Jim Kunstler is experiencing the same type of attack TBP experienced two years ago. Speaking truth to power has its consequences. Anyone who confronts the establishment will be attacked. We can’t let them silence us. Jim was able to get his article over to the Patreon website. We can’t let the scumbags win. Freedom of Speech is our last hope.


June 6 CFN BLOG: Nausea Rising | James Howard Kunstler on Patreon

As you may know, http://Kunstler.com is currently under an aggressive Denial of Service (DoS) attack. My web and server technicians are working to get the website and blog back up and live soon (though it’s going to cost a pretty penny). In the meantime, here is today’s blog. Please share this with any of your CFN friends so they don’t miss out.  Thank you for your continued support. — JHK

Nausea Rising


Considering that the 2016 election looks like a Dark Age puppet show — Pantalone and La Signora smacking each other with dildos — we forget this spectacle is serious. Rather large matters are at stake, such as the continuity of governance, the legitimacy of the two major political parties, the credibility of our financial arrangements, perhaps even the durability of the nation as a united polity.

Most of the deliberate comedy comes from Donald Trump, whose super-long dangling necktie looks like it was designed for laughs by the Commedia dell’Arte prop department, not to mention the hair, which I have maintained for many years is actually a wolverine living on top of Trump’s head. Trump certainly represents a large and valid strain of sentiment in the zeitgeist — the frustration of many ordinary citizens at government-sponsored racketeering that is shoving them into pauperdom. But his utterances against all that are so childish and disordered that he de-legitimates his own mission every time he opens his mouth.