Our cultural revolution in the 60’s and early 70’s made way for the dissolution and abject pathology that our nation and culture have devolved into. The family no longer matters, children are born out of wedlock, and are raised in a one parent home. Most kids grow up in broken homes, and are subjected to step parent after step parent. Sloth and gluttony are now our birthright. Our education system seeks to dull everyone down to a docile common denominator, and our bread and circus media endlessly distracts that masses from what is really happening.

And when half the population is getting money from the government, what was formerly known as the work ethic is all but meaningless. Like it or not, we are a socialist nation now. A few more government take-overs, and we’ll be full blown communist. But this could not have happened without what took place in the 60’s. We’re paying the price now…..


Sherman’s March Through the Institutions

by RedStaterNYC | 1-26-14

Antonio Gramsci, one of the more effective Marxist intellectuals, proposed establishing “cultural hegemony” as the key to Marxism’s success. Rudi Dutschke, in the heat of the radical 60s, focused this concept into the “long march through the institutions”—a means of achieving cultural hegemony via infiltrating and taking over the halls of influence and power: journalism, entertainment media, classrooms, government, courts, etc.

Needless to say, these Marxists have been fabulously successful. Prior to the 60s we were a sane, unified nation—united by race, religion, language, and purpose. Now we’re a culturally and financially bankrupt, “diverse”, “multicultural” Tower of Babel careening over the abyss of third-world hell-holishness.

Mission accomplished!

If we are to advance against those who would continue to destroy this nation, we must be, amongst other things, undoing the Marxists’ “long march”. But I believe undoing this treason won’t be a matter of executing our own “long march” by trying to sneak patriots into the institutions. Not only would that take too much time, but, more so, the leftists have rigged the game to make it next to impossible for us to infiltrate their ranks (unlike when they invaded, unfettered by our erstwhile naïve and overly trusting vanguard). Leftists, after all, are creatures defined by their deceit and trickery…and you can’t con a con-man.

No, rather than march our way back through the institutions, we should simply burn them to the ground. Destroy them.

Not that this is my idea. The process is already well underway. Consider:

“Journalism” (Read: Propaganda)

Read the full article


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January 26, 2014 4:22 pm


Did you not understand the new guideline? You can’t post full articles unless the author has given TBP permission. I cut it to a couple paragraphs, with a link to the full story.

January 26, 2014 5:41 pm

“…we should simply burn them to the ground.” i agree. the leftwing cultural apparatchiki would sooner permit a rabid hedgehog into their ranks than a conservative, unless it’s a nebbish like david brooks. i do think though that the coming economic implosion will lay waste to a good portion of what the leftist miscreants have built up over the last 5 decades. lots of government programs will disappear for good, loads of useless professors teaching gay dwarf studies or whatever will be cast aside, and the leftist entertainment/news empire, already moribund, will shrink considerably if only because we cannot afford the absurd levels of idleness and leisure that fuels it. the damage done to the family, male/female roles, relations, etc. is likely irreversible in the foreseeable future.

if anyone is interested in this “long march”, a good place to start is to read roger kimball’s books, “the long march” and “tenured radicals”. they are highly readable, eye-opening. also, robert bork’s tome, “slouching towards gomorrah” is excellent.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 26, 2014 5:45 pm
January 26, 2014 7:47 pm

It is not just the leftists MFs the “free trade” mantra which many conservatives have embraced, as well as the leftists, has left this country devoid of jobs. 23,000 people in DC applied for jobs at Wal-Mart for 600 positions… Wal-Mart! Many of these people are probably on the gov’t dole but shock and surprise….they want a job! So the part of the problem is there are no jobs for the working class so WTF are they supposed to do??? Yes the gov’t caused this but we allowed it. Ross Perot told us this would happen and everybody laughed, well the joke was on us!!!!!!!

January 26, 2014 8:10 pm

You have to admit the leftist ,communist and other socialist have done a good job at taking over the cultural
Institutions.They are now the gate keepers.An alien elite has taken over the nation and a.police state is what they want.Got to control the population by force.

January 26, 2014 9:32 pm

TLate, the retard train is leaving the station. why are you not on it?

January 26, 2014 9:32 pm

I came across a great documentary on YOUTUBE this past Wednesday night. It fits right in here with this post. I HIGHLY recommend everyone here on TBP watch it if you have not done so already . Go to YOUTUBE and search for ‘FOUR HORSEMEN’ – it comes up as the first listing in the Que. It will be one of the BEST 1.5 hours that you will spend.

January 26, 2014 10:58 pm

Four Horseman – video posted for SKINBAG

January 26, 2014 11:34 pm

Uh “Archie” is that all you got? Left right same same and way to denigrate people who have a condition they were born with. WEAK MIND EXEMPLIFIED!!!!!!

This site is spiraling in.

I think you will be commuting for the foreseeable future ADMIN.

January 27, 2014 12:31 am


January 27, 2014 1:05 am

Destroy, erase, improve.

Ex Machina
Ex Machina
January 27, 2014 12:52 pm

Thanks Archie for the references to Kimball’s and Borke’s works. I’ve got them on shipment now. I no doubt should have read them before I posted my article!

January 27, 2014 6:06 pm

ex machina, here’s a little teaser from “the long march” and i would have a pint of booze handy while reading: at Cornell…

“Matters came to a crisis in the spring of 1969. On Saturday, April 19, during parents’ weekend, some one hundred black students walked into Willard Straight Hall shortly before 6:00 A.M. and gave the occupants ten minutes to leave. Eleven doors were broken down with crowbars when occupants were slow in responding. Some thirty parents and forty college employees were forcibly ejected from the building. University officials then stood by passively while the black students armed themselves with knives, rifles, and ammunition. With militants from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) forming a protective guard outside, the blacks settled down for what turned out to be a thirty-five hour occupation of the building.”