Hat tip Robmu1

It’s hysterical reading a NYT article about the atrocious state of our public education system. They give a couple of paragraphs with some hand picked facts, and then spend 75% of the article with excuses from the government drone bureaucrats, union teachers, and liberal academics. They have been rolling out Common Core for years. The amount of money spent per student has been going up for decades. We’ve had Headstart. We’ve had no child left behind. We’ve integrated the schools to make black kids smarter. We’ve implemented the curriculum demanded by the Federal government.

And kids just keep getting dumber and dumber. Only 40% of all Fourth graders are proficient at math. The most hysterical part of the report is that after four more years of government education, everyone’s proficiency DROPS. By eight grade, proficiency in math plunges to 33%. It’s almost as if the government wants to produce generations of dumb downed morons who remain willfully ignorant for their entire lives.

You can now see why the social justice warriors want to eliminate standardized testing. It seems black kids and hispanic kids, after decades of Great Society programs totaling $13 trillion, haven’t exactly caught on to maff and reading. If these tests are so terrible, why do Asians score 460% better than blacks and 40% better than whites in eight grade? 

Image of a horizontal bar chart, divided into 2 sections: one for grade 4 and for one grade 8. In each section the ‘X’ axis shows the percentage of students at or above the Proficient level, ranging from zero to 100 percent, and the ‘Y’ axis shows the student group.In mathematics at grade 4, the percentages of students who performed at or above the Proficient level were as follows: 51 percent of White students, 19 percent of Black students, 26 percent of Hispanic students, 65 percent of Asian students, 30 percent of Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students, 23 percent of American Indian/Alaska Native students, 45 percent of students of two or more races, 42 percent of male students, 38 percent of female students, 36 percent of students in cities, 44 percent of students in suburbs, 36 percent of students in towns, and 40 percent of students in rural areas. In mathematics at grade 8, the percentages of students who performed at or above the Proficient level were as follows: 43 percent of White students, 13 percent of Black students, 19 percent of Hispanic students, 61 percent of Asian students, 29 percent of Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students, 20 percent of American Indian/Alaska Native students, 36 percent of students of two or more races, 34 percent of male students, 33 percent of female students, 30 percent of students in cities, 37 percent of students in suburbs, 28 percent of students in towns, and 32 percent of students in rural areas.

They should test kids on how well they use a smart phone, texting speed, and what drugs Lamar Odom used on his weekend binge at a whorehouse. The funniest part is if you asked kids in eighth grade how smart they thought they were, the scores would be above the 80th percentile. These kids are so stupid, they don’t even know they’re stupid. All those participation trophies and being passed along from grade to grade with no requirement to actually learn anything has given these idiots high self-esteem to go along with their stupidity. What a combination.


Nationwide Test Shows Dip in Students’ Math Abilities

For the first time since 1990, the mathematical skills of American students have dropped, according to results of a nationwide test released by the Education Department on Wednesday.

The decline appeared in both Grades 4 and 8 in an exam administered every two years as the National Assessment of Educational Progress and sometimes called “the nation’s report card.”

The dip in scores comes as the country’s employers demand workers with ever-stronger skills in mathematics to compete in a global economy. It also comes as states grapple with the new Common Core academic standards and a rebellion against them.

Progress in reading, which has been generally more muted than in math for decades, also stalled this year as scores among fourth graders flat-lined and eighth-grade scores decreased. The exams assess a representative sampling of students on math and reading skills in public and private schools.

About a quarter of public school students are Hispanic, compared with fewer than 10 percent in 1990. As a group, the scores of Hispanic students trail those of white students; this year, for example, 21 percent of Hispanic fourth graders scored at a level deemed proficient or above on reading tests, compared with 46 percent of white students.

The proportion of African-American students in public schools has remained fairly stable, but an achievement gap with white students remains. On the fourth-grade reading tests this year, just 18 percent of black students were deemed proficient.

The average fourth-grade math score this year was 240 on a scale of 500, down from 242 in 2013, the last time the federal assessment results were released. The average eighth-grade math score was 282, down from 285 two years ago.

