There are a large number of people in Europe who will not let politicians dictate the demise of their culture. There are an equal amount in the U.S. They will increasingly take the law into their own hands.

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December 2, 2015 12:59 pm

The difference between us and Europe is that the European governments have guns and the European people do not while the American government and people both have guns, but the people probably have more if it ever comes to the point of using them.

December 2, 2015 1:20 pm

“Allahu akbar!”

Welcome to the House of War (dar al-Harb), Ahmed.

December 2, 2015 1:54 pm

Re: Anonymous says: “The difference between us and Europe is that the European governments have guns and the European people do not….

Up until the Eurotopians start knocking over State armories to get those government guns. Just like what happened in pre-breakup Yugoslavia.

When your government has allied with foreign invaders, with an intent of waging a genocidal war against their own populace, what choice do the people have? Take up arms against the invaders and the traitors, or get brutalized and murdered before being kicked into a ditch.

We’re getting a preview of things to come.

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 2, 2015 2:28 pm

Damn, Frenchies doing beat-downs of Mooslims…wonder how many of them on the hurtin’ end of the stick are French citizens?

Britain is getting fed up, too. The YouTube video below came up after I played the on Admin posted. The Pegida movement seems to be a German-Anglo cooperative.

Here’s the text under the YouTube below describing the video:

“Published on Mar 4, 2015

Founded in Germany in 2014, the far-right, anti-Islamic movement Pegida — which stands for “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West” — has since spread throughout western Europe

On February 28, VICE News traveled to Newcastle in northeast England for the inaugural demonstration of spinoff organization Pegida UK. Demonstration organizers told VICE News that they were mobilizing against the imminent rise of Sharia in Britain — and that they feared a future in which British women were forced to wear burkas on British streets.

Watch “Anti-Fascists Clash with Pegida Movement in Vienna: Hate in Europe” –

Watch “Copenhagen Killings: The Aftermath” –

Read “The PEGIDA Movement Comes to the UK to Rally Against Islam” –

December 2, 2015 2:31 pm

@ Anonymous …. go here crash course on European tolerance versus American…be sure to read all comments.A lot of comments form EU natives there.

It’s always Over There
I’m not simply discounting the warning in this article postulating large-scale Islamic 4GW in Europe. But I am just a little amused by it, as Americans always, always, always fail to understand Europe and tend to underestimate the strong nationalist core underneath the soft modern welfare state:

Oh, for crying out loud. You people really need to simply stop talking about Europe. There are more Germans in Germany now, even if you subtract all the immigrants, than there were in 1940.

And they thought they had enough to conquer the world.

I’ve actually been to Germany in the past year. I’ve seen thousands of young Germans who are a hell of a lot less fat than Americans. There are 11.5 million German children under 14. The population is 91.6 European, compared to 62.6 for non-Hispanic Whites in America.

Muslims in Europe = 5 percent. Hispanics in America = 30 percent. Muslims in America = 1 percent.

December 2, 2015 3:33 pm

Just gather them up and deport them all. Let them loot their own.In Saudi they would have no hands

December 2, 2015 3:36 pm

@ Flash..That was an interesting article you posted, thanks. It’s good to have different educated viewpoints.

As a side note about musloids in Murika!…….. most of the them are amerikan born blacks. Prisons are a big recruitment center for the musloids.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 2, 2015 4:24 pm

if europe goes ballistic as i expect it will, be a 1936 germany times ten. syria may look good in hindsight, the same for the modern day bourbons who rule by decree. nato history, what.’s left of this place is isolated and despised. this is even beyond huxley’s wildest projections.

December 2, 2015 4:52 pm

“THE DIFFERRENCE BETWEEN US and Europe is that… European people do not” have gun; and we do.
Yes, and it will all go for naught.
For, Americans have no idea what they should aim at if they ever take the law into their hands.
They have no knowledge of the powers and rights won by the American Revolution; such as, the right of consent and the right to withhold taxes until the government redresses grievances.
One: American Founders repeatedly declared that “no man is obligated to obey any law or pay any tax unless he has given consent to it”. Did they mean this literally? Of course they did. From the first English settlement to the Revolution this was how affairs of the colonies were managed. Every “law” and every “tax” had its origin in contracts between colonial assemblies and those who petitioned for redress of grievances. The terms of the contract were sometimes referred to as “laws” of the contract while its money payments were treated as “taxes”. And only petitioners were obligated to obey such “laws” and pay such “taxes”. When redress was completed, related “laws” and “taxes” expired. (
This right of consent has powerful implications today: it means that only those who petition (submit proposed legislation to Congress) are obligated to obey terms (“laws”) and needed money payments “(taxes)” related to such petition.
Two: In 1774, the Continental Congress issued the “Appeal to the Inhabitants of Quebec”. Its purpose was to encourage Canadians to join the American Revolution. This Appeal, listed three grand rights Americans intended to win with the Revolution: a) consent, b) redress before taxes and c) due process of law. Americans have heard of one and three and, of course, have no or little understanding of either. As to the second right, “redress before taxes”, it has almost been completely erased from our history and law books.
The most comprehensive treatment of this right of “redress before taxes” is contained in my book, The Lost Right, edition 3.5. (
There, in four paragraphs I conveyed to you more real history than you learned in 12 years of elementary and high schools, and 4-6 years of university indoctrination. You won’t learn this and other lessons from professors, or judges, or lawyers; the first two depend on continued grievances for their pensions, the third never learned such history, or law.
Without this knowledge, you might use one tenth of the power available to you thru the First Amendment. (
You might as well bray at the wind for all you’ll accomplish; or, if you do take up arms, you’ll engage in a mission of suicide, or an ordinary slave uprising: a few days of hunting and killing tormentors; your rage will exhaust itself; and you’ll submit to another brand of slavery.
Really, what’s the point?

