Deadly Serious

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The selfie-video made by New Zealand shooter Brent Tarrant shows the world once again how shockingly banal an act of mass homicide can be. He went through the various chambers of two mosques in suburban Christchurch exterminating unarmed, helpless worshippers as if they were mere points to be racked up in a video game. They had no personalities or histories. They were just targets. And when they moaned or moved, he shot them again to make sure they were out of the game. The shooter was arrested and lives on in police custody.

He went about his task with exactly the sort of paramilitary efficiency that is portrayed so admiringly in the Mission Impossible or Fast and Furious movies, all business, no emotion. The manifesto he left on the Internet shows his clear and detailed motive for what he didn’t hesitate to label as “a terrorist attack.” He was especially interested in provoking a fresh debate over the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution in the USA, in the hopes of provoking a civil war that would break-up the nation into warring regions divided by race. He calls himself “an eco-nationalist” because he considers overpopulation the leading threat to the planet and non-Europeans to be the most fecund and therefore responsible for the problem. He will go on trial and he says he intends to plead innocent. You’d better take him seriously.

At least half the political class in the USA doesn’t take the immigration issue seriously, except as a gambit for what they think is political advantage. The Left is doing everything possible to confound the issue and muddle it with litigation at every level, from local law enforcement to congress, starting with the longstanding effort to garble the definitions of legal versus illegal immigration. The “conservative” Right doesn’t dare call them on it, out of fear of losing Hispanic votes. So, it is left to the awkward, inflammatory figure of Mr. Trump to demand clarification about what official policy will be, including the enforcement of existing laws, and he has been reviled for it all along the way. He’s not a consensus-builder, to put it mildly.

Last week, coincidental with the New Zealand mosque massacre, Mr. Trump said the following:

     “You know, the left plays a tougher game. It’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. O.K.? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump. I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

As usual, his syntax is disastrous as well as his habit if placing himself at the center of every issue. But, also as usual with Mr. Trump, and because of his filter-less tongue, he lays out matters that should be extremely troubling to all Americans: that the land is full of men with tremendous potential for violence — and most particularly men with military and paramilitary training in killing and warfare, who have, so far, barely expressed in action their discontent with the tactics of their adversaries on the Left. This Pandora’s box of calamity includes the Left’s recent campaign to denigrate men as toxic and without value, especially white men wearing their scarlet letter “P” for privilege.

The Left had better sober up and join an intelligible good faith debate about US immigration policy and the enforcement of existing laws or this will lead to exactly what Brent Tarrant laid out and what Mr. Trump maladroitly hinted at. Instead, of course, we will more likely commence another bootless campaign over guns. Here are some plain facts about that. There are already enough firearms of every sort loose in this land to commence hot civil warfare and they will not be surrendered by their owners. The horses are out of the barn on that one, even if sales of military-style weapons are outlawed. Any effort to confiscate them from people already possessing them will only provoke more overt antagonism between the two poles of American politics — and would probably lead to exactly the sort of violence that sober observers discern on the horizon.

Our battered American common culture and its expression in political consensus ought to start with the foundation of the social contract: the agreement to not slaughter each other. That is, at least, the one principle that ought to stand on its own as self-evident, without any need for equivocation via “diversity” arguments. The Left is playing with fire on this with its dishonest, bad faith approach to debating the immigration question, and the gun debate will only provide a distraction from it.

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March 18, 2019 10:54 am

“Our battered American common culture and its expression in political consensus ought to start with the foundation of the social contract: the agreement to not slaughter each other.”

That horse has left the barn.

For example, take me — a truly mild-mannered gentle giant who doesn’t even own a gun (yet). In terms of the physical real world I live in, I am not about to go out and shoot a bunch lof libtard motherfuckers. However, in the world that is the reality between my ears, I have already conceded that slaughtering Libfuks&Co. will become necessary.

And where the mind goes, the ass will surely follow. Eventually.

March 18, 2019 11:21 am

Who doesn’t like an exercise in cognitive dissonance? Take, for example, someone with TDS. I certainly know about TDS as I’m surrounded by people gripped by it. These people will go on and on about Trump being a Russian puppet Adolph Hitler like they’ve been possessed by the Energizer Bunny and a 6-pack of Redbull.

