UK NHS Director of “End-of-Life Care” Confirms Doctors Lied About COVID Being Cause of Death to Create Illusion of a Pandemic

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

“When four different diseases [are] grouped and now being called covid-19, you will inevitably see covid-19 with a huge death rate. The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in covid-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.”

“Patients dying with very common conditions such as old age, myocardial infarctions, end-stage kidney failure, haemorrhages, strokes, COPD and cancer etc. were all now being certified as covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.”

“Hospitals were incentivised to report covid-19 deaths over normal deaths, as the government was paying hospitals additional money for every covid-19 death that was being reported,” Sai said. “I have no doubt in my mind, that the Government has planned the entire pandemic since 2016 when they first proposed the change to medical death certification.”

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The Government Also Taught Us to Lie

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Yesterday I wrote about how the government taught us to steal.

Today the lesson is the government taught us to lie.

Can any reader identify one issue of consequence about which the government told us the truth?

World War I?  World War II?  The Korean War?  The Vietnam War?  The assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his brother Senator Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King?  9/11?  The war in Afghanistan?  The Iraq War?  The destruction of Libya?  Assad’s use of chemical weapons?  Covid?  The Covid “vaccines”?  Ukraine?

Readers will find it easier to add to this list than to find one instance of the government telling the truth.

Yet, despite government’s 100% lie record, people always fall for the next lie, and by the time they catch on that they again have been played for suckers, the government has moved on.

Continue reading “The Government Also Taught Us to Lie”

Exclusive: Proof that the top Israeli health minister lied to the FDA and the people of Israel about the vaccines

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

We now have proof that Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the Health Ministry’s head of public services and a top COVID adviser to the Israeli government is a liar and should be fired.

Top health official opposed boosters for over-50s, citing insufficient data | The Times of IsraelDr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the Health Ministry’s head of public services and a top COVID adviser to the Israeli government, issued no public statement after the news broke that the MoH withheld vital safety information about the COVID vaccines from the Israeli people.

Executive Summary

The Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) was informed by outside experts that the COVID vaccines are not as safe as the MoH had claimed. It was just the opposite.

Instead of admitting their mistake, the MoH covered it up and distorted the report.

When the news broke to the public on August 28, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the Health Ministry’s head of public services and a top COVID adviser to the Israeli government, issued no public statement.

This means that she and the others in her organization who knew about this were in on the cover-up. The Israeli people should demand that they be fired and criminally prosecuted in their roles of murdering the Israeli people.

Continue reading “Exclusive: Proof that the top Israeli health minister lied to the FDA and the people of Israel about the vaccines”