Missouri: Taking the National Temperture


It warms the heart of a curmudgeon: As I suppose we all have heard by now,  black semi-pro football players at the University  (sic) of Missouri have forced white officials to resign because of “White Privilege.” This Privilege is a great upsettance to them.

White Privilege is real, of course. It is a combination of high genetic intelligence, studiousness, a tendency toward intellectual exploration, the capacity to organize, sustained hard work, and conscientiousness. There is a reason why whites design Mars landers and black athletes do not.

To make this point clearly (See? It is my tendency toward intellectual exploration), let us consider the following questions:

How many of the black athletes, or black radicals at Missouri, or anywhere, have any business being at a university? How many have IQs below ninety? How many are way below? How many are studying real subjects, such as chemistry, languages, philosophy, literature, or history—as distinct from subjects for the enfeebled, Black Studies, Sociology, Education, and Breathing for Credit?

How many of the jocks can read? In many universities the black athletes are kept in special dorms and get high grades for courses they never attend and can’t spell. Is that happening in Missouri? Can we see their SATs? No one, I promise, will want to check.

Stray thought: If universities accepted only those with intelligence and interest, the noise level would drop appreciably. I am for it.

But the antics at Missouri are only one instance of a far larger disease. Daily the country ties itself in knots to keep blacks happy, which is impossible—to placate them, to soothe their disturbances, give them everything they want but can’t or won’t earn. Nothing satisfies them. They shut down political meetings, loot shoe stress, burn cities. We back away. Always we back away.

We give and give and give—Head Start, Section Eight housing, AFDC, Obamaphones, medical care, free rides at university.  If they can’t pass a test, we abolish the test and apologize, apologize, apologize. Do they want to burn Baltimore? We back away, give them space, for they are troubled youth. And we apologize. It never stops.

Nobody ever, ever, tells them “No.” Might this be called Black Privilege?

As I read on Drudge, the national thermometer, the unending daily demands by blacks for this, for that, for the other thing, I would say, if I were rude–I emphatically am not rude–“Try contributing instead of demanding. I mean, beyond blues, basketball, and arson. Remember, we the white privileged invented both cities and matches. And virtually everything else that allows you to complain in comfort.”

One day—one day, maybe—we will have to admit that the racial thing isn’t working, and that it isn’t going to work. Hostility worsens. It will continue to worsen. As the white middle class loses economic ground and standards of living fall, anger will grow among the newly impoverished. The constant racial attacks on whites will continue. Why would they stop? As automation advances, jobs will become scarcer than they are now, which is too scarce, and for every job a black might do there will be better qualified whites and, increasingly, Latinos. And—this is the killer—blacks are not improving academically, because, as has become obvious, they cannot. If they can, why don’t they?

None of this will affect the talking heads who tell us how we should think—not for a while—because they are well paid and comfortable inside the Beltway, or in Manhattan. The bubble heads and babble blondes will chatter with vapid self-satisfaction of White Guilt, and speak in Georgetown cocktail parties with articulate and composed blacks, the only kind they know.

White Guilt, indeed. It is impossible to be guilty of something you haven’t done, however much you may want to, but this is a logical matter, and does not apply to babble blondes.

Remember, though: Cancer doesn’t go away because you pretend it isn’t there.

At some point—maybe at some point—we will have to admit that we are trying to mix the immiscible and assimilate the inassimilable. If we were dealing with Irishmen, Chinese, Italians, Germans, or Russians, mixing would work after a generation or two, or much sooner. But blacks don’t want to assimilate to white European culture and lack the capacity to do so. Whites do not want them to. The talking heads talk, but associate only with Oreos. They do not go near black ‘hoods. They know better.

We can destroy the universities to please blacks, and we can force integration, but the former won’t accomplish anything else, and people will resegregate if governmental pressure eases. To a great extent they already have. No matter what we do, the intractable urban Bantustans will remain, vast, bleak, hermetically isolated from the dominant culture except through television. Newark, Trenton, Camden, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore, and all the many others. These are forever.

So—the horrible, looming question—what now? We all urge education, because you cannot be charged with racism for favoring it. Yet we all seem to understand that it isn’t going to work. If it were going to, it would have. Every year the deploring classes deplore the unshrinking disparity in test score. They talk endlessly of racism. Yet the politically correct never suggest anything that would require blacks to perform. Nor do blacks. They never ask for thicker textbooks with bigger words and smaller pictures. Books aren’t their thing, as we say.