These same people are quite anti-second amendment and love to tell you about that as well which makes zero sense to me.

My question: Why would you give up your weapons when, as you’ve said, Hitler is in the White House? Hitler, after all, was NOT defeated by people giving up their weapons. Clearly, you can not actually believe a single word of what just came out of your mouth otherwise you’d be hoarding weapons. Perhaps what you should give up is your right to vote as you’ve just demonstrated you’ve no aptitude for making decisions that make sense.

March 18, 2019 11:45 am

Comment of the day from all threads, LMAO… Chip

March 18, 2019 8:52 pm

I’ve brought up that point, here and to those on the left, so many times, and I never get a coherent response. Not once. Same with the ‘only police should have guns’ type nonsense. To hear it from the left, cops are all racists who go out and shoot unarmed blacks for sport. And that very same person will say only the police should have guns….

Same with trump. Orange man bad. Orange man hitler. But only the military, of which Orange Man is the commander in chief, should have these types of guns. How a person smart enough to pour piss out of a boot can hold such obviously self-contradictory opinions amazes me, but its the left. You should have heard this woman I had in my car while Ubering the other day, a south african white liberal. It really did blow my mind. Might have to write up a post on it. In short, this woman, and all those like her, are completely and totally hopeless, and are more of a threat to western society than any foreign invader or immigrant ever could be.

March 18, 2019 11:23 am

In support of Murder Mayhem Monday, a Turkish terrorist in Utrecht, Netherlands, shot up a tram full of dhimmis with one reported death and nine wounded.

Can you say Allah Akbar, kaffir?

Under no circumstance shall the Evil Fuckers permit ANY good faith dialogue, let alone a craft a strategic plan or even a short-term common sense resolution to a current laughable, bizarre and dangerous American immigration policy.

As JHK suggests, the potential for an actual firestorm exists here that is enormous and current tension between Left and Right, palpable.

March 18, 2019 12:10 pm

“He went about his task with exactly the sort of paramilitary efficiency” also plays out worldwide in the name of Allah, yet where is the analysis ad nauseam of the motives of those perpetrators? Or do they get a pass because some political figure or group deems all of them victims? When justice is hijacked it takes time for the lynch mob to mobilize and it seems the world is getting pretty close to that point.

March 18, 2019 8:19 pm

Kunstler may be a great wordsmith but he knows nothing about either “efficiency” or ‘maff.’

Let’s do that difficult arithmetic. Four Muslims kill two people in the Netherlands while one (YES, ONE) white guy in New Zealand kills 50 and counting. If that’s Islamic “efficiency,” we got nothin’ to worry about.

March 18, 2019 8:59 pm

I seem to recall a rather fitting poem about what happens when the Saxon hates….

March 18, 2019 12:04 pm

Leftists are incapable of reason. They have their agenda and they pursue it ruthlessly and endlessly. They NEVER go off script. The muslims had better take care, the events in NZ may have opened Pandora’s box. There was another muslim terror attack in the Netherlands, three dead in a tram and the muslim Turk is on the loose. If muslims want a war they will get it and they won’t like it. Too many more killings by muslims as retribution for NZ may create more NZ. Then again, it is emasculated Europe where they concentrate so they could be safe.

Here in the good ol’ USA we do have our guns, dims had better be real careful about confiscation efforts, LEO had better be real careful too. Any LEO going after guns may get a few up front initially, but not for long, there’s such a thing as stirring a hornet’s nest.

March 18, 2019 12:28 pm

I have already killed the son of a bitches in my mind a hundred times .But the ones in Washington DC are the real problem. They continually kiss the ass of these wealthy Jews who give them money. Just follow the money.

