Will Any Future POTUS Matter (Other Than Launching More Wars)?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

We are already experiencing the powerlessness of POTUS.

We all know the POTUS (President of the United States) has the power as Commander-in-Chief to engage the nation in senseless, costly, needless wars. We also know the POTUS has a media-saturated bully pulpit to set an agenda and fashion a cultural tone for the nation.

But beyond the power to wage war and dominate the media spotlight, does the President have the power to solve the structural problems that are eroding the nation’s economy and social contract?

This chart summarizes one such problem: wage earners are receiving a diminishing share of the nation’s output (GDP):

A second related problem is the national income that is flowing to wage earners is increasingly flowing to the top 5%:

If the president can’t solve the nation’s systemic problems, then he/she no longer matters. The President, outside of declaring war, is nothing but a source of “news” chum for the media feeding frenzy aimed at grabbing eyeballs to maximize advertising revenues for the media’s corporate owners.

Analyst Gail Tverberg explained why the political machinery of POTUS cannot change the downward trends in household earnings in a series of insightful essays, most recently Overly Simple Energy-Economy Models Give Misleading Answers.

Tverberg considers the costs of finance/debt and complex hierarchies in the matrix of energy production and consumption, and references the work of Joseph Tainter on the systemic impact of the rising cost of complexity.

In a similar vein, I have often mentioned The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of Civilization by Thomas Homer-Dixon.

In summary: successful civilizations generate sufficient surplus to invest in complex hierarchical communication-command-control mechanisms which boost productivity and generate additional surplus. The cost of these complex systems continually rises while the increases in production eventually plateau and decline in an S-Curve:


The net result is a society with higher costs and diminishing returns. Eventually the costs of maintaining the status quo exceed the benefits of maintaining the status quo hierarchy and the society decays and collapses.

My own work has focused on two dynamics of the cost of increasingly unproductive complex systems. One is privilege, which can be defined as unearned wealth and power. Privilege is by definition unproductive, and a drain on the economy and society. Once the privileged class (i.e. the protected class that shifts risks and taxes to the unprotected/non-elite classes) expands and social mobility decays, the economy collapses under the dead weight of the privileged class.

I covered the history and dynamics of this process in The Lesson of Empires: Once Privilege Limits Social Mobility, Collapse Is Inevitable (April 18, 2016).

The second dynamic is the destructive consequences of a self-serving political-financial elite that is structurally incapable of real reform because real reform will collapse the high-cost structures that enable the concentration of wealth and power.

I explain these dynamics in Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform.

I know this runs counter to the media-supported delusion that POTUS is the most powerful person on Earth, but in reality it no longer matters who’s president. The inevitable collapse of a debt-based model of complexity, energy extraction and consumption is already baked in.

The only potentially positive role of any President would be to downsize the unrealistic expectations of the citizenry to align with real-world dynamics. But downsizing expectations doesn’t get you re-elected, so the political reality is that future presidents will no longer matter in terms of solving the critical problems we face in the coming decades.

We are already experiencing the powerlessness of POTUS: the campaign for the office of President has already been reduced to two poor players that strut and fret their hour upon the stage, a tale told by an idiot media, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

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My new book is #3 on Kindle short reads -> politics and social science: Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform ($3.95 Kindle ebook, $8.95 print edition) For more, please visit the book’s website.


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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 28, 2016 11:59 am

No. This is and has been an elaborate scam of POTUS puppets and information systems to carry out the deception of the population in order to continue a mafia type global network of arms dealing, wealth confiscation and drug cartels.
If you believe anything different, count yourself in the full retard, stupid sheep category.

July 28, 2016 12:15 pm

This guy is too smart for his own good.

You want something other than wars? OK. IMMIGRATION. One candidate will turn Amerika into a No Borders country. The other promises to build a wall. And if you don’t think that’s a big deal then go see The Assman to pull your head out of your hiney.

He asks, — “… does the President have the power to solve the structural problems that are eroding the nation’s economy and social contract?”

Maybe, maybe not. However, one thing is certain — a POTUS can certainly fuck things up worse than they are. Or, has he been asleep for the last 8 years?