The one thought that unites the entire country is the recognition that it isn’t going to work.

Well, we can go on as now, and probably will, until there is an explosion, a race war or sorts, or continue the slow subsidence into—what?

The idea of a racial war is regarded as a sign of rightist dementia by those with Appropriate Values, the talking heads and academia and related riffraff. But if you look at the Fergusons and Baltimores, and ask what would happen if one day whites did not back away as the stores burned, if they ever fought back against the Knock-Out Game—you can see that something very close to a race war is possible. And after–what?

People inside the Beltway have little idea of circumstances in the rest of the country. Note how surprised they were by Trump. A lot of people in that great unknown America are angry. A lot of whites outside the effeminate states are saying of racial conflagration, “Bring it on.” Not a good idea, you say. True, not a good idea at all. But what has that got to do with it?

Perhaps the best of the possibly possible solutions is de facto, tacitly encouraged, mutually accepted  segregation wherever practical—universities, schools, police forces, maybe the military, and housing. The races have little in common and utterly different cultural backgrounds. England isn’t Africa (well, it pretty much is these days, but it wasn’t.) For the most part segregation would not have to be forced, but just allowed.

And then maybe we could have our universities back.

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November 12, 2015 9:25 pm

@ sensetti. Yes, you are correct. While the average IQ of american black people is around 85, its even lower in sub saharan africa. WHich is probably why you don’t see any functioning economies or countries there. People with an average IQ of 85 and below are not capable of building a functional city. They aren’t even capable of MAINTAINING an existing one that was built by others and then left to them, which is what you see in nearly every major urban area.

And montefrio – yes, I was responding to that other guy, my bad.

Fred asks a good question though, and I wish I knew the answer – what exactly happens when we stop accommodating these peoples demands. They have pushed so hard, and pushed us around for so long, because no one ever tells them “no, enough”. One day, probably pretty soon if current events are any indication, its going to get to that point. Like the people in flash’s post earlier demanding to write a new constitution or face ‘the bullet’. Are they REALLY going to try to remove all the white people from america with guns? Sounds pretty far fetched, but anything is possible. WHo do they think is going to pay for all their free shit if there aren’t any white people? These people have proven they can’t take cae of themselves or even run a city, much less a country. America without white people would look exactly like zimbabwe, where white people aren’t allowed to own land. A bunch of barefoot black people who can’t even feed themselves.

November 12, 2015 9:25 pm

Re: hardscrabble farmer says: I remember during the riots in South Central after the Rodney King verdict . . . .

I can tell you exactly where I was that day, the day the riots started. I lived near LA. When we heard that things were getting ugly, several of the guys I knew, and I, went to a gun store to buy ammunition. When we got there, we realized that a few hundred other white people had the same thought at the about same time, and we got in line.

While we were there, a couple of Mexican guys came in, and had these ‘WTF is going on?’ looks on their faces, as they looked around. Followed by priceless ‘oh, crap’ expressions which I will never forget, as they realized that there were a few hundred very serious white people in that store buying ammunition – and why we were there. I’d never seen Mexicans turn white before.

A serious, armed, interracial conflict in this country would be over quickly. It will likely be genocidal – to an extent that past conflicts have not been for a very, very long time.

November 13, 2015 2:45 am

It is as if a new specie has emerged. This specie lives in darkness and feeds on those that live in the light. Sort of like the Morlocks and the Eloi. Wells was a prophet.

November 13, 2015 8:39 am

The African athletes are there to breed the white girls while the white nerds are busy studying to keep the productive wing of American industry limping along. And too , just look into the stands at any college football game. What do you see? Hordes of white African hero worshipers.. and where are the feral Africans?…out breeding the slutty white women that their cucked fathers raised. I mean, who amongst the African worshipping cucked white fathers would not be proud to have his daughter bring home a young OJ Simpson…DUH!

November 13, 2015 8:41 am

As I read Fred’s article and I re-read HSF’s post about more weight, I realized there are eerie parallels between the Salem Witch Trials and the nonsense going on at both Yale and Mizzou. A small group who felt marginalized/mischievous decided to accuse the majority of fictitious crimes and has seized themselves a lot of notoriety (for now) and caused tremendous havoc.

