Hat tip Robmu1

It’s hysterical reading a NYT article about the atrocious state of our public education system. They give a couple of paragraphs with some hand picked facts, and then spend 75% of the article with excuses from the government drone bureaucrats, union teachers, and liberal academics. They have been rolling out Common Core for years. The amount of money spent per student has been going up for decades. We’ve had Headstart. We’ve had no child left behind. We’ve integrated the schools to make black kids smarter. We’ve implemented the curriculum demanded by the Federal government.

And kids just keep getting dumber and dumber. Only 40% of all Fourth graders are proficient at math. The most hysterical part of the report is that after four more years of government education, everyone’s proficiency DROPS. By eight grade, proficiency in math plunges to 33%. It’s almost as if the government wants to produce generations of dumb downed morons who remain willfully ignorant for their entire lives.

You can now see why the social justice warriors want to eliminate standardized testing. It seems black kids and hispanic kids, after decades of Great Society programs totaling $13 trillion, haven’t exactly caught on to maff and reading. If these tests are so terrible, why do Asians score 460% better than blacks and 40% better than whites in eight grade? 

Image of a horizontal bar chart, divided into 2 sections: one for grade 4 and for one grade 8. In each section the ‘X’ axis shows the percentage of students at or above the Proficient level, ranging from zero to 100 percent, and the ‘Y’ axis shows the student group.In mathematics at grade 4, the percentages of students who performed at or above the Proficient level were as follows: 51 percent of White students, 19 percent of Black students, 26 percent of Hispanic students, 65 percent of Asian students, 30 percent of Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students, 23 percent of American Indian/Alaska Native students, 45 percent of students of two or more races, 42 percent of male students, 38 percent of female students, 36 percent of students in cities, 44 percent of students in suburbs, 36 percent of students in towns, and 40 percent of students in rural areas. In mathematics at grade 8, the percentages of students who performed at or above the Proficient level were as follows: 43 percent of White students, 13 percent of Black students, 19 percent of Hispanic students, 61 percent of Asian students, 29 percent of Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students, 20 percent of American Indian/Alaska Native students, 36 percent of students of two or more races, 34 percent of male students, 33 percent of female students, 30 percent of students in cities, 37 percent of students in suburbs, 28 percent of students in towns, and 32 percent of students in rural areas.

They should test kids on how well they use a smart phone, texting speed, and what drugs Lamar Odom used on his weekend binge at a whorehouse. The funniest part is if you asked kids in eighth grade how smart they thought they were, the scores would be above the 80th percentile. These kids are so stupid, they don’t even know they’re stupid. All those participation trophies and being passed along from grade to grade with no requirement to actually learn anything has given these idiots high self-esteem to go along with their stupidity. What a combination.


Nationwide Test Shows Dip in Students’ Math Abilities

For the first time since 1990, the mathematical skills of American students have dropped, according to results of a nationwide test released by the Education Department on Wednesday.

The decline appeared in both Grades 4 and 8 in an exam administered every two years as the National Assessment of Educational Progress and sometimes called “the nation’s report card.”

The dip in scores comes as the country’s employers demand workers with ever-stronger skills in mathematics to compete in a global economy. It also comes as states grapple with the new Common Core academic standards and a rebellion against them.

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