I’d like to wish the entire TBP family a Merry Christmas from myself and Avalon. Thanks for your intellectual contributions, humorous contributions, and monetary contributions. We’ve had family medical challenges, cancelled Christmas trips, search engine censorship, permanent Twitter suspensions, and more ad companies blacklisting TBP, but we are still standing and will continue to fight in 2023. I have major concerns about 2023, but I’ve pretty much had the same feeling since 2010, so we’ll probably muddle through again. I look forward to the daily banter on TBP in the coming year. Have a great holiday.

Click to visit the TBP Store for Great TBP Merchandise


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As another year comes to a close, the 10th for The Burning Platform, I want to offer my thanks and gratitude to everyone associated with the dysfunctional family we’ve created on the interwebs. First, and most importantly, I want to thank TMWNN for his dedication and commitment to free speech. If he hadn’t rescued the site in May 2014 from a massive denial of service attack, you wouldn’t have seen five years of Wal-Mart freaks and thousands of Friday fails. As many sites that started in the same time frame have gone commercial and sold out to the mainstream fake news media, TBP has remained a bastion of free speech, sticking our finger in the eye of the Deep State.

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May You Know Joy

Summa Theologica

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Most of us have done something terribly wrong to another person. We realized it at the time or afterwards. For those with an intact conscience, there was overwhelming shame and a burning, seemingly inextinguishable guilt. Perhaps there was an admission, maybe to the victim, from whom forgiveness was asked. Perhaps there was only self-confession. If the shame overwhelmed and the guilt burned deeply, there may have been a redemptive pledge not to commit the same transgression and to improve a deficient character.

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Merry Christmas to All

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

And this solemn night a great stillness falls upon the land as the Leviathan of Washington is sent to its room to get its mind straight, and the USA gets on with collapse in earnest. There will be no visions of sugarplums for the Deep Staters as the government enters its induced coma, only premonitions of anarchy and insolvency, and perhaps some dim nostalgia for that golden age when things seemed to work in America. On the plus side of things, this may be the last year of Christmas shaming.  Even the Wokesters of Wokesterdom appear weary and bored with Wokesterism ­— isn’t that a blessing?

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