Hillary Clinton’s lucrative life of crime


What is really interesting is that outside the USA, everyone sees Hillary for what she really is – a greedy politician. Of course MSNBC would never say a bad word against Hillary – she walks on water. When the law requiring balanced media reporting vanished in 1987 mainstream media gradually moved toward propaganda machines. It was the Fairness Doctrine of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which was originally introduced in 1949. This required the holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was, in the Commission’s view, honest, equitable and balanced. The FCC eliminated the Doctrine in 1987, and in August 2011 the FCC formally removed the language that implemented the Doctrine. That set in motion the propaganda machine of mainstream media. The real goal of this was to prevent investigative reporting since media was no longer required to present the truth. The FCC turned media into one giant propaganda machine.

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Is Martial Law Justified If ISIS Attacks?

Submitted by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com,

A group of foreign militants infiltrates the U.S. using student visas, weak borders, bribery and cooperation with drug cartels.


Secret cells integrate within metropolitan areas and blend with the populace. At the precise moment, they activate, unleashing small attacks across the country in coordinated blitzkrieg-style terror campaigns against everything from suburban neighborhoods to public schools to shopping malls, striking fear into the citizenry, which now believes no one is safe, even in the heartland.


With normal law enforcement overwhelmed, the economy on the brink and the populace ready to riot, the military is deployed domestically; curfews, price controls and rationing are initiated; and special operations agents act as infiltrators in order to subdue the terrorist factions.


The loss of common liberties is welcomed by most as safety and security become the paramount motivator.

A glimpse into the future? Well, perhaps. Actually, it’s the plot narrative to a Chuck Norris movie called “Invasion U.S.A.” The terrorists in that movie were communists from places like Cuba and Venezuela (hey, it was the 80s, and we had no idea that the communists were elitists that had already taken over from within), but the premise is strangely not far from what the government is trying to sell to us as a potential real-life scenario today.

As Americans, we have been bombarded with propaganda for decades, which conjures rationalizations for domestic military operations. This propaganda always presents us with an all-or-nothing option: relinquish liberty and beat the enemy, or “cling” to the “outdated” Constitution and fall as a society. There never seems to be a third option, an option that does not require the loss of freedoms and allows for security. In the film “Invasion U.S.A.,” I suppose we had Chuck Norris as a third option, which is not a bad third option in the world of cinema; but I’m sorry to say that Chuck alone cannot save us from what is coming in the real America.

Continue reading “Is Martial Law Justified If ISIS Attacks?”


Riddle me this batman. This pitiful Dow rally would need to go on for another year and half and go up by another 100% just to match the Average stock market rallies after a bear market. With valuations already at 1929, 2000, and 2007 levels, bullishness at all-time highs, margin debt at all-time highs, corporate profits falling, the Fed close to raising rates, and the economy already in recession, do you think we’ll reach the average?

If so, take on some margin debt and buy some Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Linkedin, and any other high flyer with a 100 PE ratio. Good luck with that. Have you heard the numnuts on CNBC tell you how weak this rally has been?

The Dow just made another all-time record high. To provide some further perspective to the current Dow rally, all major market rallies of the last 115 years are plotted on today’s chart. Each dot represents a major stock market rally as measured by the Dow with the majority of rallies referred to by a label which states the year in which the rally began. For today’s chart, a rally is being defined as an advance that follows a 30% decline (i.e. a major bear market). As today’s chart illustrates, the Dow has begun a major rally 13 times over the past 115 years which equates to an average of one rally every 8.8 years. It is also interesting to note that the duration and magnitude of each rally correlated fairly well with the linear regression line (gray upward sloping line). As it stands right now, the current Dow rally that began in March 2009 (blue dot labeled you are here) would be classified as below average in both duration and magnitude.

Chart of the Day


“With only twenty millions of coin, and three or four hundred millions of circulating paper, public and private, nothing is necessary but a general panic, produced either by failures, invasions, or any other cause, and the whole visionary fabric vanishes into air, and shows that paper is poverty, that it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.”

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, 1788


“People criticize owning bullion because there’s no yield. But there’s a reason everything else needs a yield, to compensate you for things like obsolescence risk, business-cycle risk and management risk, all of the things that gold does not have.

We’re not gold bugs, but there’s a reason humanity has tended to use gold as an alternative to man-made currency – it’s the only virtually infinite-duration asset in the world.”

Matthew McLennan, First Eagle Funds


“But when you recall that one of the first moves by Lenin, Mussolini and Hitler was to outlaw individual ownership of gold, you begin to sense that there may be some connection between money, redeemable in gold, and the rare prize known as human liberty.”

