Hat tip flash

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 16, 2015 2:16 pm

Fuck Brussels and the EU. All hail the European youth !!! Thanks Flash.

Celtic Tiger
Celtic Tiger
February 16, 2015 4:24 pm

I have sympathy for these white European kids. Their future does look bleak under the current regime. And the behavior of many Muslim immigrants has been abominable.

I like their words, but the undertone is scary. Awful close to those who sang “Tomorrow Belongs to Me”.

Fourth Turning in Europe will be hell.

February 16, 2015 5:52 pm

” America is ‘an idea.’ That’s how we see you around the world, as one of the greatest ideas in human history ” Bono the Bobo …and this nonsense was hailed as the great pro-American ballyhoo by all the the diarrhea of the mouth dribbling jackals in lame stream media.

America is not idea…American is a friggin’ continental landmass fer’ chrissakes.The Republic was an idea, nay an audacious experiment in self-government instituted by those brave men who were not afraid to piss in the kings cornflakes.They neither called nor wrote their Congressman begging their natural rights as granted by the Creator be restored and further usurpation of those rights by the Crown cease and desist , they demanded as much and risked life and property in doing so. They had skin in the game.

And, that is what these European kids are doing , statementing to put some skin in the game. God Bless them.
Ideas however noble are merely the form of a nation.The unification of individuals under one mutually beneficial banner is the substance and as far as I can tell there is no unifying substance in these Unites States. A melting pot of incohesive ideology and cultures can only lead to civil strife even war, especially in the event of a scarcity of resources and security.
The ongoing invasion of the golden hordes as encouraged but the two parties of global corporatists will not only lead to the demise of the form , but also the destruction of the substance i.e. the remnant of the great experiment that became this once grande Republic.
Bet on it.

February 16, 2015 7:28 pm

Flash , you never tell anyone who is really pushing for multiculturalism of Europe.Or America . What is this ?Why want you simply say who is doing this?

El Siete
El Siete
February 16, 2015 8:04 pm

Did it never occur to them that open boarders would mean the end of their nation as they had always known it? Native Americans could have told them that (then to add insult to injury, the invaders try to deport NA’s because they ‘look like illegal aliens’). To paraphrase Arturo Xuncax: Everybody wants the fertile land, nobody fights for bad land.

February 17, 2015 12:41 am

Go, you beautiful badass MFers

February 17, 2015 7:24 am

bb, you’re doing such a fine job of blaming da’ joos for everything but little bb’s frigidity that there is nothing left for me to add.