How did the Witch Trials end? After 18 people were falsely convicted and hanged and Mr. Cory gets pressed to death, sanity finally is regained. The governor of the state ordered the bogus use of spectral (i.e. made-up visual & “feeling”) evidence not to be allowed in the trials. He also stepped in and prevented the local judge from carrying out more hangings. The slave Tituba who encouraged the girls to dabble in the occult was sold to a new master and the primary accuser (Ann Putnam) had to publicly apologize. Those who were falsely accused were given their rights and good names back by a public declaration by the colony and the heirs of those who were hung/crushed to death received financial restitution. The people in the village also had a day of fasting and soul-searching ordered by the general court.

So how do these College Race Trials end? One would have expected the college president to step in and restored order, but they’ve already claimed his scalp. I just read that a popular professor at Mizzou, Dr. Dale Brigham, just handed in his resignation because he refused to cancel an exam during the circus carrying on because students felt “unsafe”. If 18-21 year olds can play the “I feel unsafe – you can’t give me an exam” card and get away with it, I say it’s time to disband the university all together — all the other professors should follow the lead of Dr. Brigham. The inmates control the asylum now. Let them play at protesting until they get bored and they realize their student loans aren’t going away even though their classes just did. Once the majority of the students realize that less than 7% of the student body just caused the school to shut down, but they still have to pay the bill for classes they didn’t get to take, the majority will likely right the ship, so to speak.

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November 13, 2015 8:42 am

I wonder if T4C would care to weigh in on the pitfalls of #Mudshark (ing)

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November 13, 2015 8:53 am

I don’t have a problem with the college/black athlete thing. People are gifted in different ways, and athletically is certainly one of them. I rate sports as as one of the best forms of entertainment, I love competition, and it’s free. I’m totally cool with a young man who may be no Einstein, but is able to trade his physical talents for some more education, and willing to do it.

November 13, 2015 8:55 am


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November 13, 2015 9:24 am

Starfkcker , the problem isn’t the black athlete.The problem is the protection, promotion and propagation of the thug culture prevalent in college and professional sports as something worth emulating. Furthermore, we the taxpayers that could give a rats ass for sports in general should not be forced to subsidize the entertainment of sport enthusiast who have so little control over their emotions, that they regularly burst out of their seat slobbering incomprehensible gibberish at some random act by a player , albeit a total stranger, whom they deem worthy of their fanatical display of worship.

There is no way that the sports team owners could pay the thugs they hire 100+ million dollar pay days if not of the taxpayer subsidizing their entire operations.I for one am totally against supporting your bread and circus hero worshiping fetish.Maybe if you spent more time reading and less time viewing mindless bullshit , you wouldn’t have had you’re ass handed to you so easily as it was on your MAFF post.

There is no shortage of criminal behavior that white cuck college administrators won’t cover up to defend their African football idols..fucking none.A culture that doesn’t protect it’s best and brightest from the feral ain’t worth saving.

EG and not one African rapist went to jail.


The most important recruit in UAB history was a freckle-faced, carrot-topped 14-year-old named Brittany, who finished high school in under a year. UAB pursued the 5’1″, 120-pound bookworm like it would a quarterback who could rope the deep out. Brittany, who looks like a cross between Little Orphan Annie and Molly Ringwald, grew up an hour down Route 280 in tiny Childersburg (pop. 4900). Frank and Jackie Benefield, as country as cornbread, had been trying for a child for 20 years before Brittany was born. They called her the miracle baby. When other children were stuck on c-a-t, Brittany could rattle off b-l-u-e-b-e-r-r-y. Her second grade teacher suggested Brittany jump through to third grade. Jackie Benefield wasn’t sure, but figured the teacher knew best.

In March 1999, 14-year-old Brittany was accepted at Auburn, making headlines in The Birmingham News. When her scholarship money got lost in a bureaucratic maze, Auburn told the family not to worry, they’d hold her place for the next class. A few weeks later, though, Jackie got a call from UAB. They wanted Brittany too, and they were offering full tuition. Jackie was thrilled — and ner-vous; Birmingham, after all, was the big city.

From the start, Brittany was a minor celebrity at UAB, although she says the other students saw her as more circus freak than star. “I felt very out of place,” she says. “When people found out my age, they were like, ‘what are you doing here?’ I mean, it was okay to hear that now and then, but 10 times a day? I was pretty lonely.”

