The Attack On Gab Proves Speech Was Never Free

Authored by Tom Luongo,

“Who Runs Bartertown!?”

– Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome

The First Amendment protects your right to say whatever you want free from government prosecution.  It does not protect you from saying hateful things on private properties or privately-owned forums without fear of repercussion.

That is the very definition of freedom of association.

Friday’s attack by an unhinged, vile piece of human excrement on a Synagogue in Pittsburgh wasn’t hours old before real world agendas pushed to the top of the news.

Twitter alternative Gab was immediately dropped by PayPal without specific reasons.

Then immediately, Gab’s latest hosting service unilaterally gave the company a 48-hour termination notice of its contract.

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Be Not Afraid

Guest Post by The Zman

Do not be afraid; our fate
Cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.

I was in the market this morning, doing the weekly ritual and I came around the corner with my carriage to see two people in the middle of the aisle chatting. Their carriages were next to them, so that you could maybe squeeze by on one side. Some people were trying to do exactly that when I came upon the scene. There were a couple people in front of me trying to figure out how to get around the two selfish idiots. I walked up to them and loudly said, “Have your chat somewhere else. The rest of us have to shop here too.”

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Murder in Pittsburgh and the Targeting of Alternative Social Media

Guest Post by Kurt Nimmo

Robert Bowers, the suspected shooter at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, is being used to denounce social media not on the corporate reservation.

Bowers had an account on Gab, the free speech social media alternative to Twitter and Facebook, where he posted antisemitic content, and this is now being used to portray the site as a haven for antisemites.

Gab posted the following on Twitter:

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