December 2, 2015 5:37 pm

My son and I were laughing our asses off…

@ 0:16 seconds, you can clearly hear the sound of pipe on skull. “PLANK! BAHH-HAHAHHA!!!

Two seconds later, at 0:18, one of the fuckers tries to run away, gets foot-tripped (Bugs Bunny would be proud) and face-plants into that silver Renault…. no hands, just “WHAM!” face first right into the fender…

This is TOoooOOOoo good!!

harry p.
harry p.
December 2, 2015 6:23 pm

No one should be surprised by this, diversity forced upon the people will always yield this type of response eventually.

December 2, 2015 6:46 pm

Sorry, I can’t must up any pity for the Musloids. They thought they were going to live off Europe’s welfare teat and rape their way through the countries while complaining to anyone who will listen. Fuck them. My only hope is Europeans kill them all.

December 2, 2015 6:52 pm

Too bad they don’t neuter the Musloids while they have a chance. That’ll cut down on the rapes.

December 2, 2015 6:54 pm

Uhh, folks, this came from ZH and was debunked in the comments: Tylers actually posted a correction, and noticed they had been duped.

This came from a Muslim riot scene a few years ago. The police were capturing rioters / looters, not French patriots hunting down Muslim immigrants,

Sorry, but I believe this was a hoax / case of mistaken translation / FUBAR error.

December 2, 2015 7:18 pm

Oh really, down-voter of my previous comment? Did you go to the website, ACTUALLY SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE STORY, AND READ:

“CORRECTION: Courtesy of reader feedback, we are glad to note that this video, purported to be French nationalist hunting Muslims, is in fact dated and does not represent a dramatic shift in the nation’s domestic tensions. Sadly, we would not be susprised it this kind of thing is seen sooner rather than later as EU leaders decide just how far to push their ‘union’ to its edge.”

Also, you can read in the actual comments what this is and when it first hit the web (hint: some time back).
I really don’t care, you can downvote me all day, but you really should take the time to at least LOOK before you downvote.


December 2, 2015 7:21 pm


The Muslims had formerly been invited in to Germany, eg. (Turks)
There has been and is a real housing shortage there. My grandmother’s
name was still on her mailbox 15 yrs. after she died. The apartment’s
residents must have a PO box. (My husband and sons took pictures)
Student are begging for a slot of space and pester people…thus the
old name. (Frankfurt um Main)

The recent influx of rowdy guys are there by design. Folks paid for that
“invasion.” It may be overblown for the American audience…we are
meant to hate Muslims. Culture is another matter. I don’t want any
darn Sharia law…who does? And I don’t want to live near people that
use the sidewalk for a potty. Perhaps you could say I am a Neanderthal.
I am not so fond of diversity of culture…(sounds good on paper)… I want
to live with other white people. And I do. So far.

December 2, 2015 7:38 pm


#1 You are mistaken about Americans that own guns.
It is not for having a chance to go on a rampage
wiping “others” out/taking the law in their own hands.
We own guns because we want to and we can, and
at least, we may have a chance against some drugged
out freak busting through the back door. For example.

#2 Everyone who pays taxes is a stupid dupe that doesn’t
know the law? I did not read your book so maybe I am
a dupe. However, ever have a business? Ever late on
any payment? The interest isn’t zero, that is for sure.
The IRS corp. has the power to break you, and fast and hard.
Please do not be so smug.

#3 Are you German? I am. I was born there. Perhaps you are one
of those crazy liberals that cringes at the mere mention of the
word gun.

December 2, 2015 7:50 pm

Funny how zero hedge acts like they care, or don’t want to see this kind of stuff. More clicks for them.

“CORRECTION: Courtesy of reader feedback, we are glad to note that this video, purported to be French nationalist hunting Muslims, is in fact dated and does not represent a dramatic shift in the nation’s domestic tensions. Sadly, we would not be susprised it this kind of thing is seen sooner rather than later as EU leaders decide just how far to push their ‘union’ to its edge.”

December 3, 2015 9:19 am

Does anyone believe the nwo is flooding white Christian cultures with musloids for a reason?I do.