Another liberal scam to bilk people out of money to fund corrupt politicians and their union cronies will be a complete and utter failure. Liberals don’t understand economics, unintended consequences, or the intelligence of business people and citizens. Mayor Kenney and his moronic minions think they can multiply 1.5 cents times the amount of soda currently consumed to raise $91 million per year “for the children”. They are too stupid to realize people and businesses will always adjust their behavior to reduce their pain.

The article below addresses only the tip of the iceberg. Smart businessmen who understand economics and tax law better than liberal Democrat idiots like Kenney, will find a way to not pay the tax. The gentleman interviewed in the article says companies will us transshipping to not pay the tax. They already avoid a bottle tax in NY. So, the big grocery stores, Wal-Marts, Targets and wholesale clubs will use this method to not pay the tax. Only the small mom and pop stores in the poor neighborhoods will end up paying. So only the poor folks will see the 50% to 60% increase in costs.

Anyone who lives within 5 or so miles of the Philadelphia border will do their grocery shopping in Montgomery, Delaware, or Bucks County and avoid paying the higher prices. This will result in more Philadelphia based retailers going out of business and laying people off. Kenney is hiring 15 new government drones to enforce his soda tax. They are going to be sitting around with their thumbs up their asses wondering where the $91 million went. At $120,000 per drone, the taxpayers are getting screwed again.

Kenney will be lucky to generate $40 million from this illegal sales tax, if it doesn’t get overturned in court. The truth is that this money is going into the general fund. There is no special fund to make sure it gets spent on the kids. Nothing but politician lies. Kids won’t be healthier. Kids won’t be smarter. But politician hacks and their union cronies will be richer. Liberals are dumber than a sack of hammers but they are more dangerous than a Disney alligator for two year olds.