July 28, 2016 12:16 pm

Our ‘system’ is too complicated, too corrupt, with 10’s of thousands of laws that benefit special interests. All the government can do is pass more laws, taxes, and spending, trying to control / shape what it thinks our country should be. Additionally, the citizens need to know the truth not lies. Blatant lies, such as “if you like your doctor”, “each family will save $2,500”, “the unemployment is 4.5%”. Just the other day the HNIC said this is the best time in American History, and Trump is a ‘dark person’. Then there are the unspoken lies: zero interest rates are killing retired people and savers, the labor participation rate is the lowest since 1970, nobody works in 20% of the US families, $20 trillion national debt, people who work one hour a week are counted as employed, SSDI is bankrupt, 49,000,000 on SNAP, it goes on and on.

Could it be turned around? Possibly, but it would take some major event to wake up the masses.

More likely the situation will just get worse as TPTB kick the can further down the road, until the system is crushed under it’s own weight.

July 28, 2016 12:26 pm

The author forgot to mention the “other” privileged classes out there…
FSA, BLM etc whom expect freebies from the people for doing nothing because they are “special” or “down trodden” and require never ending and increasing monetary relief. Instead of just getting it from the top, we the middle class, are getting it from both ends of the spectrum this time around. Completely unsustainable……

July 28, 2016 2:28 pm

Wars only benefit the politicians (and their noisome swarm of likespittles and toadies), Wall Street and the MIC. It is resoundingly unprofitable, to say the least, for everybody else.

Trump is not owned by these people and is profit oriented. I don’t see him starting a bunch of wars for that reason alone.

Hillary, OTOH, is totally owned by the above people, has no fucking clue how to run a legal and ethical business, never having done so. She has done SUCH a great job as SOS in Libya, Syria, Egypt after all.

Hence, honestly, I think Trump is far less to get us in a war that that brain damaged career criminal and all around RETARD Hillary.

July 28, 2016 5:13 pm

Beg to differ. President can order agencies to not enforce laws. Order Armed Forces to effect ridiculous policies that reduce combat capacities. Order the Social Security system judges to approve almost all disability applications. Direct BLM to put ranchers out of business. Suggest that Army not take action against a deserter. Pardon convicts in the manner of the Virginia Governor. Appoint Federal Judges at three levels and US Attorneys who will attack 1st and 2nd Amendment rights. The President can do some good and great harm as Obama has done and will do until noon 20 January 2017. The Hitlery will do much more harm much faster.

July 28, 2016 5:16 pm

Presidents are puppets. THey work from a script and occasionally throw the sheople a bone or two especially if re-(s)election is in their future. Apart from that they do their owners bidding in return for being set for life.

July 28, 2016 6:15 pm


In recent weeks, former Federal Reserve (Fed) chairman Ben Bernanke paid a visit to Tokyo and met with a variety of Japanese leaders including Bank of Japan chairman Haruhiko Kuroda. In those meetings, Bernanke supposedly offered counsel to the Japanese about how they might, once and for all, break the deflationary shackles that enslave their economy using “helicopter money” (the termed was coined by Milton Freidman and made popular in 2002 by Ben Bernanke). What Bernanke proposes, is for Japan to effectively take one of the few remaining steps toward “all‐in” or the economic policy equivalent of a “nuclear option”.

Eventually, due to the mountain of money going directly in to the economy, inflation will emerge. However, the greater likelihood is not that inflation emerges, but that it actually explodes resulting in a complete annihilation of the currency and the Japanese economy. In hypothetical terms as described here, the outcome would be devastating. Unlike prior methods of QE which can be halted and even reversed, helicopter money demands ever
increasing amounts to achieve the desired growth and inflation. Once started, it will be very
difficult to stop as economic activity would stumble.

July 28, 2016 10:32 pm

Kurt Vonnegut, weird old commie that he was, got it right from time to time. He wrote, in one of his novels, that a president is like a baby in an old-style car seat, the kind with a little steering wheel for the kid to entertain himself with by pretending to drive.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 28, 2016 11:12 pm

The POTUS is a puppet for the owners of America and both sides of the political ayles serve the same masters ! Remember they all sound sincere , intelligent ah ha they are all full of shit !

July 29, 2016 12:05 am

As long as the President has access to a pen, there’s not much he can’t change or fix.

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