In reading, the average fourth-grade score of 223, compared with 222 in 2013, was not a statistically significant difference. The average eighth-grade score fell to 265 from 268.

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October 28, 2015 10:56 am

When gubmint scrools do poorly – they get more money. When they show improvement – they get more money.

Money is not the fix.

October 28, 2015 11:07 am

Approximately every 7 years, the useless Dept of Education rolls out either a new program or a revision to the existing program, with euphemistic praises by the Pres. and acolytes.

Maybe if they shoved I-Pads up their ass, the learning would accelerate dramatically.

October 28, 2015 11:07 am

Silly me. My kids are homeschooled and are already a year ahead in math compared to a supposed grade level standard. I feel so silly not using the expertise of factory schools. (And even sillier after that classroom take-down video making the rounds.)

October 28, 2015 11:16 am

I dunno, we don’t spend as much $$/student in Texas and we still get dumber than dirt kids, so I think it is something OUTSIDE of school that is the problem.

Like families with no Daddy and Moms with “multipartner fertility” and kids who grow up without any consistent and positive adult supervision.

Like scores of illegal immigrants who have no intention of learning anything cuz they are going to be pouring concrete by the age of 12 or pumping out babies by the age of 15.

Like kids who cannot be unplugged from their iCrap long enough to add 2 + 2.

Like politicians who want to keep the teacher’s union dues flowing so they pour more money at schools.

I could go on here but the problems of family dysfunction and the unraveling of our civil society will not be fixed by pouring more $$$ into the schools.

SMOD for President in 2016,


October 28, 2015 11:19 am

You should also mention that every sate has its own “standardized” tests. The tests are made up and sold by private companies that also sell the homework sheets, curricula and, in many cases the actual textbooks.
The teachers are blamed and punished for the crappy outcomes while the school administrators hide behind the teachers’ bloomers.
Entire semesters are wasted for teaching to the test.
This is the same gov’t we trust with our international affairs and health…………….suckers!

October 28, 2015 11:20 am

@persnickety: We home schooled also. I’ll tell you how bad ‘average’ is – in the third grade we had to start standardized testing. My daughter’s reading score was PHS – I though what the hell – is there something wrong – I looked and looked at the test results – PHS = post high school!

My kid is not that smart – apparently the other kids are that dumb.

Here in Minneapolis they have a HS just for Somali’s.

October 28, 2015 11:49 am

@ Dutchman…..”Here in Minneapolis they have a HS just for Somali’s.”

And you also have a Governor that is crazy as a dang fruit bat,and most likely on the take.

“October 17, 2015 Governor Mark Dayton says that if you don’t like being a part of the Minnesota Project you can get out. If you don’t like living in New Somalia, you are pure evil and it’s time for you to get the hell out of Minnesota, says the governor.” Referring to those Minnesota citizens who do not want more Somalis relocated to their state he said:

“Look around you. This is Minnesota,” Dayton said. “Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago. … This is Minnesota and you have every right to be here. And anybody who cannot accept your right to be here, and this is Minnesota, should find another state.” Dayton said he was aware of some of the racial issues happening in the St. Cloud area and urged participants to take a stand against what he described as “unacceptable, un-Minnesotan, illegal and immoral” behavior. “If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state. Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota. It’s not going to be again. It’s not going to be that in St. Cloud, or Rochester or Worthington,” Dayton said.

October 28, 2015 11:53 am

Math is taught as if the goal is to ‘find the answer’ or ‘solve for x’. This works wonderfully for testing purposes when teachers need a simple marking key to blow through 45 tests plus weekly assignments for each class.

Math should be taught as what it is – a language. However this would require far too much effort on the part of the unionized teachers (plus they would have to understand math as a language). If the foundation is solid the rest follows easily. Unfortunately for the future teaching kids to ‘do’ rather than ‘think’ results in mathematically illiterate chumps who are called the top of their class since the bottom has fallen out.

