After Multiple Reports About New Zealanders Turning In Guns, Guess How Many Actually Did It?

Via ZeroHedge

Following reports that a flood of New Zealand gun owners have been voluntarily surrending their firearms in the wake of last Friday’s Christchurch mosque attack that left 50 dead, the numbers are in on how many Kiwis actually handed over their weapons.


Out of an estimated 1.2 million registered guns, New Zealand police report that as of Tuesday night, 37 firearms have been surrendered nationwide, according to BuzzFeed.

No accounting was provided of how many people owned those guns, the types of firearms, or where they were surrendered.

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NZ Police “Happened to Be in a Training Session” When Mosque Shooting Began

Via Free Thought Project


It took police officers in New Zealand 36 minutes to catch the terrorist who murdered 50 people in two Christchurch mosques last week. Dramatic footage shows that just two officers—only one of whom had a gun—apprehend the suspect after his bloody rampage. We are now learning that this response time would have been longer, but police happened to be conducting a drill nearby practicing for a similar attack.

In what can be described as an extremely strange “coincidence,” Chris Cahill, a detective inspector who is president of a local labor union for police officers, explained that officers were involved in a drill near the city center when the shooting broke out.

According to the NY Times, 

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Deadly Serious

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The selfie-video made by New Zealand shooter Brent Tarrant shows the world once again how shockingly banal an act of mass homicide can be. He went through the various chambers of two mosques in suburban Christchurch exterminating unarmed, helpless worshippers as if they were mere points to be racked up in a video game. They had no personalities or histories. They were just targets. And when they moaned or moved, he shot them again to make sure they were out of the game. The shooter was arrested and lives on in police custody.

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New Zealand Mosque Shooter Flashes “White Power” Sign As He Is Charged With Murder

Via ZeroHedge

Accused Christchurch mosque shooter Brenton Harrison Tarrant smiled as he flashed an internet-memed “white power” gesture during a brief court appearance on Saturday when he was charged with murder in a shooting rampage that left 49 people dead in two New Zealand mosques. He did not request bail and was ordered to remain in custody until the date of his next hearing, scheduled for April 5. Police said more charges will be filed against him.

Tarrant, 28, originally from Grafton, New South Wales but more recently a resident of Dunedin on New Zealand’s South Island, had his hands chained to his waist as he wore white prison overalls. The police allege that after opening fire inside the Al Noor Mosque Tarrant drove to the Linwood Masjid Mosque across town and continued his rampage.

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