You Ready for the e-PATRIOT Act?”