Brittany carried a 3.5 GPA in basic freshman courses in her first quarter. The Benefields say they wanted her to take the summer off, but she was adamant about continuing classes so she could graduate in three years. “I figured if I made her come home, she’d just be staring at the four walls,” says Jackie. “I guess that was my mistake.” To Brittany, the only bummer was that she’d have to change dorms, because hers would be used to house summer-camp students.

If Brittany had been lonely from day one on campus, she felt absolutely isolated during those first days in Blazer Hall. The Benefields say in their complaints that, because the school didn’t offer her another RA for a roommate, they chose a single room for Brittany. They say they preferred Brittany living alone to her sharing space with female students who might have beer in the fridge and boyfriends staying over. On her third day in Blazer, Brittany says, she entered the elevator and encountered a mountain of a man, a Blazer football player with a bushy afro and hands as thick as cinder blocks. Brittany tried to avoid making eye contact, but the man faced her as the doors shut. “Whussup, shorty?” he huffed, according to Brittany. She remembers feeling the blood drain from her face. He said he knew her; she was that child genius. He asked if she’d help him with a paper. Brittany panicked and stammered: “I’m 15.”

Well, you don’t look it,” she says he told her.

Brittany’s emotions swirled as she stepped off the elevator. The comment about her appearance transformed her initial fear into a feeling that surprised her: acceptance. Maybe she belonged in this strange place after all. “That made me feel a lot better,” Brittany says. That night, she says, the player brought his paper — and a six-pack of beer — to her room. Brittany says she had never had a beer — or any kind of alcohol — but felt compelled to accept when she was offered one. According to Brittany, one led to another. And another. Brittany got wasted. She’d never even kissed a boy, and now she was making out with the player. Then they had sex.

The next morning, the burly football players seemed a lot less menacing to her. In fact, Brittany says, they began to treat her as if she belonged. That night, another player asked for homework help, and brought over more beer. Brittany says she got drunk again and the player persuaded her to perform oral sex. The next day, she says she got drunk and had sex with a third player, who introduced her to pot. “I felt accepted,” Brittany says. “I felt like they were my friends.”

The players joked with her that she was becoming their “play thing.” She began hanging with them all the time. They’d sit outside Blazer downing beer, bumming cigarettes, watching cars go by.

On Aug. 7, the school got the exposure from its star recruit that it had hoped for. The Birmingham News ran a front-page story about Brittany and a 16-year-old male student, headlined “Whiz Kids.” On campus, though, Brittany was no longer known as a 15-year-old prodigy, but as that 15-year-old rumored to be doing half the football team.

According to an e-mail from Hale attached to the complaints, he states, having heard the rumors, that he called Brittany in for a meeting with a UAB police officer. They asked if she was having sex with football players. She said no. The complaints allege the school didn’t investigate any further, nor did it notify the Benefields or Alabama’s Department of Human Resources of their concerns of drugs and sexual activities, despite a state law requiring they do so in the case of a minor. However, the e-mail reflects that Hale did talk to the Benefields regarding Brittany “hosting guests.” The Benefields acknowledge Brittany stopped coming home as much, and that she slept all weekend when she did return. But they say they figured she was just overworked.

An e-mail from Hale, included in the complaints, indicates that he did meet with Blazers special teams coach Larry Crowe, letting the coach know that school administrators had heard rumors about his players and Brittany. According to the e-mail, Hale told Crowe that a girl Brittany’s age could not consent to sex. No matter the situation, it was statutory rape. Later that week, the complaints allege, Brown told his team to stay away from Brittany. “If this gets outside of me,” he said, “I can no longer help you.” He allegedly added that it could mean “jail time.”

At first, Brittany felt accepted when the UAB athletes paid attention to her.
Apparently the Blazers didn’t heed the warnings. Some team members interviewed by The Magazine echo comments in the complaints that a few days later, Coach Crowe pointed to Blazer Hall and told his players to stay out of Brittany’s room. The next week, according to the complaints, the players got a warning from “Officer Andy” — a.k.a. Anderson Williams Jr. — a UAB cop who was moonlighting as the team’s unofficial speed coach. Before lecturing the Blazers about lengthening their running strides, he allegedly reminded the players to “be careful” with the underage girl.

