Obama won it for being elected. He then proceeded to ramp up the Afghan war, attack Libya, support a dictator taking over Egypt, armed Saudi Arabia in their demolishing of Yemen, and created ISIS and the Syrian war. All Trump did was broker a peace between two nations at war for the last 60 years.


Kanye West And The Utopia Trap

Authored by Tom Luongo,

The Culture War is over.  The Marxists lost.

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They were always going to lose.  Because cultural Marxism cannot sustain itself without feeding off of other people’s wealth.  It’s a parasitic ideology that first consumes the host then drives it mad to destroy everyone else.

After the 2016 election of Donald Trump when Kanye West had his famous meltdown on stage and walked off during a show it was a pivotal moment.

Many saw an enfant terrible throwing a tantrum and crying for attention  But I didn’t.  I heard a man whose world-view was in flux and causing him real pain.

The kind of pain that changes a man.

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JFK-Trump S&P Tracking Like A Tomahawk Cruise Missile

Via Global Macro Monitor,

We had several requests after the close to update the JFK-Trump S&P analog given today’s ugly market.

The analog continues to track like a Raytheon tomahawk cruise missile, acting with the precision as if its  guided with the same Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation navigation system as the tomahawk.  Sorry for the military metaphor.

Trading Day 366

Today marked the 366th trading day since the November 8th election of President Trump, and both S&P’s are only 60 basis points apart in terms of their relative price performance.

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America’s Unsustainable Empire

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

America’s Unsustainable Empire

Before President Trump trashes the Iran nuclear deal, he might consider: If he could negotiate an identical deal with Kim Jong Un, it would astonish the world and win him the Nobel Peace Prize.

For Iran has no nuclear bomb or ICBM and has never tested either. It has never enriched uranium to bomb grade. It has shipped 98 percent of its uranium out of the country. It has cameras inside and inspectors crawling all over its nuclear facilities.

And North Korea? It has atom bombs and has tested an H-bomb. It has intermediate-range ballistic missiles that can hit Guam and an ICBM that, fully operational, could hit the West Coast. It has shorter-range missiles that could put nukes on South Korea and Japan.

Hard to believe Kim Jong Un will surrender these weapons, his ticket of admission to the table of great powers.

Yet the White House position is that the Iran nuclear deal should be scrapped, and no deal with Kim Jong Un signed that does not result in the “denuclearization” of the peninsula.

If denuclearization means Kim gives up all his nukes and strategic missiles, ceases testing, and allows inspectors into all his nuclear facilities, we may be waiting a long time.

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Trump’s Deal With the Deep State

Guest Post by Bill Bonner

South Beach…

Last week, we were sitting in the hotel restaurant in Miami Beach having breakfast…

A man—about 30—was leaning on the counter. His dirty pants were falling down. He wore a black t-shirt with a skeleton on it. He put his head down on the counter… and said something incomprehensible.

He got a cup of coffee… and staggered over to a chair and flopped down, talking to himself.

After a few minutes, he got up. He clutched his pants, which were almost around his knees. He wobbled. He lurched. He headed for the door and disappeared out through it.

Then, a woman… voluptuous… pretty… dressed in white jeans, with a very low-cut t-shirt came in the same door.

She looked in our direction. She said something. We couldn’t make it out… Was she asking the time of day? Directions? We smiled.

She came towards us and sat down next to us on the couch.

She whispered…

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Herding Hamsters And Other Cosmic Reflections

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Disordered thoughts on the National Cockatoo’s latest antics

One:  The aghastment and horrilation about the terrible, appalling, shocking etc nature of gas warfare is nonsense. There is nothing unusually  hideous about the use of toxic chemicals. Hideous, yes, but not unusually hideous. Boring old workaday artillery, that nobody criticizes, leaves children watching as mommy frantically clutches at intestines spilling from her opened belly, leaves men without legs trying to drag themselves along until gushing femoral arteries end consciousness, causes traumatic brain injury that leaves its beneficiaries drooling and burbling for life. Poison gas can do no better.

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5 Fast Facts About The Federal Judge In Michael Cohen’s Case (And Why Trump Should Be Worried)

Submitted by Ann of The Political Insider

Federal Judge Kimba Wood will be overseeing the court case against President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. Here are five facts about Judge Wood – and why Trump should be very worried.

1. She was President Bill Clinton’s pick for Attorney General in 1993

President Bill Clinton nominated Wood to become the first female Attorney General. In fact, Wood was hand-picked by Hillary Clinton, who had been asked to submit a list of possible nominees for her husband’s consideration. However, Wood withdrew from the nomination after the White House learned about her brief time as a Playboy Bunny – and that she employed an illegal alien as a nanny. Further, Wood actually helped the nanny to illegally remain in the country by paying taxes for her.

2. She trained as a Playboy Bunny

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The Saker Warns “Alas, This Is Far From Over”

Via The Saker,

Let’s begin by a short summary of events.

  • About a month ago Nikki Haley announces to the UNSC that the USA is ready to violate the rules of this very self-same UNSC should a chemical attack happen in Syria
  • Then the Russians announced that they have evidence that a chemical false flag is being prepared in Syria
  • Then a chemical attack (supposedly) takes place (in a location surrounded and, basically, controlled by government forces!)
  • The OPWC sends investigators (in spite of western powers loudly proclaiming that no investigation was needed)
  • The AngloZionists then bomb Syria
  • Next, the UNSC refuses to condemn the violation of its own rules and decisions
  • Finally, the US Americans speak of a ‘perfect strike’

Now tell me – do you get a sense that this is over?

