We Don’t Really Know What’s Happening

We Don’t Really Know What’s Happening


And, believe it or not, this is rather good news. I’ll explain.

We all like to know what’s happening in the world, and for good reason… understanding our surroundings is essential to survival. We instinctively seek information… we need information. There is, however, a problem that we face:

No matter how much “news” you consume, you won’t really know what’s going on in the world.

We can’t know, because ‘the news’ is half illusion, provided by government-dependent corporations that are paid to keep you watching and to keep you joined to the status quo.

Granted, they are quite good at providing pictures from disaster areas, but when it comes to explaining why the disaster happened, they mislead almost every time. Yes, some truth makes its way through the news machine, but most of it is wrapped in layers of manipulation. If, for example, you watch the news feeds all day, you’ll find a good deal of truth, but you’ll find it amongst a pile of half-truths. Do you really have enough time to analyze them all?

One Piece of Truth

The truth about public reporting comes out from time to time, but usually well after the fact. So, here’s one piece of truth that’s worth remembering:

For those who don’t recall the 1970s, Daniel Ellsberg was a man who worked as an analyst at the RAND Corp., moved from there to the Pentagon, spent two years in Vietnam working for the State Department, and then went back to RAND. He is the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971. These were the documents that revealed that three US presidential administrations had been plainly, knowingly, and openly lying to the public.

Here’s what Ellsberg thought the New York Times was good for:

… to see what the rubes and the yokels are thinking about and what they think is going on and what they think the policy is….

Later, in 1998, he said this in an interview:

The public is lied to every day by the president, by his spokespeople, by his officers. If you can’t handle the thought that the president lies to the public for all kinds of reasons, you couldn’t stay in the government at that level….

And here’s what Michael Deaver, a top aide to President Ronald Reagan, said about the press:

The media I’ve had a lot to do with is lazy. We fed them and they ate it every day.

That’s the truth about news, my friends. The newspapers are where the yokels get informed, presidents flatly lie, and legislatures are massively corrupt. The TV stations recycle opinions from the leading newspapers. And Internet news sites primarily recycle TV and newspaper stories.

Yes, some truth does slide through, but it looks almost the same as the other stuff. The only places we get anything close to refined truth is on a few Internet sites… and many of them have a particular axe to grind.

And the Internet news sites that really dig through the pile (like Mike Krieger’s) are in jeopardy. The Internet is being funneled into Google, Facebook, and a few other friends of the state. If things continue as they’ve been going, the independents will be cut off soon enough, under the guise of copyright or some such.

Sad to say, we shouldn’t accept the news as true. In my personal experience, I’ve been close enough to a few news stories to know the truth, and the networks got it wrong every time.

More Truth

This is what William Colby, former director of the CIA, is quoted as saying in Derailing Democracy: The America the Media Don’t Want You to See:

The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.

Now, since people have disputed that quotation, let’s back it up: Please consider Operation Mockingbird.

Beginning in 1948, a CIA agent named Frank Wisner started gathering journalists and broadcasters… and started using them to ‘inform’ the public. The operation soon got so elaborate that other agents called it “Wisner’s Wurlitzer.” (Wurlitzer being the brand of organ that was played in churches.) In other words, Wisner played the media like a musical instrument.

While the real situation is more complex than this short description, rest assured that every major news organization in every major country is manipulated by intelligence groups. Where do you think they get all those “unnamed sources”?

If you were an intel operator, wouldn’t you do precisely that? You’d be considered derelict not to. So, you can rely upon this fact. And see here for a minor example.

And So…

I could continue listing facts, but there’s no real point. The crucial thing is to accept the truth:

The news is worked over before it reaches us.

We do know some facts, of course, and a generation from now we may learn nearly the whole truth about some of these events, but only if we wait and then go out of our way to find it.

The good news in all of this comes when we accept the facts and stop running our brains on bad information. Yes, it would be nice to know what’s really going on, but we don’t, and there isn’t much we can do about it. So, it’s time to stop treating the news seriously.

So long as the guv-megacorp-intel structure remains, it will enforce our ignorance. That’s what such organizations do, by their very nature. To expect differently is like expecting a dog to sprout wings and fly.

But once we accept that fact, we stop being spun around by the talking heads and their handlers.

After that, we can find truth in books and in other serious publications.

So, I suggest that you start ignoring the news. Rather, use all that time and energy to start building the kind of world you’d like to live in.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of FreemansPerspective.com, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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December 3, 2015 8:33 am

They say that life’s a carousel, spinning fast you’ve got to ride it well.
The world is full of kings and queens, who blind your eyes and steal your dreams.
It’s Heaven and Hell
They’ll tell you black is really white, the moon is just the sun at night.
And when you walk in golden halls, you get to keep the gold that falls,
it’s Heaven and Hell

December 3, 2015 8:45 am

The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the media__from the article

True ! I have known this for a very long time and I am glad to see this point brought out into the daylight.

Truth in the media is almost as rare as hens teeth, so I would take his suggestion to ignore most of what is served up as news.

I posted last night that Drudge had a headline “Active Shooter Drills Took Place Monthly At San Bernardino Regional Center”, another manufactured story reported by drones. We live in the Twilight Zone.

December 3, 2015 9:03 am

@goofyfoot, excellent tune and especially when sung by that munchkin, Ronnie Jame Dio! +100


December 3, 2015 9:23 am

Today I listened on NPR to the talking fuck stick Carl Rowe about his book on McKinley and the 1896 election. It seems this awesome scholar used historical newspaper to sculpt a picture of one awesome republican president.

Imagine if you will in 2120 a noted scholar writes a book about the 2012 and 2016 election of BHO based on newspapers and media records.

Ya…. Imagine it.

