Thanks, Jo

Guest Post by Eric Peters

This is written with the election still a toss-up between the Orange Man and the Diapering Man – the man who intends to Diaper every man, woman and child in the country, so as to cement Sickness Psychosis as the country’s new normal.

It is a toss up chiefly because of the Libertarian candidate, Jo Jorgensen, who has bled off 1.3-1.5 percent of the vote in states like Georgia, Michigan and Arizona that are either still in play or close enough to go either way. So close, in some cases, that 1.3-1.5 percent could decide the outcome.

Here’s where it gets sad.

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A Better President

Guest Post by John Stossel

A Better President

The media obsess about Trump/Biden, but another candidate will be on every state ballot: Libertarian Party nominee Jo Jorgensen.

Dr. Jorgensen, a psychology lecturer at Clemson University, is very different from Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Instead of promising government solutions, she tells people, “You can spend your money better than the politicians.”

I like that. So, she’s the subject of my video this week.

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A Different Presidential Candidate

Guest Post by John Stossel

A Different Presidential Candidate

We have a choice!

Next presidential election, we don’t have to decide between two big-spending candidates, neither of whom has expressed much interest in limited government.

Now, we have a third serious choice. This week, Dr. Jo Jorgensen, a psychology lecturer at Clemson University, won the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination.

OK, I won’t delude myself — a libertarian is unlikely to become president. But Jorgensen’s platform is a refreshing change.

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