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Crimes of a Monster: Your Tax Dollars at Work

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

Let us not mince words.

We are living in an age of war profiteers.

We are living in an age of scoundrels, liars, brutes and thugs. Many of them work for the U.S. government.

We are living in an age of monsters.

Ask Donald Trump. He knows all about monsters.

Any government that leaves “mothers and fathers, infants and children, thrashing in pain and gasping for air” is evil and despicable, said President Trump, justifying his blatantly unconstitutional decision(in the absence of congressional approval or a declaration of war) to launch airstrikes against Syria based on dubious allegationsthat it had carried out chemical weapons attacks on its own people. “They are crimes of a monster.”

If the Syrian government is a monster for killing innocent civilians, including women and children, the U.S. government must be a monster, too.

In Afghanistan, ten civilians were killed—including three children, one an infant in his mother’s arms—when U.S. warplanes targeted a truck in broad daylight on an open road with women and children riding in the exposed truck bed.

In Syria, at least 80 civilians, including 30 children, were killed when U.S.-led air strikes bombed a school and a packed marketplace.

Then there was a Doctors without Borders hospital in Kunduz that had 12 of its medical staff and 10 of its patients, including three children, killed when a U.S. AC-130 gunship fired on it repeatedly. Some of the patients were burned alivein their hospital beds.

Yes, on this point, President Trump is exactly right: these are, indeed, the crimes of a monster.

Continue reading “Crimes of a Monster: Your Tax Dollars at Work”


“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.” – George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones

Image result for winter is coming game of thrones

“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age break down. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impassible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance.

Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a saecular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

I’m always a little behind when it comes to popular TV, especially when the shows are on premium cable channels. Being cheap, I’ve refused to pay for any premium cable channels, plus I’ve spent much of my life on baseball fields and in hockey rinks, rather than watching TV. When my kids recently signed up for HBO Now, I finally got to watch The Sopranos, eleven years after its final episode aired. Now I’m finally able to watch Game of Thrones, after it has been on the air for seven seasons. In the opening episodes I was impressed by the theme which permeates the series. Numerous characters stated “Winter is Coming”. I was immediately struck by the parallels with the Fourth Turning theory about the cyclical nature of our world.

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The Orange Snipe Hunt

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Back when I was a Boy Scout, I experienced something called a Snipe Hunt. It was a hunt for a nonexistent beast – a way to divert and occupy boys otherwise bored. So long as the boys believed in the reality of the Snipe – and the possibility of a glorious kill – they were happy.

And kept busy.

It was harmless fun.

The Orange One looks increasingly like a real snipe. He is certainly being hunted for real.

It’s his “crimes” which appear to be nonexistent.

And that is not a harmless diversion.

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Are We Over the US/UK Fomented Crisis In Syria?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

It appears from the very limited US missile attack, most of which were intercepted and destroyed by Syrian air defenses, that the US military prevailed over the crazed John Bolton and carefully avoided a strike that would have resulted in a Russian response. No significant Syrian site appears to have been targeted, and no Russians were endangered.

The US ambassador to Russia said that the US strikes were coordinated with Russia to avoid a great power confrontation. Russia Insider concludes that the exercise was a face-saver for Trump

The main effect seems to be that Trump has further discredited himself and the US by violating the UN Charter and international law and committing an act of aggression, which is a war crime for which Nazi civilian and military officials were executed. Russia’s President Putin said that the wanton and illegal use of force by Washington has had “a devastating impact on the whole system of international relations” and called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. China also condemned the illegal US attack.

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“A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military. Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!”

Donald J. Trump (current Deep State stooge occupying the White House)


Talk to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller’s Corruption

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Talk to Mueller? No, Trump Should Use His Bully Pulpit to Expose Mueller's Corruption

There is no way to sugarcoat it – especially after the lawless invasion of the attorney-client privilege by fancy-suited thugs, if President Donald Trump sits down and talks to Robert Mueller and his pack of Democrat donor corruptocrats, he’s an idiot.

Instead, he needs to take his case to the people – because a blind man can see that he’s being framed.

If Trump talks to Mueller, Mueller will be laughing at him, but on the inside. On the outside, he’ll keep up that beaten beagle visage of his, roaring at how he outsmarted the man who outsmarted all the Smartest People in the World and who therefore assumes he can somehow “win” his interview.

But Trump can’t win. The fix is in. Raiding Michael Cohen’s office was the icing on an all-icing cake. This is not justice. This is an attempt to claw back power for the disenfranchised elite no matter what it takes, and no one – not the president, not me, and not you, should pretend these hacks deserve any deference or respect.

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Is Trump Standing Down in Syria?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Is Trump Standing Down in Syria?

Wednesday morning, President Trump jolted the nation with a tweet that contained both threat and taunt:

“Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’ You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!”

Trump was responding to a warning by Russia that she would shoot down U.S. missiles fired at her Syrian allies, and she reserved the right to fire on U.S. warships and bases from which any such missiles were launched.

The “Gas Killing Animal” was Syrian President Bashar Assad.

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