Rising Costs At The Grocery? Legacy Media Would Have You To Believe There’s Nothing To Be Done But There’s One Simple Solution

Originally posted at FMShooter

Despite fear-mongering from the usual suspects in legacy media, claims that the consumer price index being the cause of rising grocery prices are simply not conducive with reality. NBC News writes “shoppers had better start budgeting more for their groceries” and explained the rising prices of food are due to “pandemic stockpiling” and supply-chain disruptions from COVID-19.

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Pork Shortages To Strike America In Two Weeks

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Via ZeroHedge

We have some troubling news developing deep inside America’s food supply chain network, suggesting rapid food inflation could be dead ahead.

In the last several weeks, six major US meatpacking facilities have shuttered operations because of the coronavirus outbreak. That means 15% of America’s hog-slaughtering capacity has been shifted offline, and there is an additional risk that beef and poultry capacity could be reduced in the weeks ahead, reported Bloomberg.

With every virus-related plant closure, farmers have been denied access to meatpacking facilities/slaughterhouses, resulting in herd overcapacity and suggests euthanizing hogs could be next.

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Food-Shortage Fears Well-Founded? Tyson Closes Nation’s Largest Pork Plant Over COVID Concerns

Via ZeroHedge

Food-security remains a significant problem during coronavirus lockdowns. The next big issue unfolding is the shuttering of the nation’s food plants could drive food inflation sky high.

On Wednesday, Tyson Fresh Meats, the beef and pork subsidiary of Tyson Foods, released a statement that said its plant in Waterloo, Iowa, will suspend operations until further notice.

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