The next day, Sunday, Dec. 17, the Birmingham police nabbed Brittany and her friend at a pizza parlor for trying to pass a bad check. When they arrived on the scene, says Jackie, Brittany broke down. Their miracle baby, tears streaming and body trembling, admitted she’d spent all her rent money on drugs and that she’d passed a couple of dozen bad checks. The Benefields took their daughter back to Childersburg, but Brittany disappeared again after one night. Four days passed before she called her father from a gas station near campus. She told him she’d been staying in a boarded-up apartment. She wanted to kill herself. “I was a zombie,” Brittany says. “I was a broken person. The things I’d been through were unreal.”

Two hours later, Jackie opened her front door, laid eyes on her baby and winced. “I didn’t know her,” she says. “I saw her face. I saw her hair, but when I looked into her eyes, they were hollow. I didn’t see who was behind them.” The Benefields put their daughter in rehab. It was Christmas Eve.

Four days earlier, according to the complaints, UAB president Ann Reynolds had received an e-mail from VP Virginia Gauld, telling her that the prize recruit had tragically spiraled into drugs, alcohol and degradation. The e-mail’s last line was chilling: “Some times [sic] we win and sometimes we lose!” Reynolds’ reply was just as cold. The Benefields’ suits allege that Reynolds quipped the whiz kid’s story had the makings of a “B movie,” and that “she was clearly overprotected and doted on by elderly parents. Warren Hale and others are to be praised for trying.”

So if everyone was “trying,” is anyone to blame? None of the defendants will comment on the case, but all have either denied the Benefields’ allegations or moved to dismiss the complaints in court. “We’re not called on to defend factual statements,” says Doug Jones, who represents six UAB administrators. “We’re called on to defend legal allegations.” Ken Lay, a public defender for 17 Blazer athletes, released this statement: “Most of the athletes we represent know little or nothing about Ms. Benefield or her allegations.”

Brittany’s story may prove to be the most extreme recent case of sexual abuse in college sports, but it is not unique. Since August, athletes have been accused of sexual assault and rape at Colorado, Georgia, LSU, Notre Dame and Oklahoma State. And those are just the public accusations. In many college football towns, police forces have long had officers designated to deal with athlete-related investigations. They’re often the first dispatched to the scene and have a prior working relationship with coaches. The Oklahoma State victim, for instance, has alleged that a police officer tried to coerce her into signing a prosecution waiver while she was in the ICU.


November 13, 2015 9:38 am

“The problem is the protection, promotion and propagation of the thug culture prevalent in college and professional sports as something worth emulating. ” ————— flash

The promotion and propagation will continue forever …. as long as BIG MONEY is involved. Nothing will or can change that …. especially since the watchdog — the NCAA — is a completely and hopelessly corrupt organization.

Michigan, The Big House, 100,000+ …. and that’s just one team.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!
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November 13, 2015 9:56 am

stafcker, you don’t have a clue.

I’ve worked in a Big 10 athletic department. You can believe most of the rumors and implications. The whole college-football thing is a racket.

November 13, 2015 10:15 am

Stucky, strange how white men will sacrifice their daughters a the altar of the feral African sports heros because of a unmanageable sports fetish.There’s a price for everything and Western culture is paying a hefty price for white societies vicarious idolatry of feral sports figures.

He Left Me High & Dry & Preggo
… Says Beauty Queen

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November 13, 2015 10:37 am

women can feel lonely and attention from a man is nice
yet, I must say, never for a fleeting second was I ever
“attracted” to a black man (I have been lonely before)…
See Flash’s picture. That may be a universal outcome.

November 13, 2015 11:00 am

Flash, calm down. I love sports, grew up playing them, had season tickets for years for the dolphins and hurricanes back when it was cheap (80’s). It was a lot of fun.The last ball game I watched on TV was the super bowl. I usually watch highlights on sunday night, that’s about the extent of it. I don’t get how enjoying sports or acknowledging elite athletes makes the leap to offering up daughters.

November 13, 2015 11:16 am

And as far as getting my ass handed to me, we’ll see about that. That subject won’t be settled by debate, it’s going to have to play out. Primaries start in less than 90 days. Should make for an interesting next couple of years. Mine has a date on it, let’s see if I’m right. That’s why I wrote those two pieces. Bunch of noise now, we’ll see who’s smiling next. Best thing for the haters, if they are right, they get to kick me around. If I’m right, their lives improve substantially

November 13, 2015 11:32 am
November 13, 2015 12:49 pm

The news about niggers banging middle class White girls in college is old, old news. It seems that many of ‘daddy’s little angels’ have eagerly tasted the dark meat in school because it’s ‘so edgy’ to fuck the ultimate bad boy. If their fathers ever knew what their precious snowflakes were doing in the college that they are paying for, they’d have a stroke.