March 18, 2019 1:15 pm

Ya talking ’bout The Benjamins?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 18, 2019 12:23 pm

I love his writing, I really do. He’s a pretty fair painter as well and he has been slow to awaken, but there is still a deep honesty in his thought process that you can’t miss unless you want to. What plagues him, as it does so many others, is his deliberate blindness to agency. He really still believes in his heart of hearts that what is taking place is some odd, incompetence meets ignorance theory of history. He simply cannot allow himself to believe that there is a significant portion of the population that is a DEATH CULT. They want to self annihilate and they would prefer to take as many people with them in the process and no, I’m not talking about mass casualty shooters either, I’m talking about regular, everyday, run of the mill people. Their lives have so little meaning, they are so sickened either by drugs, over eating, STD’s or some other mental illness of infirmity that the void is the only solution to their travails. They just don’t want to go alone.

  hardscrabble farmer
March 18, 2019 1:25 pm

I, too, have enjoyed JHK’s writing for years, and agree with you “there is still a deep honesty in his thought process that you can’t miss unless you want to.
His “deliberate blindness to agency” as you put it, is not due to incompetence or ignorance, but a failure to call it what it is, pure evil.

  hardscrabble farmer
March 18, 2019 6:41 pm

I don’t know whether to laugh or scream with rage. In an overly long, but quite interesting conversation, a brain surgeon hypothesizes that the Left Coast Zombie Apocalypse Death Cult may be coming from 5G “testing” and Fondle Slab hypnosis:

Leftist tech companies (founded by big.guv) tinkering with Dem’s brain(?) waves to see if their control grid works! (Long to watch, but easy listening while I work.)

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  hardscrabble farmer
March 18, 2019 8:37 pm

Well, I think you folks chalk up way too much to Human Agency. Most here want to ascribe a political/ideological/supernatural Reason for things, when there may just not be one.

If you step back from the idea that everything people do is important, calculated, and part of some Larger Scheme of Progress, then what’s left does look a lot like “incompetence meets ignorance”.

The important thing is to break down as many energy gradients as fast as possible. This is the only “purpose” towards which we are drawn. Viz. the Pentagon budget post elsewhere on this site. It’s infuriating only if you think (sensibly, one might assume) that the function of the military is to defend the country, or to protect our imperial interests worldwide. But what if that’s NOT the function of the military? What if the function of the military, or any human institution (education, health “care”, “information” technology), is to burn through resources faster than would have otherwise occurred?

If a significant portion of the population is a DEATH CULT then maybe that’s what the ecology calls for. You know, as a homesteader wanna-be I’ve been told that the species on my land are a reflection of the underlying conditions.

It looks to me like the underlying conditions for maintaining high-trust societies with elaborate productive cultures are deteriorating, and so sub-species will move in to take over depleted territory. They are less hierarchical, with fewer material needs, different mating and breeding patterns, etc. We could say they are “weeds”, but in permaculture (which is nothing if not politically correct these days) we are taught to value weeds for their underestimated qualities and for what they do in the ecosystem.

“We” (whether that’s the western world or humanity at large) ARE NOT IN CONTROL, nor is any supernatural creature acting with us in mind. It’s biophysics all the way down.

Back to our human context, Kunstler does a good job of being a Reporter, I think, though he does maintain touching points of reference to times when certain civic values were at least promulgated, if not always observed, and I am always charmed by his gentlemanly opprobrium of the current state of affairs.

  Chubby Bubbles
March 19, 2019 1:33 am

CB; 2nd to last paragraph is right on. The supernatural creature is just watching. It is the Origin, and our reality exists just as a temporal artifact to serve as a mirror that it might see itself. That includes the entire universe, seen and unseen. Th Origin never interferes. Humans are no more or less important than a maggot. Both a necessary part of the picture

  Chubby Bubbles
March 19, 2019 3:39 pm

If you step back from the idea that everything people do is important, calculated, and part of some Larger Scheme of Progress, then what’s left does look a lot like “incompetence meets ignorance”.

Incompetence meets ignorance marries arrogance.

Apex Predator
Apex Predator
March 18, 2019 1:58 pm

How about the ‘paramilitary efficiency’ of the various Jihadists that have slaughtered THOUSANDS in the past ten years alone.

No thoughtful commentary about that? Why is it that people have fuck all to say when another truck of peace or grooming gang steps out for a night on the town. But when whitey ‘pops’ (Which is still quite rare) we have this hand-wringing and over-analzying?

Physician, heal thyself…

March 18, 2019 2:04 pm

You all must have watched a different video than I did. Looked fake to me.

March 18, 2019 2:29 pm

Fake indeed.

