A few months back, I’d shared the details on a real estate investment I made with a partner where the overall deal seemed quite favorable.  The cash on cash return was estimated at ~15-20% conservatively, we had a good property manager staying on from the prior seller, the prospects in the area looked good for continued capital appreciation and low vacancy, and there didn’t appear to be any imminent repairs/upkeep required outside of routine maintenance.  The first month and a half was fine and we were cruising right along.  The property manager hadn’t flaked out, the college kids hadn’t destroyed the properties entirely (they do have this thing about kicking in doors which is annoying, but if they want to piss away their security deposits, more power to them), and no major repairs crept up.  Then came the email last week.


The email came from a completely unexpected source and wasn’t something we’d even contemplated when purchasing the property – but perhaps you can learn from this story about how to avoid a similar outcome.

Continue Reading How My ROI Just Shit the Bed

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December 1, 2011 7:59 am

Ridiculous that an insurance company would insure your property without inspecting it first. How can they do business that way? Everything is rigged. I wouldn’t doubt that your insurance broker is somehow involved with the one inspector, who I bet knows the “best” contractor to do the work.

Golden Tool
Golden Tool
December 1, 2011 8:46 am

I’ve seen this issue before and one thing I would add is in the paperwork I’ve seen the bank won’t cancel the loan but will be required to purchase insurance and bill you for it. This will cost 2x what you would pay for. There is also a difference between stuff that is a liability issue and a repair one. Most won’t insure a roof over 15 years old, if it leaks they don’t want to have to cover the repair. You could come to them and say hey don’t write in the roof, if there is a problem I will have a new one put on which would drop the insurance a lot. That crack in the sidewalk could be a liability issue if some one walking along at night falls and ends up in the hospital, as a rental this they would try and make you fix while paying for all the permits, red tape and contractors. This will force consolidation of rental units into those with the money or the knowledge (contractors) to do what the system wants. Making many places unsaleable or unrentable.

Do unto others.

Muck About
Muck About
December 1, 2011 10:29 am

Darwin, that’s what you get for using common sense and “assuming” something. Where insurance and banking are concerned, never assume and never apply common sense as they will both come back and bite you on the ass..

It’s all in the contract or fuggaboutit. Even if it’s in the contract and there is the slightest chance they can slip one by you, count on them trying it.

It doesn’t have to be home or owners insurance either.. How about Medicare? IN the past year, I ended up in the local hospital once and my sweetie ended up there for an overnight one time.

For each visit, I’ve been billed $26.84 by the hospital for “something Medicare won’t pay for’. For each visit remember….. I’ve said, fine, send me an itemized bill so I know what this mysterious $26.84 charge is since two people on two separate occasions had to have “it”.

Nope! Wouldn’t do that – just pay it and shut up. Then comes a collection agency for $26.84. I strung them out until it probably cost them $500 to collect the $26.84 and then settled for $15.00.

That was on the first visit. I now have the bill for $26.84 on the second visit and if they thought they lost money the first time around, they ain’t seen nothing yet.


December 1, 2011 11:52 am

Stick it to ’em, Mucky!! I too have had enormous amounts of fun screwing with Compass Bank over a mysterious $11 charge that showed up a few weeks AFTER I had closed my account. I can’t imagine how much they spent on postage and everything else before they finally gave up. Never did show up on my credit report either… Fuck ’em.

Muck About
Muck About
December 1, 2011 4:02 pm

I’ll keep trying, Mike.

Here in Florida, we have a subscription “Do Not Call” service from the State that costs $5 a year. Between that and the free Federal “Do Not Call” list, that should slow down the number of blind boiler room sales calls, right?

Not so you’d notice until I started having some fun with them. Now, if something else has not required my time, when I get one of the jerkoff’s calls, I egg them on. Talk to them, ask questions, see if I can get some free shit, make sure I have their name spelled right, an address and a telephone number (in case we get cut off, of course). I try and keep the call going as long as absolutely possible and then advise the caller that I will be filing a call complaint with both Federal and State authorities (something to keep those assholes busy too!).

At which time, they usually hang up on me. Too late – I’ve got all I need to zing them.

I’ve set up a Excel data base that I keep the info in and an automated script that types up a nice letter and two envelopes to both the Feds and the state Dept of Ag (who handles the do not call stuff) at one stroke of a key. Does cost me two First Class stamps but so far, after checking back with the State Ag, they’ve fined 6 out of 22 outfits that I turned in. The Feds, of course, won’t answer letters or answer the phone which is par for the course.

After I did this for 6 months or so, suddenly the telephone stopped ringing. I don’t even get “legal” political bullshit calls or calls from “Veterans of “X” War Relief” anymore. I suspect someone in the telemarketers association put a big red star next to my number that means “Don’t Tread on This One!” which is what I was after.

Took a little extra time but some of the responses I get after taking up a half hour of their time and tell them they’re gonna get bit on the ass is worth the effort. Seems to have worked too… wasn’t much fun at the start but I really got into it as I went along and ended up having fun laughing at the turkeys without them ever knowing I was jiving them along….


December 1, 2011 7:26 pm

Lesson learned,…would be investors in our economy….don’t do it. Hunker down instead, the odds of getting screwed by someone is too great.

  Darwin's Money
December 2, 2011 6:43 am


The USD had risen 6% in the last two months as Europe has imploded. Gold has held steady in the face of a rising dollar. After Bennie fired up the printing press on Wednesday, gold soared.

YTD return on gold +22%
YTD return on S&P 500 -1%

Got gold?

December 2, 2011 12:03 am

When a safety inspector shows up it costs me thousands. Every time. Your inspectors are in the same game. If they do not find something they are not trying hard enough. My uncle the ex-cop said he could pull over any car on the road – even brand new – and cite it for something. He said there were thousands of regs and he could always find something

December 2, 2011 5:29 pm

Would like to here your take or anybody’s opinion patented gold mines in the U.S.? These are mines the Federal Gov has sign the mineral rights away to private individuals.

December 2, 2011 5:32 pm


Opinionated Bloviator
Opinionated Bloviator
December 2, 2011 11:35 pm

Darwin – I would have walked away at that point and returned in 6 months tiem when the value of the house had fallen another 20% or so.

Regardless, good luck with your investments.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
December 3, 2011 3:07 am

Darwin: I feel for you, however, I must say:

Cry me a fucking river.

Your post about this business a few months ago was recieved with wise, experienced commentary. So it’s a big suprise that fixing your property whilst planning to charge people to live in it becomes an expense.

You should have listened to Welshman and others…

Just saying.

Land Lordin’ is a bitch.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
December 3, 2011 3:31 pm

Yeah, just giving you shit…

You totally got shook down by a legal racket.