Miseducated or Stupid?

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

Miseducated or Stupid?

A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42 percent prefer the latter. Twenty-five percent of millennials who know who Vladimir Lenin was view him favorably. Lenin was the first premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Half of millennials have never heard of Communist Mao Zedong, who ruled China from 1949 to 1959 and was responsible for the deaths of 45 million Chinese people.

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Grateful for Not Starving

Guest Post by John Stossel

Grateful for Not Starving

When we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I will give thanks for property rights.

Property rights allow each individual or family to do what we want with our small piece of the world without having to answer to the whole community.

On Thanksgiving, we’ll probably be told to think of America as one big family — and for some people, government is the head of that family. That idea warms the hearts of America’s new “democratic socialists.”

But thinking like that nearly destroyed this nation before it began.

The Pilgrims at Plymouth didn’t share a feast with Indians after arriving in 1620 because America was so filled with bounty.

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Shut Up, They Explain

Guest Post by John Stossel

Shut Up, They Explain

Gloria Alvarez, the young woman from Guatemala I wrote about last week, just got blocked by Facebook. Why? Because she criticizes socialism.

After Alvarez joined me in my American studio to make a video we titled “Socialism Fails Every Time,” she flew to Mexico City to make a speech.

A few days later she wrote me that “some leftist ‘students’ posted on a fanpage called ‘Marxist and Leninist Memes’: ‘BOYCOTT Gloria Alvarez in our University! We won’t let her in!'”

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