I am not referring to that tragic story in the comment above. That was obviously completely different.

On the topic of the future of nigs in Murika!, I believe that most of them will eventually become musloids. As it stands now, the whole ‘nation of islam’ consists of niggers, and with the mass immigration of musloids into every city it’s inevitable that the simple minded, White hating, violence prone niggers will flock to the tenets of islam and sharia law. It’s a custom fit for them, and the ME musloids leaders know how to take advantage of morons as 95% of their followers are inbred.

So Murika! will be facing not just millions of freshly implanted ME barbarians, it will face tens of millions of fanatical new converts from its own home grown barbarians. Beautiful. It’ll make for an awesome race war.

November 13, 2015 12:57 pm

When I went to UC Davis in 1978, I was put on the “MultiEthnic Program Floor” because 1) I refused to stated my ethnic background, and 2) God has a sense of humor.

The Wizards of Smart had decreed that each student was to be paired with a student from a different ethnicity. However, what actually happened is that there were the white students at one end, the blacks (mostly from Oakland on “special admission” status) at the other and a little buffer zone of Asians in between, for a 40-20-40 W-A-B split.

We tried to mingle in our common room but it had been “occupied” by the black students for 1) cooking,, 2) hair curling/greasing/weaving and 3) sex. It was so awful, that the administrators had to lock it up after the first 2 months of the year.

There were special tutors hired for the residents of this floor in freshman Chemistry. Math and Biology. I was excited about this because I had a horrible Chemistry teacher in high school and was very nervous about performing well at university level. So, in my little “Diversity is Divine” T shirt I showed up at the tutoring session. There was me and 4 other white kids, almost all the Asian kids and 1 of the black kids. The white/Asian kids were told, in no uncertain terms, that this was for the residents of the MEP floor.

We pointed to our T shirts and showed them our dorm cafeteria cards, proving we lived on the MEP.

The tutor stated that we were not “eligible” for these services.

Why? We asked. Our parents paid good money for the UC tuition/dorms/etc. We live on this floor, so what’s the beef?

The tutor had to good answer and referred us to the dorm administrators.

We all went over there and raised holy hell. Honestly, it was the Asian kids who were the maddest. They relented and were were able to attend the tutoring.

With the exception of 1 or 2 of the black students, there was NO interaction by the rest of the black students with the white or Asian kids on the floor in a positive manner, they were on academic probabation by the 2nd semester and gone after the 1st year. The only black student I know who continued on was the sole girl in the chem tutoring class and I think she went on to med school.

At the end of the year, the university administrators asked us how it went, why we didn’t “support” the black kids, why so many of them “failed”.

I was agog, but had learned to keep my mouth shut about this crap.

Current events would indicate that the cluebat has failed to be applied very well since 1978.


November 13, 2015 12:59 pm

starfcker…let the Maff post die , don’t double down.You’ve lost enough skin off you ass already.

I too played sports in high school and was voted all-around athlete of the year during my sophomore year, but I was competing only when I was playing , watching someone else play didn’t do jack shit for me. So for you to say you love the competition when only thing your doing is sitting your fat ass on a sofa and screaming at the boob tube is ludicrous.

And how exactly does this translate into a daughter wanting to breed a mudshark you ask? Lets say the daughter idolizes her father and has great respect for him and the things he cherishes. Now imagine the thing the father idolizes and cherishes the most is sports and the thugs who play
No conversation is engaged without the mention of his sport thug heroes.His office , home and his vehicles exterior are adorned with flags,stickers and trinkets symbolizing his undying love for his “team.” As the daughter gets older, she may feel slighted and feel that she may be in direct competition with her father’s vicarious fantasies ,so she tries to compensate becoming a part of his fantasy.
She turns her full attention toward Daddy’s game , his heroes and may even go off to the college of his sports team heroes were she can possible meet, maybe though team cheering, her father’s idols , thinking she may score conversational in her fathers eyes just by casual contact.
And due to lack of any other role models and drawn by crowd hysteria surrounding thug players, she begins to display all the symptoms of the metal illness of idolatry that her cuckold father suffers from which for her often becomes sexual as she uses the my powerful weapon in the world to get what she wants. And what she wants most is to be possessed by her father’s idols and to feel the love from him that he showers on them.