March 18, 2019 4:58 pm

exactly, video is pure crap, too easy to spot spoofers
but manifesto, pure gravy, we can interpret that anyway we want, it fits our narrative perfectly (after editing)
Southern Philanderers Libel Corp (SPLC)
Assholes Demons League (ADL)

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
March 18, 2019 4:45 pm

Brent and the Turk did exactly what TPTB want young white males to do: get a gun and slaughter some other Diversity. TPTB are on the cusp of their latest Federal Reserve engineered economic recession in America. Only this one (2019?) will probably see the DOW “going down for the third time” (like the US and Germany in the 1930s); and their planned NWO Economic Reset (Chaos, Civil War, and an Apocalypse: just name any Communist Country); and probably an Unintended Consequence: a Holocaust II; but if not, their NWO Agenda Plan will result in them having no more rich countries to rob & ruin, and no more foolish countries for them to run to, to let them in to “rinse and repeat”.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 18, 2019 4:48 pm

As usual, Kunstler hits it right on the nail head. So does Stucky in the below comment.
I am a former USMC officer and a former operations officer in a certain well-known Federal intelligence agency. I have spent quite a bit of my life overseas and much of that in zones of conflict. I know very well what an outbreak of widespread internal violence in this country would look like.

I like guns and have plenty. That said, I have no plans to go around shooting “Progressives” or foreign invaders living in our country. That said, I know it is going to happen. I don´t know when, though I suspect the next economic collapse is likely to be the trigger. I also know that I will be drawn into like every other American. You people out there had damn better choose sides now because neutrality will not be allowed. Think you can just be “above it”? We will see about that.

But to get to Kunstler´s real point. He is or would like to be a traditional liberal but he knows that the window for that kind of person is closing rapidly. What Kunstler understands that fools like AOC, Corey Booker, Biden, Romney, the folks at Facebook and Google, the Muslim with the head scarf in Congress, the AIPAC people, the CNN liars, the ACLU shills, the SPLC criminals, and Jeb! do not understand, is that the time is going to come when they will pay dearly for what they are doing now. They are known and their crimes against America are known.

When the violent men described by Kunstler finally have had enough, they will know exactly where to go to exact revenge for what these scoundrels have done. There will be no police or army to protect them. Kunstler quite rightly can hardly believe how clueless these dolts are. He KNOWS what is going to happen to them.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Southern Sage
March 18, 2019 6:46 pm

If you think you can be neutral, all you have to do is read Jack Hinson’s One Man War: A Civil War Sniper.

He tried to be neutral and was repaid for his neutrality when the Federals delivered the heads of his two oldest sons in a bag and proceeded to post them on the fence spikes at the entrance to his house.

  Mary Christine
March 20, 2019 10:16 pm

Yep…that was an expensive atrocity….


They gave us a war that nobody wanted
The warnings unheard or simply discounted
The men of the Pentagon surely undaunted
Gave us a war that nobody wanted


The weapoms of war are tested and counted
Military hardware displayed and dismounted
Allies ignored and the enemy taunted
They gave us a war that nobody wanted


Divisions of men and weaponry flaunted
Ships tanks and planes in quantity granted
By death and destruction civilians are haunted
They gave us a war that nobody wanted


Prime ministers presidents and generals have ranted
Television pictures and news are being slanted
Voices are raised and slogans are chanted
They gave us a war that nobody wanted


High powered weapoms and missiles are vaunted
The guns have been fired and the bombs have been planted
All shall be well when the foe is surmounted
They gave us a war that nobody wanted


When the conflict is over and the story recounted
We’ll forget the destruction and horror implanted
But remember the soldiers and statesman enchanted
By this terrible war that nobody wanted

Patrick O’Donnell

  Southern Sage
March 18, 2019 7:34 pm
March 18, 2019 10:24 pm

Fake as lowcal doughnuts.
UNDENIABLE PROOF, by Gordon Duff and others. Has videos from Dtube with explanations on Veterans Today 3/18/19. Duff is a former Marine who was in Nam and knows more than he wants to about shooting people with M16’s. AR15 is nearly identical round. I you want to avoid the problem and talk trash about remote symptoms go for it.