GOP Moves to Save Biden: We Want Amnesty, Too!

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

GOP Moves to Save Biden: We Want Amnesty, Too!

President Joe Biden’s immigration bill will put virtually all illegal immigrants on a bullet train to citizenship, provided that they meet the onerous requirement of claiming to have entered the country before Jan. 1, 2021. Only terrorists and convicted felons are excluded — at least in theory, but past experience suggests they’ll get amnesty, too. Even illegal immigrants who’ve already been deported will be invited back and given amnesty.

So far, the Republicans’ response has been to propose their own amnesty, while throwing in some boob-bait for the rubes about border security.

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Via MyGirl….Maybe

You have two families: “Joe Legal” and “Jose Illegal”. Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California.

Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.

Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash “under the table”.

Ready? Now pay attention….

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$60,000 of Human Cargo

Guest Post by Kevin Lynn

Last week, a tragedy occurred outside of Holtville, California, when a northbound big rig rammed into the driver’s side of an SUV that pulled out in front of the semi-truck, killing 13 people. This tragic event morphed into the surreal when we learned that the SUV was packed with 25 people who had been smuggled into the United States.

That’s right, 24 passengers and a driver packed like sardines in a vehicle designed to hold eight adults at maximum. Perhaps the driver who hailed from Mexicali, Mexico, was distracted when he pulled out in front of the semi making its way down Route 115. Anyone who has been in a Ford Expedition has to be thinking to themselves, HOW? How do you get 25 people into a vehicle like that?

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Biden’s Looming Population Surge

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

More than 70 million Americans hope that President Trump can pull off the seemingly impossible, and reverse the November election results. But at the same time, those disappointed voters are preparing for President-elect Joe Biden’s administration. While speculation among 74 million voters is rampant about the pitfalls a Biden presidency will bring, at this hour it’s conjecture. The Georgia January 5 Senate runoff will signal the direction for the next four years.

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Dallas Fed Promotes Amnesty, Labor Pool Expansion

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has, in what it claims is in the best interest of Texas’ economic growth, sided with cheap-labor-addicted employers, and against American workers. A preliminary draft of an article that the Dallas Fed wrote for the “International Migration Review” concluded that a strictly enforced national mandate that employers use E-Verify would be incompatible with the economy’s current reliance on a large illegally present workforce. E-Verify confirms whether employees are legally authorized to work in the U.S.

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Sneaky Congress up to its Old Tricks; Stealth Amnesty for Liberians

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

ndaa liberia approved

Recently, I’ve become addicted to the Weather Channel. The reason is simple. Every word that the meteorologists utter, I understand – “It’s 85 degrees in Miami today,” “A cold front is blowing across the Northern Plains” or “New England residents are digging out.” The national news, however, whether broadcast or in print, defies comprehension. Inexplicably, the leading Democratic candidates push for decriminalizing illegal border crossing and abolishing ICE. No subject that the establishment spins is more baffling than immigration, the topic pollsters found is Americans’ top concern.

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Open Borders Are a Trillion-Dollar Mistake

Guest Post by

Editor’s Note: Last month, Foreign Policy  ran an article, “Open Borders Are a Trillion-Dollar Idea,” which advocated for Open Borders. So for all those who say, “Oh, no one supports Open Borders,” here it is in writing! Every point made by author Bryan Caplan, an economics professor, is refutable, and, while the piece is long, we believe it’s important “for the record” to counter all of his points.

As I first read Bryan Caplan’s “Open Borders Are a Trillion-Dollar Idea” in Foreign Policy, besides disbelief, my thoughts were that this person must not get out much or must not read much. A quote from writer Upton Sinclair came to mind as well: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

What is Just?

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Vets May Wonder if their Service Was in Vain: Open Borders, Illegal Alien Entitlements Undermine Sacrifices

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

Of the 16 million Americans who served in World War II, about 389,000 veterans are still living, a remarkable total given that most are in their 90s or older. Among our veterans also are approximately 3.5 million Korean War vets, 610,000 Vietnam War and  hundreds of thousands more from the Gulf Wars and other conflicts.

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Senate to Consider American Job-Busting Bill; Crunch Time for U.S. Workers

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

Shortly before Congress adjourned for its summer break, what it aggrandizingly likes to refer to as “constituent work days,” the House of Representatives passed a horrible immigration bill, the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act. U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), who never met a bill to expand the foreign-born labor pool at American workers’ expense she didn’t lovingly embrace, championed H.R. 1044, urging her colleagues to vote for the bill which she claimed would make a “modest, but important change to our immigration laws.”

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Abolishing ICE, Eliminating Borders are Dangerous Ideas

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

In today’s polarized America, and in the midst of an increasingly bitter, partisan presidential campaign, the most basic requirements for sound decision-making – reason, facts, common sense – now seem too often ignored as logic frequently is left behind. That includes for even one of the most essential stanchions of our civilized society – the need for basic law enforcement.

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The Biggest Migration Since the Barbarian Invasions of Rome

Via International Man

Africa migration

International Man: Former Libyan leader Muammar Ghaddafi once warned that “Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration… it could turn into Africa.”

Since the United States and NATO helped overthrow Ghaddafi in 2011, millions of migrants from Africa and the Middle East have poured into Europe. Many transited from Libya.

This is all well known, and all signs point to this trend accelerating. What’s your take on where this is going?

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At the Border, the Word is Out: Come One, Come All

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

A Harvard University Center for American Political Studies/Harris Poll showed that immigration is now voters’ top concern, surpassing health care as the nation’s No. 1 issue. By a 42-38 margin, registered voters selected immigration as the major issue. Given that stories from and about the porous southwest border have dominated the news cycle for months, the poll’s finding aren’t surprising. Mark Penn, the poll’s co-director, said that as the border crisis’ “full nature” became evident, voters’ awareness increased correspondingly.

The Harris Poll results, however, have apparently not reached the Swamp where congressional Democrats remain locked in a fierce battle to outdo each other in efforts to encourage more illegal immigration and promote more amnesty seekers whose claims may be invalid. Among the bad ideas immigration advocates irresponsibly floated are decriminalizing illegal entry and free comprehensive health care for residents regardless of their immigration status. The obvious consequences of such lax policies would be to incentivize illegal immigration to levels never before seen or even imagined.

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Illegal Immigrants in Leftist Cities

Guest Post by Tucker Carlson & Neil Patel

Illegal Immigrants in Leftist Cities

What if someone you hated offered to pay off your mortgage or put your kids through college? You’d be suspicious at first, of course. Why is an enemy giving you the gift of a lifetime? But in the end, if you were smart, you’d take it. It would be too good to pass up.

Something very much like that happened in Washington, D.C., recently. The Trump administration debated moving some of the thousands of migrants now massing through our southern border into various self-proclaimed sanctuary cities across the United States.

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Thanks to sanctuary state policy, double-rapist could re-attack victim

Hat tip RiNS

Guest Post by Dori Monson

Our top story today is absolutely horrifying, and another example of the complete failure of our governor, attorney general, and the King County Prosecutor’s Office — but most especially, the complete failure of sanctuary state policy. When a rapist is walking free to attack the woman he has already raped twice — a woman who is confined to a wheelchair — I’d say our entire system is pretty broken.

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