Congressman Howard Buffett (Warren’s father)

A Case of Delayed-Nausea Syndrome

Guest Post by Fred Reed


I have just read in Army Times that, to my delight, the Army is making soldiers wear the prettiest red high-heels in the pursuit of gender-equality. Yes. They look like little girls playing with Mommy’s shoes. It has something to do with understanding the psychological problems of women, a matter of importance in combat. It necessarily was done with the approval of the Army’s generals in the Pentagon, particularly Chief of Staff Odierno, since they are in charge of the whole Army shebang. I write them in astonished admiration, thusly:

Dear General,

I see that on your watch the Army is turning into a transvestite marching corps in high heels, a Ziegfeld cross-gendered or bisected gay-bath sexual zoo vacuuming up every sort of erotic loony, not to mention becoming a home for unwed mothers and prostitution rings. I commend you. I have always wanted to be defended by a freak show.

I do not question your qualifications for command. You doubtless have a firm handshake, a steely gaze, an imposing presence, and a perfect grasp of PowerPoint. But a general who is so afraid of feminists that he forces his troops to play dress-up, well, I mean, what if there is a real war?

Continue reading “A Case of Delayed-Nausea Syndrome”

Rand Paul talks of ‘open rebellion’ in Senate filibuster over Patriot Act

Published: May 20, 2015 4:55 p.m. ET

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Sen. Rand Paul plans to speak ‘until he can no longer speak’ against the Patriot Act

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Rand Paul has taken over the Senate floor. Again.

Paul, the Kentucky Republican running for president, moved Wednesday afternoon to filibuster, or delay, a Senate bill to renew the Patriot Act. The post-Sept. 11 law allows the National Security Agency to collect phone records, and is set to expire on June 1.

Paul’s spokeswoman said the senator would speak for “an undisclosed amount of time. He will speak until he can no longer speak.” (But the Republican won’t be able to speak forever, as The Wall Street Journal notes: Senate aides said party leaders will be able to cut him off Thursday and hold a vote on a trade bill.)

Yet it could be many hours before Paul lets up. If the words Paul and delay or filibuster sound familiar, they should. The Kentucky senator waged a nearly 13-hour filibuster back in 2013 over U.S. drone strikes.

Paul began his floor speech at 1:18 p.m. Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, also spoke on the floor in support of Paul, as did Republican Mike Lee of Utah.

Paul ripped the government’s collection of metadata from phone records, saying “you should be alarmed” by it.

“We should be in open rebellion saying enough is enough, we’re not going to take it anymore,” Paul said.

Paul’s planned marathon of a floor speech gets one of his premier issues in the spotlight not long after he announced his presidential campaign. Paul, who announced he was seeking the Republican nomination on April 7, is in fourth place among GOP contenders, according to the latest RealClearPolitics average.

Muck’s Minute and a Half #10


Let me tell you a tale of incompetence, hubris, anger and a near total failure of the medical system.

My sweetie of 58 years has several physical problems including spinal degeneration (a failed lumbar fusion included) and atrial fibrillation.  She wears a continuous feed morphine pain pump (embedded in her abdomen) to at least partially  manage the severe lower/middle back pain from the spinal degeneration and a pace maker to offset the lowered heart rate brought on by her a-fib medication.  i.e. one takes medicine to solve a problem which in itself causes two more problems which requires the implant of various devices to offset the side effects of the medication!)  Medical science has a long way to go, believe me!  (and this is NOT to denigrate the marvelous advances in medicine we have seen and enjoyed during our all too short life spans!!)

To put it mildly, my sweetie and I have had a few not so fun days of ring-around-the-doctor(s) and nurse(s) with merry-go-round-music playing (a lot of “duh’s” to provide the rhythem) and clown performances in the hall, not to mention yours truly coming with in inch – FIVE TIMEs – of being put into handcuffs and tossed in the local hoosegow.

Sound like an interesting story?  You judge for yourself.

Four days ago, Annette slipped into a-fib and for 24 hours, using the medication available to us, we tried to bring it under control.  Using the maximum allowable of meds suddenly drove her B.P. up into the high 170’s, old Dad rang the alarm bell and as it was 6 AM in the morning, I tucked her into the car and ferried her the three miles to the hospital rather than call an ambulance and wait-wait-wait for it.

(Gold Star here!) She was received at the ambulance entry with very fast care of the appropriate kind by very competent nurses and a retired male fireman who was converting to be a nurse for a second career!  Really nice people.  Except one.

