I’m A Lesbian Woman & I’m Leaving The INSANE “Progressive” Left

Submitted by RiNS

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In response to the story about the lunatic lesbians who murdered their six black children by driving their van off a cliff.

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

Image result for lesbians murder their six children

Back in the day when I was traveling the country alone I encountered a lot of broken souls, usually other comics, but waitresses, club patrons, etc. They gravitated to exciting things as a way of distracting themselves from what was really wrong. At one point three different comics in a one month period I had worked with killed themselves- one killing his father first. I knew that there was something wrong with each of them and that the distractions of moving from place to place and living that kind of rootless lifestyle wasn’t the answer to their problems, but a symptom.

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