Q&A means you might be able to figure out the answer but won’t have a clue what it means, axiomatic means you can set-up and build on the solution without ever having to solve the equation. (Computers do pretty much all calculation now anyway – from calculus to partial differential equations – time better spent working on developing the next solution to be calculated). I was amazed by how many of my high-school class (who I though were smarter by miles) couldn’t handle the idea that the answer doesn’t matter – it’s how you develop it that counts (0.5/10 given for the simplified answer on 2/5 questions of a 3 hour final gives some idea of how much ‘solve for x’ is really worth in big school).

Interesting side note: Back when the USSR launched sputnik it freaked the shit out of higher education in the west since soviet math could be understood only by a few – we were still teaching math with question and answer methodology in post-secondary. Almost overnight the curriculum changed to axiomatic/proof based – too bad the change never ‘trickled down’. Lots of people failed out once the change came, and that was ok at the time – you were expected to fail if you couldn’t learn the material.

October 28, 2015 12:49 pm

Has anyone considered the possibility that as a group, the blacks and Mexicans are just dumber?

October 28, 2015 1:05 pm

Short story on how stupid these future leaders of America are.

My uber liberal cousins offspring was complaining on FB last month about her job.
It was time for inventory and she found it extremely difficult to do the math in her head. All she had to do is simple multiplication, number of box’s on a skid. She said she was crying all day and felt like she should quit, or die.

This is the girl that failed free college under the Kalamazoo promise, if you were born in K-zoo and lived there, you got free college, I think the completion rate is 48%.

Anyway, she had a multitude of liberal sympathy posts from her loser friends and her fatass waste of human flesh mother, about the unfairness of her job and how she should not have to be subjected to that level of humility.

I shut them all up after I mentioned they all had a smart phone, and there was a calculator function for the mathematically challenged on that smart phone, use it and shut the fuck up.

My cousin unfriended me that day. Ha.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 28, 2015 2:26 pm

The failing government schools cannot heal themselves. The almost instant solution is a system like Europe using vouchers which could even save taxpayers money. Grouping students according to IQ’s would greatly improve the teaching process. As long as Useful Idiots with Liberal Illness are selected (AA and Diversity quotas etc) over more qualified individuals (Meritocracy), don’t expect much progress even with vouchers.

October 28, 2015 2:35 pm

“It’s almost as if the government wants to produce generations of dumb downed morons who remain willfully ignorant for their entire lives.”

Ummm…. that is what this government wants.

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.

-Bertrand Russell. The Impact of Science on Society. 1951.

Bertrand Russell is the godfather of the public education system. He wrote the handbook on it and they are following it to the letter. It’s not even close to being a secret.

October 28, 2015 2:42 pm

Siddel would you please get off your “liberals did it” kick, unless you call “W” a liberal? It was George W. Bush who got this crap rolling so he could bankroll brother Neil’s “Ignite” company for $65 million and that was just the start of it.

This is HISTORY. Learn some of it!

No Child's Behind Left

October 28, 2015 3:47 pm

Al Gore says global warming is making people more stupid. Personally, I am undecided as to the cause, but I’ll play a hunch it’s about genetics mixed with liberal union-controlled K-12 school systems.

October 28, 2015 4:06 pm


You’re saying W wasn’t a liberal?

That surprises me, I’ve always thought he was.

I’m trying to think, but I just can’t seem to recall anything conservative he did outside of meaningless rhetoric,

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
October 28, 2015 4:31 pm

This goes way beyond Bush and NCLB or Obama and Common Core.

Understand that the current industrial-age model of US education is a direct evolution of the system that Horace Mann brought over in the mid 1800s.

Mann studied the Prussian system, where kids sat in rows, memorized facts, and then were released to the next class by the bell. Do you know why bells ring in school?

It’s to acclimate the students for when they would grow up, and work in a factory. No joke.

Also, read John Taylor Gatto – a former teacher and multiple NY City/State award winner – and his master works, “Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling”, and “The Underground History of American Education”.

October 28, 2015 4:39 pm

One of the more profound things I learned during many years in Fortune 500 Corporate America is that stupid people don’t even know they are stupid and incompetent people don’t even know they are incompetent.