As you all know, one of the first things they do at an ER (after making sure you’re alive) is inset an IV needle through which various saline solutions and medications may be administered.  A little twit of a tech (not a nurse) came in and , taking the wrong, easy and simple way out, started to insert the IV in Annette’s right (dominant arm) elbow joint.  I asked, very politely for her to locate it elsewhere so when, as would inevitably happen, she bent the elbow, the IV entry point would not come under stress.  I was informed by the twit that she knew far more than I did on how and where to put it and would I butt out (no please).  The only way I could have kept her from taking the easy (and wrong) way out was to physically restrain her (this is the #1 incident where I could have found myself, at minimum) ejected from the hospital.  MORE on this later).

Immediate room availability, Annette wired for sound, monitor pinging in the background and paper work done we then waited and waited and waited. And waited and waited.  I went to the nurses station and asked what was going on and was informed that they were waiting (too) for the Boston Scientific Rep. (Boston Sci. manufactures Annette’s pace maker) to drive down from Ocala which small city is 40 miles North of us down a very traffic full highway) to “interrogate her pacemaker”.  No, our very large hospital had no equipment, capability or knowledge to interrogate the pacemaker to see if it; A. was working; or B. needed adjustment.  I’m glad we were not in the middle of the desert somewhere.

Continue reading “Muck’s Minute and a Half #10”

Oil Prices Will Fall: A Lesson in Gravity

Guest Post by Art Berman

The oil price collapse is not over yet.  It is more likely that Brent price could fall back into the mid-$50 range than that it will continue to rise toward $70 per barrel.

That is because oil prices have risen based on sentiment alone. The fundamentals of supply and demand indicate a dismal reality: oil prices will fall and may fall hard in the near term.

Our present situation is like that of the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote.  He routinely ran off of a cliff and as long as he didn’t look down, everything was fine.  But as soon as he looked down and saw that there was no ground beneath him, he fell.  Hope and momentum cannot overcome gravity.

Figure 1. Wile E. Coyote cartoons.  Sources:  The Braiser, Dubsisms and Forbes.

Neither can ignoring the data.

When I look down from $60 WTI and almost $68 Brent, I see no support except sentiment. Like Wile E. Coyote, we need a gravity lesson about oil prices.  What goes up for no reason, will come down sooner than later and it may fall hard.

Let’s examine the facts.

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Regulation Run Amok—And How to Fight Back

Too many government regulations today are pointless and prevent us from doing our jobs as well as we could, writes Charles Murray. His modest proposal: Ignore them.

Guest Post by Charles Murray

America is no longer the land of the free. We are still free in the sense that Norwegians, Germans and Italians are free. But that’s not what Americans used to mean by freedom.

It was our boast that in America, unlike in any other country, you could live your life as you saw fit as long as you accorded the same liberty to everyone else. The “sum of good government,” as Thomas Jefferson put it in his first inaugural address, was one “which shall restrain men from injuring one another” and “shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement.” Americans were to live under a presumption of freedom.

The federal government remained remarkably true to that ideal—for white male Americans, at any rate—for the first 150 years of our history. Then, with FDR’s New Deal and the rise of the modern regulatory state, our founding principle was subordinated to other priorities and agendas. What made America unique first blurred, then faded, and today is almost gone.

We now live under a presumption of constraint. Put aside all the ways in which city and state governments require us to march to their drummers and consider just the federal government. The number of federal crimes you could commit as of 2007 (the last year they were tallied) was about 4,450, a 50% increase since just 1980. A comparative handful of those crimes are “malum in se”—bad in themselves. The rest are “malum prohibitum”—crimes because the government disapproves.

Continue reading “Regulation Run Amok—And How to Fight Back”

This October The World Will Change: “China Is Preparing For Something BIG”


This October may see the beginning of the end for the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Twice every decade the International Monetary Fund meets to discuss their Special Drawing Rights (SDR) currency basket. Currently comprised of the dollar, Japanese Yen, British Pound and Euro, if China has their way a few months from now, we may well see the Chinese Yuan take its place among the world’s most trusted currencies.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew says, “China isn’t ready for currency reserve status,” and would certainly like to see the Chinese blocked from entry, preserving the dollar’s status as the world’s go-to currency and primary mechanism of exchange for global international trade.

Continue reading “This October The World Will Change: “China Is Preparing For Something BIG””


IMPORTANT: Youtube has just demonetized our video that is going viral criticizing Hillary Clinton supporters. They have given no explanation or justification for this action. This is a clear sign of censorship by google who is favoring Hillary Clinton to be our next president in 2016.

We live and survive off youtube monetization. We have to ask for your help so we can continue our work. Please visit http://wearechange.org/donate/ and donate what you can, so our work cannot be censored or stopped.