JFK Assassination – Unintended Victim?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong


There is another side to the JFK assassination that does not actually negate some of the conspiracies that surround CIA or military involvement. It may actually expose that Oswald was the patsy who was out to kill John Connally, not JFK. Nevertheless, the events are still clouded by bureaucrats.

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Seems inconceivable. Or is it?

John Connally Assassinated John F Kennedy

by Scott Rickard

It is very clear that Kennedy was shot twice. The first shot struck Kennedy in the top back of his neck and exited just under his Adam’s apple indicating that the shot came from above and behind.


The second shot struck Kennedy in the front right lobe at close range indicating it came from the front.


John Connally, sitting in the seat right in front of JFK, clearly delivered the death blow from the middle jump seat of the limo. Just watch Connally’s body language in the Zapruder film.


Zapruder Film Slow Motion (Higher Quality) FULL VERSION 



Zapruder film FRAME BY FRAME (HIGH QUALITY) Hat tip Brother Cambly



As soon as the bullet struck Kennedy in the neck from behind, Connally clearly picks up his white cowboy hat in his right hand, pulls out an object in his left hand and places his left hand with the object over his upper chest area under his cowboy hat as he turns to his right to see if Kennedy had been fatally wounded.


Connally stares at JFK for several seconds, not offering assistance or concern, but instead, Connally leans back into his wife to line up the shot.  After lining up the shot, Connally pulls the trigger as soon as he looks away from Kennedy. Connally’s shot strikes Kennedy in the front right lobe. The impact and splatter caused by the bullet that hits JFK’s front right lobe clearly originates from JFK’s lower front where John Connally was seated.