“Not One Penny In Middle-Class Tax Increases” – Warren Unveils Plan To Cover $52 Trillion Medicare-For-All

Senator Elizabeth Warren unveiled more details of her “Medicare for All” plan she swears won’t cost the middle class “one penny,” while raising federal spending by $20.5 trillion. Paying for the increases would be a wave of taxes on large corporations, the wealthy, cracking down on tax evasion, an $800 billion reduction in defense spending, and putting newly legalized immigrants on the tax rolls.

Warren has come under pressure from her Democratic rivals to release the details of her ambitious plans – and in particular, how she plans to pay for them. As the New York Times notes, “Her new proposal marks a turning point for her campaign, in which she will have to sell voters on a tax-and-spending plan that rivals the ambitions of the New Deal and the Great Society while also defending it against both Democratic and Republican criticism.”

At a cost of “just under $52 trillion” (about what the current system will cost over 10 years), Warren’s plan calls for the elimination of employer-sponsored health insurance, which over 50% of Americans now receive. It would be replaced by free government health coverage for all Americans.

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Elizabeth Warren Reveals Plan To Pay For Medicare For All: New Color Printer That Prints Realistic-Looking $100 Bills

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has been pressed a lot on how she plans to pay for Medicare for All — a plan that could require $34 trillion in additional federal spending over ten years — without raising taxes on the middle class. Today, she finally revealed her plan: a new Canon color printer she purchased.

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Trump Warns: “Our Record Economy Will Crash Like 1929” If A Democrat “Clown” Becomes President

Via ZeroHedge

President Trump’s 2020 campaign pitch to the American people is simple: Do you enjoy the low unemployment rate and ‘booming’ (even if rate cuts and other artificial stimulus have helped prop it up) economy Trump has created? Then don’t vote for his Democratic rival next November.

It’s a message we’ve heard from Trump many times before, including during the runup to the midterms, where Trump warned that stocks would crash if Democrats took back the House (reminder: They did). Democrats are bad for the market. And it’s a topic that journalists have been looking into in recent weeks.

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The Smoke Signals Say It’ll Be Trump Vs. Warren

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The Smoke Signals Say It’ll Be Trump Vs. Warren

Elizabeth Warren is on the way to securing the Democrat nomination, and the ensuing general election battle will be a re-run of Little Bighorn except, ironically, Sitting Bolshevik will be Custer. Trump’s going to drag her kicking and screaming and nagging, always nagging, down the trail of tears until that glorious November night when Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and maybe Minnesota all express their reservations over sending this tiresome scold to the White Wigwam in Washington.

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Elizabeth Warren Admits To Wearing Paleface At College Costume Party

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator Elizabeth Warren is embroiled in controversy once again, this time after she admitted to wearing racially offensive “paleface” at a costume party back in her college days.

“As a proud Native American woman, I now realize that dressing as a white woman at that party all those years ago was insensitive and offensive,” she said in a heartfelt apology video. “It was wrong of me to culturally appropriate white culture, as I am only 1023/1024th white European colonizer.”

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President of the Selfies

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Unlike the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren doesn’t radiate contempt, loathing, and horror at the task of mingling with the hoi polloi. Rather, she has become famous for staging lengthy sessions after campaign speeches to pose for selfies with her fans. The selfie-seekers, you will notice, are all women. It’s heartwarming as all get out. This is at the center of Senator Warren’s strategy for winning the next election: to cage all of the women’s vote and become the President of all the women of the United States.

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War On Wealth: Warren Whacks “The 2%” With More Taxes To Pay For Social Security Scheme

Via ZeroHedge

Beer-swilling, $430K/year teaching, culturally appropriating 2020 Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren unveiled a plan Thursday which would bump Social Security benefits by $200 per month, while increasing payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 ($400,000 joint) by a whopping 14.8% – split evenly between employers and employees, according to Bloomberg.

In other words, self-employed Americans enjoying moderate success will enjoy a particularly swift kick in the nuts under a Warren administration.

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Tomahawk-Wielding Elizabeth Warren Vows To Take Land Back From The Pale Faces

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After receiving confirmation that she was at least 1/1024th Native American, Elizabeth Warren has embraced her fractional identity. Having gotten an authentic Native American outfit from a costume shop and armed herself with weapons she read on Wikipedia that a Native American might use — such as the tomahawk — Warren stood before a buffalo exhibit in the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian to give a speech to the assembled press.

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Elizabeth Warren Changes Twitter Profile To Include Authentic Indian Name

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has changed her Twitter account, becoming the first Democratic candidate to put an authentic given Indian name into his or her profile.

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The Immorality of Student Loan Forgiveness and Free College

Guest Post by Nick Gillespie


So now college should be free in the same way K–12 education is. That’s what most (though not all) of the Democratic presidential candidates are saying, with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren offering the most-detailed plan to make tuition at public universities free, forgiving “95 percent” of existing student debt, and increasing the amount of money for Pell grants and historically black colleges and universities. Ironically, the push for “free” college is coming at a time when a historically high percentage—about 70 percent—of recent high-school graduates are already enrolling in college. College has somehow become so unaffordable and remote that more and more people are attending.

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