Jaywalking and Other Escalation Inducers

Guest Post by Eric Peters

A guy named Nandi Cain got badly beaten by a law enforcer over . . . jaywalking.

Yes, I know. Cain invited the brutal take-down and beating. Not for jaywalking – but because he did not Submit to and Obey the law enforcer. That’s what apologists for the enforcer will say, anyhow. The enforcer was merely doing his job. Which is to enforce the law.

Emphasis on force.

After all, how else to obtain submission and compliance? The enforcer couldn’t just let the jaywalker  . . . walk away, could he?

Perhaps they have a point. Maybe the problem isn’t the thuggery of law enforcers but that there are so many thuggy laws for them to enforce.

Horse, cart – etc.

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