I hope this is a simple enough explanation that even a Maff wiz can understand it . Want to impress you daughter and teach her something useful. Cash in your season tickets and take her shooting instead.

November 13, 2015 2:46 pm

Honkies all about blocking the healing of the oppressed black student.

Life at the New and Improved Mizzou Campus: White Students Asked to Leave “Black-Only Healing Space”

Life at the New and Improved Mizzou Campus: White Students Asked to Leave “Black-Only Healing Space”
Jim Hoft Nov 13th, 2015 10:47 am Leave a Comment
It’s been quite a week at the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, Missouri.
From hunger strikes by rich kids, to poop swastikas, to black football players boycotting games, to the resignation of of the president and chancellor, to beating preachers in a safe speech zone…
To this…
White students at the University of Missouri were told to leave the “black only healing space” and meet in a different room.

November 13, 2015 2:57 pm

On a more serious note,. TE finally won the court battle to exercise her religious right. .She can now proudly wear her colander, a symbol of her Pastafarian faiths , on her head while getting her drivers license photo renewed.
Rock the Pastafarian vote!
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November 13, 2015 3:18 pm

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November 13, 2015 3:35 pm

Freedom of speech only matters for Black…check your white privilege

College Editor Silences Media at Protest

The editor in chief of a college newspaper turned media away from a protest Thursday afternoon, the Chicago Tribune reported. “Hey, no media in the circle,” Ryan Sorrell, editor of Loyola University Chicago’s Black Tribune, said as he held his hand up to a cameraman. “Sorry, man. You’re good, but just not in the circle.” The only publication reportedly allowed into the circle was his own. Like protesters at University of Missouri, students at Loyola formed a human chain around a protest site to keep the press out.


November 13, 2015 5:31 pm
November 13, 2015 9:42 pm

Only a $hit head would write crap like he above article.

Shame you gave him a platform -burning or not !

November 13, 2015 10:16 pm

— and now after reading ALL of the other comments what I can say in conclusion is that 98% of readers bothering to comment are ALL totally racially biased, low life, white supremacist A/Holes.

It’s a fact that over 70% of Americans can’t even point out on a map where Australia is — let alone locate any other country in the world. The USA (mainly WHITE ) is recognised as being one of the most dumbed down countries in the World. Stupid fucks that you are (Commenters & Admin) you totally ignore the history of the Blacks in America & their struggle to survive. IF it had been the Whites held down like the Blacks have been – – you’d all still be living in caves. FY

(BTW – for what it’s worth I’m white & Australian & so fucking glad I don’t live with or near you lot !!! )

Chronic Agitator
Chronic Agitator
November 13, 2015 10:21 pm

Before you go with a wrong impression, most Missourians are wondering WTF is wrong with those northern turds at mizzou. They are sure embarrassing the rest of us with that shit. In southern MO blacks do not usually get away with shenanigans or possibly they are simply more civilized.

November 13, 2015 11:10 pm

@”James”: you aren’t contributing a farthing here. Go away.

Our resident really-native American is a regular to your purported homeland, and he’s less tolerant of your BS than most of us.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 13, 2015 11:15 pm

James, hang around, the topic will change to something up your alley.
No group gets away without a scorched ass. It’s what TBPers do.

November 13, 2015 11:28 pm

James, how ya doing with those aborigines? Teach one to check the oil in a car yet? Glass houses, my friend

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 13, 2015 11:43 pm

Wasn’t The PC invented in Australia? No, wait, they invented barbecue shrimp.
Olivia Newton-John or was it Elton-John?

We already have Gay James, jamesthe wanderer, you can be James the Platypus

November 14, 2015 1:56 am

James gives Aussies a bad name. Australian abos are the stupidest race of people on the planet, and I kid not. But James throws rocks at the racist Yanks, even though Australia cannot brng the abos out of he stone age. What a fuckwit.

November 14, 2015 4:24 am

@ Lipoh…Absolutely right! The Aussie abos are the lowest of the low in terms of IQ and their stone age culture. They are almost helplessly stupid. Maybe James has been snuggling up with one of those aboriginal Homo Erectus females and feels an affinity.

