More terror: ‘Trump 2016’ in sidewalk chalk traumatizes Emory students

Via Twitchy

TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains multiple mentions of GOP candidate D—– T—- and may be upsetting to some readers.

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If you’re fortunate enough that your age, career and/or life experience allow you to see beyond the “safe spaces” that enclose and protect America’s finest colleges from stranger danger, you know all about the terrorist bombings that killed nearly three dozen and wounded hundreds in Brussels, Belgium.

Those of us on the outside of that safe space and forbidden from looking in might have missed another terror incident that took place recently on the campus of Emory University in Atlanta. In a piece in today’s edition of The Emory Wheel that runs more than 1,100 words, Sam Budnyk describes the horrifying discovery of “Trump 2016” chalk drawings and the administration’s flaccid response to student concerns.


Yes, chalk.

Somebody wrote “Trump 2016” in chalk on an Emory University sidewalk. Students report feeling “unsafe” and “afraid” 

[Editor’s note: Christopher Ingraham is a verified Washington Post reporter, and we’ve confirmed The Emory Wheel is not a parody site.]

Budnyk reports today that after around 40 students stood outside Emory’s administration building and chanted, “Come speak to us, we are in pain!” and “We have nothing to lose but our chains,” the demonstrators comforted each other in a stairwell. “I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe,” one student reportedly confessed. “I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school.”

Students then assembled in a board room where they continued to bare their feelings. University President James W. Wagner was unfortunate enough to join the impromptu meeting, where he was asked if Emory would “decry the support for this fascist, racist candidate” in an official campus-wide email. The president vetoed that idea, but after an hour said the university would review security footage to identify those who made the chalk drawings and press trespassing charges if the people behind them weren’t students.

Some pertinent tweets:

@_cingraham @emorywheel I’d laugh, but it’s just too sad.

@_cingraham @AndrewStilesUSA @emorywheel maybe they can get their midterms delayed while they recover

@_cingraham @emorywheel safe spaces filling up quickly @ Emory U

@_cingraham Hopefully they don’t develop PTSD. Differing opinions can destroy lives.

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