Media Fails To Report Gang Firebombing Paris Bus While Yelling ‘Allah Akbar’

American media has been noticeably silent about the Molotov cocktail firebombing of a bus in Paris last week by a large gang which yelled “Allah Akbar.’

The attack happened just after midnight on July 28 in the Paris neighborhood of Saint-Denis. Video shows a roadblock stopping the bus in the street and then a group of young males proceeding to throw Molotov cocktails into the city bus. The bus bursts into flames and burns down into a metal hull.

French publication Figaro reported that gang members told the bus driver and five passengers to get out of the bus before they threw the Molotov cocktails. The mayor of the district called it an “act of vandalism.” Video from LiveLeak shows the attackers yelling “Allah Akbar.”

While the incident happened last week, no publications outside of France reported on the attack until Wednesday.


The Paris neighborhood of Saint-Denis is one of the city’s poorer areas and has a large North African population.