MAGA Is Ascendant And The Establishment Republican Party Needs To Die

Via The Blue State Conservative

Our piece isn’t about Disney. But I will use Disney as an example. It’s about what I’ll refer to as Conservative Inc. I don’t mean the Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, version of conservatism. I’m using the term to refer to the big government, establishment Republicans. The guys that call themselves the Bulwark. The Never Trumpers who assure us they are the conscience of conservatism. The folks that called the Tea Party “wacko birds” and consider MAGA supporters to be a bunch of unhinged hooligans. When I use the term Conservative Inc., I mean the guys that go on cruises and pat themselves on the backs for talking down to the masses that expect more than tax cuts from conservatives. In short, it’s the people that have made a business out of calling themselves conservatives, while at the same time enabling leftists to run roughshod over our country.

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