Nobody even remotely in a position of power dares to speak the truth about how rapidly this country is declining. That means the system is too far gone to fix. All that’s left to do is brace for impact and hope to survive the inevitable reset.

October 28, 2015 5:43 pm

I’m sure that’s just some statistical noise.

October 28, 2015 5:47 pm

Where I am there is a particular group that WILL be taken care of w/ a low but livable level of support for their entire lives. The kids in this group uniformly get it figured out by no later than 5th grade, many earlier, and just stop trying at all. There are some motivated families that get their kids to strive, but is very rare.

October 28, 2015 5:58 pm

liberals did it

October 28, 2015 5:58 pm

I believe there are some studies relating the amount of attention paid by parents, the number of words young kids hear by a certain age, and as a related factor, how much they are read to, to their success in school. So basically you get the sh taxed out of you to try (but fail) to make up for the poor parenting by those whose kids you see clustered at the bottom of the charts. Oh, and also to fund the teachers union’s drive to elect big spending idiots.

October 28, 2015 7:38 pm

“Parents are shocked to learn that for 50 years teachers (indoctrinators) have been driving a wedge between parents & children.” Shadow men love it that parents pay to send their children into their education camps for progressive virus brainwashing and end up voting against their very own parents. Over the years they have erased and rewritten history, morals, gender roles, etc. Children are not academically educated because it is easier to control the masses. They are now taught to be social justice warriors. Look how easy it is to scare people with the threat of global warming.

“In 2001 Bill Ayers told Chicago Magazine, in response to “What would you tell children?” Ayers said: “Kill your parents.” Yet, taxpayers who are parents tolerate this and do nothing. It is quite apparent what the shadow men’s goals are.

October 28, 2015 7:50 pm

The Constitution and a government our Founding Fathers gave this country will not stand when its citizens cannot even find it on the map. “The blind leading the blind.”

Vegasbob +1000

October 28, 2015 9:02 pm

If you subsidize lazy dumbasses, you get more of them. It is the law of nature.

October 28, 2015 11:18 pm

Look up “The 30 Million Word Gap” that exists between children of poverty/neglect and middle class kids. The studies say that the children who hear 30 million fewer words than the more affluent ones during the first 4 years of life perform at a much lower level and may be permanently unable to catch up. Maybe they don’t have enough language in their heads to which they can affix the new content they encounter when they start kindergarten. Scary shit.

On a lighter note, several years ago American and Japanese teens were given an identical test. After they finished the test, they were asked how they felt they performed on the assessment (before they saw the results). The Japanese teens said they felt that they did poorly and felt ashamed. The American teens said they felt really good about their performance. Of course, the Japs kicked ass on the test and the Americans bombed it!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 29, 2015 12:42 am

QP says: Has anyone considered the possibility that as a group, the blacks and Mexicans are just dumber?

QueerPunk, it is obvious you don’t have kids. Your not smart, your smug.

October 29, 2015 12:58 am

EC- QP is not the whole ass……he is just the asshole.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 29, 2015 9:08 pm

Sponge-knob Queer Pants wonders out loud if groups are dumb. He never heard of the bell curve.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
October 29, 2015 9:36 pm

Mexicans are like one uh them diarreas that really burn yer anus due ter excessive beans, jalapeños and pig fat. Monkey people are like constipation due ter white bread, purple soft drinks and deep fried Tyson chicken. Neither one is very enjoyable and they both smell like shit in the end. El Coyote, did I ever tell you about the time I met Lupe Esparza on his tour bus?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 29, 2015 11:46 pm

The so-called Gigante de America kicks ass with Armando Manzanero’s Adoro

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 31, 2015 11:28 pm

leftcoast, one of the first thing W did was get rid of don’t ask don’t tell so how the hell can he be anything but a liberal jerk.

May 13, 2016 8:15 pm

You’ve got it exactly right: “the government wants to produce generations of dumb downed morons who remain willfully ignorant for their entire lives.”

If they remain stupid, content and dependent upon the gub’mint, they are much easier to control.
After graduation, they are encouraged to vote for their jailers, which all too often happens.

That is the scary part.