The Chinese stock market bubble is imploding. And guess what? Nothing in particular started the plunge. Chinese central bankers have been easing, and it is still collapsing. Chinese politicians are promising new stimulative financial policies, and it is still collapsing. The ignorant Chinese masses who piled into the market in the last six months are roadkill.

The Fed reduced interest rates from 2007 through 2009 and the US stock market still fell 55%. If you think the Fed is all powerful and can stop a stock market collapse, you are badly mistaken. Markets are driven by fear and greed. Greed has been winning for the last six years. It was winning big time in China until three weeks ago. The Chinese stock market was up 60% in six months and the Wall Street investing geniuses paraded on CNBC were telling you to get into Chinese stocks before it was too late. As usual, their advice was worse than worthless.

When the selling begins in the US, with the level of margin debt, the fear will spread rapidly. A 30% drop in the Dow over three weeks would be about 5,500 points. Watching the Wall Street lemmings play follow the leader will be entertaining.

The blood, gore, and cries for relief from the taxpayers will be epic. Bring some popcorn.


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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 3, 2015 3:01 pm

Just think…….one and half billion Chinese and “nobody saw this coming”. heh

That’s a lot of butthurt sheep over there, they should stick to gold.

July 3, 2015 4:27 pm

Shit!! I thought their superior Asian intellect would have allowed them to see this! Oh, wait…I guess human nature still trumps IQ potential. That fucking limbic system…