Total Population and Information Control

What do “they” want?

This 15-minute discussion between NSA Whistleblower William Binney and Pat Robertson illuminates exactly what sort of information the U.S. government gathers on its citizens and for what purpose it will ultimately be used.

I believe you will find the revelations by Binney as disturbing as I find them, especially now that we all realize the data gathering began as soon as the government figured out how.  No wonder a lot of people around here have decided to just go dark.

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The Eyes: Windows to the Soul

by Uncola via

I wouldn’t be surprised if the week of March 20, 2017, will go down in history as a Fort Sumter-like spark which began a cascading series of events that will soon spread like wildfire, engulfing the entire world with inescapable social and political ramifications.

On Monday, March 20, 2017, elite banker and rabid globalist, David Rockefeller, died at the age of 101.  Whenever I think of this disturbing fellow, I picture him behind a mask at a party with Stanley Kubrick and Tom Cruise in that dark mansion from the movie, Eyes Wide Shut.

Although the mainstream media has mostly reported on Rockefeller as a philanthropist, he was, in fact, someone who the journalist and former LBJ aide, Bill Moyers, once called “the unelected but indisputable chairman of the American establishment”.

Rockefeller himself once said:

Some even believe we {the Rockefellers} are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States… If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

In a 1991 Bilderberg group meeting in Baden, Germany, that Bill Clinton also attended, Rockefeller additionally acknowledged the mainstream media’s collusion with, and commitment to, the New World Order.

He said:

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