December 3, 2015 9:36 am

Was just contemplating this while watching the mass shooting on teevee yesterday. So much BS, and it continues in this morning’s nooz.

All the world’s a stage…

December 3, 2015 9:50 am

There is bias in all reporting, both historical and current.

Best way to extract something close to the truth from it is to use multiple sources and compare the biases.

But be aware that what you come up with is also filtered through your own bias.

Or maybe just study Wittgenstein https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Tractatus_Logico-Philosophicus

George Gallagher
George Gallagher
December 3, 2015 9:58 am

Reality Comes Crashing In:

Dr Udo Ulfkotte journalist and author on RT Blows the whistle on Fake News!!

Foreign correspondence run by CIA and western intelligence services.Emoji

December 3, 2015 10:17 am

I threw away my TV 27 years ago and got a life. Now when I listen to friends and co-workers talk about ‘the news’ I feel like a stranger in a strange land. I’m amazed at the crap people believe.

Here’s what I’ve figured out.
a) Everything they tell you is mostly wrong
b) They never tell you about important stuff; this you gotta figure out for yourself

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 3, 2015 11:09 am

You know what I noticed after having given up on television almost two decades ago? We will, on occasion see a TV on when we are at the airport, tire store, whatever.

No maps.

Not ever.

Once upon a time whenever a story was covering something that was taking place somewhere in the world, there would be a map so you could get context. Not everyone knew where Pleiku was, or San Cristobal or Tenerife, so they would illustrate using a map of that region.

Not now. Video? You bet. Actual placement on the globe? Never.

I have a good idea why, but that’s for another time.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 3, 2015 11:22 am

All the worlds a stage- Teri

Yes, good old William Shakespeare told us that a long time ago. He is the Bard of Avon, that explains a lot if you know what a (Bard) denotes. Wizardry is alive and well in our magical world/construct.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
December 3, 2015 11:32 am


Glad to see new people who have the gift of critical thinking here on TBP. You are so right that most of this has to be figured out by the individual, problem is there just so many who like to live in the matrix as it gives them some sort of strange comfort zone.

December 3, 2015 11:47 am

I noticed on TV yesterday the footage of the shootings that were occurring, that the media were using up to 3 clips, playing them over and over, but the frames were “slipped” forwards by about two seconds each time, giving the illusion that “hundreds” of police cars, officer’s in tactical gear, and ambulances were converging on the scene.

After 5 minutes of nothing but shit (no reasonable information) the BS alarm went off in the back of my head, screaming “don’t watch or listen”

Go to the TBP!! TBP….. TBP There is what you seek!!

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 3, 2015 1:35 pm

For Obama, it’s not Islam that’s at fault but guns (the same problem Stalin and Hitler had before they disarmed their citizens).

December 3, 2015 2:51 pm

In the distant past I watched the Sunday morning talking heads. SeeBS et al. I got fed up with the shallow obfuscatory efforts at spin. Cokie Roberts’, “What does it mean?” usually was answered with blatant bullshit.

I browse across many websites, and have found that foreign sources have far more useful information as to who did what to whom–regardless of the opinionated “why” of events. I do my own reasoning about the why and the meaning. By and large I’ve done a pretty good job of figuring out what the trends are and what the likely results will be. Not claiming perfection, but I’ve been able to protect my little chunk of world and my billfold.

December 3, 2015 2:56 pm

I surely agree that the media is FU and if you want to point a finger it’s pointing straightly at Bill Clinton since he pushed for allowing the media to consolidate. Now, 5 companies with interlocking boards of directors, control 95% of the MSM in the U.S. And many of these companies interlock with the MIC, so this mission is to create fear and promote the bogeyman of the week.

December 3, 2015 3:40 pm

This is one example of a foreign news source, and this commentary is one of the reasons I like Russia Insider:


RT, Asia Times…Journalists like Pepe Escobar. Much better than SeeNoNews or WaPo.

December 3, 2015 3:53 pm


Start with:

WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHO? WHY? Follow that with – HOW?

Now, cross check your findings with at least two other sources. This will be half the truth.

To find the WHOLE TRUTH? Believe 25% of what you hear and 50% of what you see!

Then, you may be lucky enough to find 75% of the TRUTH you are seeking.

James in NY
James in NY
December 3, 2015 5:23 pm

IT’S SOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo BAD!

It’s all bat shit crazy. Venture down the rabbit hole. Talk to the Mad Hatter, he’s got the scoop. You can never return unchanged. You may appear the same, but you eyes will tell the story.

December 3, 2015 9:01 pm

Before I discovered that the whole idea of there being something noble in journalism was crap, I pursued information about the “rest of the story” like an insaniac. It wasn’t that I wanted to be a smartass; I literally thought that by spending ten years in the Air Force (from age 22 to 32), I’d missed the boat on education and had to read, read, read and research to catch up.

I was a maroon.

But, in WWII History class, taken the same semester I took the History of U.S. Journalism and the same semester I took the Politics of Western Europe, I made an amazing discovery that amazed NO ONE except me. At one point during the complete blackout of news about the atomic bomb, Igor Kurchatov aka The Father of the Soviet Atomic Bomb, pushed for an in person conference with Stalin to tell him that there was absolutely no news about Atomic Research coming from the West and that could mean only one thing: the Americans were building a bomb. Stalin believed him and set things in motion to find and infiltrate the American project.

Two years later, in 1945, after Truman told Stalin he was prepared to use a new bomb of unknown power on the enemy, Stalin returned from Potsdam and put Kuchatov in charge of developing the Soviet Union’s first Atomic Bomb.

What is my point? Well, we all know that what is on television is propaganda and/or lies. But, what AREN’T they talking about?

That is the real story.