Harry P’s Q(s)OTD

Has anyone here actually benefited or personally know anyone that has benefited from ObamaCare?

If yes, what type of person(s) are they (ie good people or freeshitters living off their neighbors)?

Personally I don’t know a single person who has benefited.  My family has seen our premiums shoot up while also seeing what was originally a very modest deductible approach the price of a very nice used car.

I don’t know anyone who has benefited but that might be partly due to the fact that the people that likely did benefit are people I choose not to associate with.

Where’s my $2500 savings?


Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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May 3, 2016 8:42 am

I haven’t benefited at all nor do I know anyone who has.

May 3, 2016 8:49 am

I haven’t benefited and I don’t know anyone who has. I’ve seen costs skyrocket, though.

May 3, 2016 9:25 am

I don’t know anyone, we have kept our “private” insurance.
I personally consume very little “health care” but my Mr. has
had an issue or two. Regardless, I refuse the bone scans, the
mammograms, the flu and other immunizations. There was a
knee replacement in 2010. And it was far from routine. Two
surgeons and an all day procedure. There was an allograft
in place. I never got a bill, nothing was sent to the house.
No idea what it costed…and if the insurance paid $100. for a
roll of Kerlex.

I believe people should be paying cash for small routine care, and
be able to shop for best prices. Insurance can be had for catastrophic
events. I have watched as medicare patients get 5 MRIs a year, so
unnecessary, and is simply a ploy for revenue building. Probably 1/2
“care” is bogus…which is to say, the waste and fraud are vast.

O care? I think it has just made the system worse. Good doctoring
is out the window…and tremendous “documentation” requires hours.

May 3, 2016 11:53 am

Yes, I know a couple in their upper-30s whom it greatly benefits.

They have two small businesses that they bill all living expenses to. They post losses. Every three years they reset the clock and start something new.

They pay their employees under the table, and do other screwy things with taxes.

No surprise they are staunch democrats, who think Obama is swell, and Bernie is the divine savior.

May 3, 2016 11:53 am

I lost my health insurance last year because of Obama care. Had to go in the hospital last month for pneumonia . Spent most that time in a lock down part of the hospital going in and out of my mind.Just the ride in the ambulance service was 3200 + dollars .Only God knows how much 12 days plus medicine and around the clock care is going to cost people like you Harry.I found out the hospital is getting the government ( you Harry ) to paid the bill in full( what ever it is ) So at least for now I would say Obama is the greatest president in the history of America. So yes Harry ,Obama care has been good to me.Feels pretty good sticking it to the Man.

May 3, 2016 12:04 pm

My parents benefitted from the cap on premiums as a percentage of income, mostly due to plans for self employed people being expensive. My parents are self supporting (and FSA supporting) tax payers.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 3, 2016 12:32 pm

bb- You said you did not have insurance, right?? You paid the penalty to the IRS, right?

Why are you so sure you will not pay for your trip to the hospital? I have read that in the future, no insurance will mean they leave you on the sidewalk to die. Have you joined the freeshitters?

What was your penalty again?

May 3, 2016 2:29 pm

I know one woman who has cancer that has benefited.

But, they had to make life choices, and by that I mean they had to make less money to qualify for subsidies to pay for her treatments. Quit good paying career job to take minimum wage jobs.

Bottom line, and she will agree 100%, you have to be poor (er) to benefit from obamashitforcare.

Like most of the small business owners I know, our insurance now costs $9k a year and we have to pay $6k in deductibles before we even get the shity insurance shit.

Anyone that still thinks this shit is good is either not mandated yet, or a poor liberal democrat fucknut fool.

And fuck a single payer system too.

May 3, 2016 2:30 pm

Am I part of the free shit army ?I’ve paid taxes all my working life ( 36+years )I don’t have insurance now but I’m still paying taxes. So yes and no.

May 3, 2016 5:05 pm

“Bottom line, and she will agree 100%, you have to be poor (er) to benefit from obamashitforcare.”

No necessarily true. Establish a (living) trust RIGHT NOW while you’re still young and relatively healthy. Many states allow you to protect 100% of your assets…..cash, real estate, stocks, bonds etc…..as soon as the trust is established. Some states have a waiting period before your assets are protected.

Generally though, once established you own nothing. All bank accounts, life insurance, cars, real estate etc get titled in the name of the trust. As trustees, you maintain full control to buy, sell and use all assets in the trust as you see fit………privately! They do not count against you if you become a free shitter because you own nothing.

My experience with friends and family indicate prices range from $1000-$3000 to set up and it usually includes your will, living will, HIPAA releases, financial powers of attorney and medical powers of attorney plus the trust itself. You get to designate contingent trustees and define when they elevate to full trustees. You estate will also avoid the major pain in the ass of going through probate after you die.

The number one most important thing to know about it is that it needs to be done NOW! It will take a good month or maybe a bit more to complete all the title transfers for your assets.

May 3, 2016 6:02 pm

I’ve had some several shit-for-brains left progressives pushing fantastical confabulations generated by Keynesian economeretricians fucking themselves vigorously in elaborate deceits to the effect that Obamacare had been _beneficial_ in its effects on the national economy.

Gad. Reading those elaborate lies I could practically FEEL those academicians tongues up my ass.

May 3, 2016 6:03 pm

Indentured servitude , I used to think you was just an annoying misfit pissing and moaning about your foot all the time.Now that I actually take the time to read your post I must admit you are a fairly intelligent guy with some good insights about this crazy world in which we live.I especially enjoy your thoughts about financial institutions and services. Keep them coming but remember for now you’re still a Meathead so don’t get the big head.

May 3, 2016 6:04 pm

We injuns are exempt from Bammycare. Bwahahaha!

So by not being fucked over by it like youse all I guess means I know lots of folks that benefitted.

Best win of the last two hundred years for Injuns.

May 4, 2016 12:11 am

IMO Obama care was and is the wrong law. the law should have been insurance reform. there is no reason that health care can not be non profit. non profit doesn’t mean that everyone involved can’t be paid a good salary, it means that paying the profits to a shareholder instead of lowering premiums would be a crime.