November 14, 2015 4:27 am

@ starfcker…..”Teach one to check the oil in a car yet?”….Laugh my ass off, that was good.

November 14, 2015 6:10 am

It is always pleasant to see someone like James unwittingly jump into the shark-infested waters surrounding the burning platform. I imagine Outback James will be a regular here now, after the warm welcome. Haha

November 14, 2015 6:13 am

Come on back, Outback James! The water is just fine!
[imgcomment image[/img]

November 14, 2015 6:22 am

By the way, I am a bit embarassed at having moved back to Missouri with dreams sustainable living in the Ozarks PC free where the birds sing my name and my rights are unalienable AND inalienable. After leaving the obsession with Cowboys and Sooners behind in Okie land, I’ve discovered that the entire world is full of this shit.

At OU, I had a class with one of the school’s wrestlers. Am not sure how successful wrestling was/is at OU, but I know that this athlete had a private tutor assigned to him because he was dyslexic. She was an older woman who came to class every single day. He only came on test days and for presentations, WHICH SHE STAGE DIRECTED by his side.

It was absolutely bizarre to sit there and have HER asking questions, taking notes and participating on his behalf without him even there.

November 14, 2015 8:16 am

#Blackprivilige no checking required.

[imgcomment image?oh=8d71b34ad491a4905a003def209a7419&oe=56F4DFEB[/img]

November 14, 2015 10:14 am

By the way… it was in the “distance travelled” professor’s class, dontcha know?

November 14, 2015 12:48 pm

This author, like many appearing on this site, is to be applauded for raising positions opposed to the delusional offerings of mainstream media and culture in the waning years of the American empire.

It is all the more disappointing then to observe the sad spectacle of an intelligent and informed person sliding into the abyss that is mindless racism. Racism is a comforting refuge for people who are too lazy and cowardly to confront the real sources of America’s collapse (the wealthiest tiny fraction who have bought off the political class) and blame an easily identified group of the disenfranchised.

Of course there are plenty of idiotic attempts to overcompensate centuries of abuse of blacks by whites but the cost and overall effects of these anecdotal examples is insignificant.

America is in decline and the rot is very likely terminal. This author and the other commenters expose the craven and ugly underbelly of US society that will, when things get tough, resort to violent victimization of the vulnerable because they lack the guts or wisdom to confront the forces that are really responsible for destroying their country.

Shame on all of you. You are as sad as you are pathetic.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 14, 2015 1:54 pm

Cdubbya attempts to affect-shame TBP regulars for unsubstantiated racism. However, nobody here has ever said hurtful things like ‘nigger’. Nope, folks here merely hold a mirror up to the group that makes a lot of noise and gets a lot of freebie for making the noise. I guess it’s racist to point out the obvious.

Tell us a little about yourself Cdubbya, I’m sure we can help you get your share of abuse.

November 14, 2015 2:49 pm


Fuck you, ya nigger!!

Best Regards,

November 14, 2015 4:26 pm

James says….. readers bothering to comment are ALL totally racially biased, low life, white supremacist A/Holes.

And there’s something wrong with being racially biased, or a white supremacist? You and those like you are guilty as sin. Your position is the exact reason why racial tensions are flaring and heading towards race wars. Hanging onto lies, refusing to acknowledge the truth is why the racial discussion in this country has brought the inevitable downhill spiral in race relations.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 14, 2015 5:11 pm

James the Platypussy didn’t come back. He’s probably laying on a friend’s couch weeping.

November 14, 2015 11:40 pm

@ Cdubbya – – Looks like we’re in the minority. Good post by the way -far more eloquent than mine. Oh well reality is that red necks & in-breds rule on this site.

I’m visualising mostly fat, obese ,coca cola sucking, couch potato a$$holes – obviously at the lower intelligence ratio of the populace. Well below the average educated Black in the revolting USSA.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 15, 2015 1:22 am

Fuck you, James. (Congrats on being #100) Why don’t you suck cdubbya’s dick already?

So cdubbya takes the time to write a carefully worded reprisal and you think that makes him smarter than the “racist morans” on this site? cdubbya is serving lattes at Starbucks.

The folks here are a hell of a lot smarter than to believe the MSM lie that PC is the truth. Admin has considered imposing an IQ exam for commenters, your proof of that need.

When will you wake up to the truth?