National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Will Not Release Documents To Prove Global Warming


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been subpoenaed to turn over its documentation to prove global warming and they are REFUSING to show the data. They are claiming confidentiality when it is taxpayer money that funds them. How can this be confidential?

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Hollow man
Hollow man
October 29, 2015 7:12 am

Now I reLly trust them. They will release the data as soon as they are done amending it in order to prove their need for complete total control over the little people.

October 29, 2015 8:12 am

Maybe they dont havv anything that proves global warming. Maybe that proof doesnt exist anywhere. But govt would never lie, so that cant be true.

October 29, 2015 8:31 am

If I were to receive a subpoena and refuse to honor it I would be jailed for contempt.

But, then, I’m just a common American citizen not an overlord.

October 29, 2015 8:35 am

Ciaran Clayton from NOAA:

“The internal communications are confidential and not related to what Smith is trying to find out.”

“We have provided data, all of which is publicly available online, supporting scientific research, and multiple in-person briefings,”

“We stand behind our scientists who conduct their work in an objective manner. It is the end product of exchanges between scientists — the detailed publication of scientific work and the data that underpins the authors’ findings — that are key to understanding the conclusions reached.

“There is no truth to the claim that the study was politically motivated or conducted to advance an agenda,”

“The published findings are the result of scientists simply doing their job, ensuring the best possible representation of historical global temperature trends is available to inform decision makers, including the U.S. Congress.”

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas):

“It was inconvenient for this administration that climate data has clearly showed no warming for the past two decades,”

“The American people have every right to be suspicious when NOAA alters data to get the politically correct results they want and then refuses to reveal how those decisions were made.”

“The agency has yet to identify any legal basis for withholding these documents,”

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D Texas):

“By issuing this subpoena, you have instigated a constitutional conflict with an inquiry that seems more designed to harass climate scientists than to further any legitimate legislative purpose, this is a serious misuse of congressional oversight powers.”

If ya got nothing to hide, ya got nothing to fear eh? Fuckers.

October 29, 2015 10:02 am

they are government: you cannot believe anything they say, write or originate. Anything they release is politically slanted, corrupted and compromised. At this point, if the data were released, I would suspect it to be altered from whatever the instruments recorded at the time. There is no honor among thieves, and certainly no science.

October 29, 2015 10:43 am

Aren’t they paid by us?

October 29, 2015 11:02 am

Lois lerner took the fifth, and it now living a fsirly lavish retirement. Enjoy it now, bitch, il duce is coming

October 29, 2015 11:57 am

Globull warming will be another tool for the gooberment to control our lives….you can’t have a garden…why…because it leads to climate change….you can’t have a rain barrel…why…because the water doesn’t belong to you and if you take it it leads to climate change.

Climate change will lead to a 4th turning event for sure .

October 29, 2015 10:05 pm

U.S. Government-Wants to know absolutely everything about you yet doesn’t believe that you should know anything about them. Democracy? Yeah, right.