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The FDA Has Proved Itself To Be A Totally Corrupt And Criminal Organization

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

As I predicted, the corrupt US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), allegedly a regulatory agency but in actuality an agent for Big Pharma and agri-business, has, according to news reports, given final approval to Pfizer’s Covid “vaccine.”  (Why only Pfizer’s? Is there favoritism at the FDA?) The FDA congratulates itself declaring the “vaccine” a “milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic.”  https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine

In one of the worse and most transparent lies ever told by a US government agency, the FDA said:

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2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine

Guest Post by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Monday, the FDA approved a biologics license application for the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine.

Monday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a biologics license application for the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine.

The press reported that vaccine mandates are now legal for military, healthcare workers, college students and employees in many industries. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has now required the vaccine for all teachers and school staff. The Pentagon is proceeding with its mandate for all military service members.

But there are several bizarre aspects to the FDA approval that will prove confusing to those not familiar with the pervasiveness of the FDA’s regulatory capture, or the depths of the agency’s cynicism.

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The Fake News that FDA Approved the Vaccines is Made Clear in the Letter

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

FDA Letter Final_Pfizer LOA to issue with BLA approval 08.23.21_v2 

The FDA did not approve the vaccines but extended the Emergency Use of the vaccines. They are also trying very hard to have agencies force employers to compel everyone to vaccinate but at the same time leaving themselves as an escape clause who they can return to claiming they never approved the vaccines beyond emergency use.

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Pfizer Just Got ‘Full FDA Approval’ For Its COVID Vaccine. There’s Just One Thing…

Authored by ‘Sundance’ via TheConservativeTreehouse.com,

Pfizer got full FDA approval yesterday.

“The move would make it the first Covid vaccine to go from emergency use authorization to full FDA approval.”

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With that in mind, it is worth a reminder that both Pfizer and Moderna stopped the clinical trials the FDA was using in their review:

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine tests were conducted, as customary, with a control group; a group within the trial who were given a placebo and not the test vaccine.  However, during the trial -and after the untested vaccines were given emergency use authorization- the vaccine companies conducting the trial decided to break protocol and notify the control group they were not vaccinated.  Almost all the control group were then given the vaccine.

Purposefully dissolving the placebo group violates the scientific purpose to test whether the vaccine has any efficacy; any actual benefit and/or safety issues.  Without a control group there is nothing to compare the vaccinated group against.  According to NPR, the doctors lost the control group in the Johnson County Clinicial Trial (Lexena, Kansas) on purpose:

(Via NPR)

[…] “Dr. Carlos Fierro, who runs the study there, says every participant was called back after the Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine.

“During that visit we discussed the options, which included staying in the study without the vaccine,” he says, “and amazingly there were people — a couple of people — who chose that.”

He suspects those individuals got spooked by rumors about the vaccine. But everybody else who had the placebo shot went ahead and got the actual vaccine. So now Fierro has essentially no comparison group left for the ongoing study.  “It’s a loss from a scientific standpoint, but given the circumstances I think it’s the right thing to do,” he says.

People signing up for these studies were not promised special treatment, but once the FDA authorized the vaccines, their developers decided to offer the shots.

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FDA Approves Boosters for Immunocompromised, Pfizer and Moderna Set to Reap Billions From Sales of Third Shot

Via Children’s Health Defense

The FDA authorized a third dose of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID vaccines for people with compromised immune systems.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Thursday authorized a third dose of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID vaccines for people with compromised immune systems.

Neither vaccine has yet received full FDA approval, and neither has completed late-stage clinical trials proving a third dose will boost immunity or work against COVID variants.

The amended Emergency Use Authorization allows people who have had an organ transplant, or those with a similar level of weakened immune system, to get an extra COVID vaccine dose.

The FDA did not approve a Johnson & Johnson booster, citing insufficient data.

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