British PARLIAMENT Agrees, The War With Libya Was A “SHIT SHOW”!

No new news here for TBPers.  But, we’re not talking about some vast right wing conspiracy blogger web site.  We’re talking about a new report issued by the BRITISH GOVERNMENT.

The War Of Aggression against Libya is 100% in Kankles’ court. She owns it. On the campaign trail, she brags about her successes there. She can’t escape that.

I hope Donald Trump and his team become aware of this British report.  He needs to nail this bitch against the cross with it. She needs to die for her sins … and this is one topic that could do it.

Not to mention her supporting; —- the barbaric “contras” against the Nicaraguan people … the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia …. total support for Bush’s Iraq War ….. Afghanistan ….  the military coup in Honduras … her desire to literally shoot down Russian planes in Syria … her lobbying to send lethal weapons to Ukraine …. promising to take America’s relationship with Israel “to the next level” (whatever scary shit that means!) — ALL of which resulted in more chaos, more extremism, and more danger to OUR country, not to mention the great cost in blood and Treasury.

If this Hellish Beast becomes POTUS expect more of the same, only at a higher and more frequent level.  It is not hyperbole to suggest that WWIII is a very real possibility.  Then again, many folks believe that voting in this election doesn’t matter.

“We’re going to war — either hybrid in nature to break the Russian state back to its 1990s subordination, or a hot war (which will destroy our country). Our citizens should know this, but they don’t because our media is dumbed down in its “Pravda”-like support for our “respectable,” highly aggressive government. We are being led, as C. Wright Mills said in the 1950s, by a government full of “crackpot realists: in the name of realism they’ve constructed a paranoid reality all their own.” Our media has credited Hillary Clinton with wonderful foreign policy experience, unlike Trump, without really noting the results of her power-mongering. She’s comparable to Bill Clinton’s choice of Cold War crackpot Madeleine Albright as one of the worst Secretary of States we’ve had since … Condi Rice? Albright boasted, “If we have to use force it is because we are America; we are the indispensable nation. We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future.””

————— Oliver Stone


The full article is HERE   Following are excepts:

“The UK Parliament just confirmed what the alternative media has been saying for years.  Specifically, a new report from the bipartisan House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee – based on interviews with all of the key British decision-makers, review of documents, and on-the-ground investigations in Africa – found that the Libyan war was based on lies, that it destroyed the country, and that it spread terrorism far and wide.

1)- The report finds that the threat to civilians from Libyan  government forces was dramatically overstated.

2)- The report also notes that the Libyan government really was – as Libyan dictator Gaddafi claimed at the time – fighting Islamic terrorists.

3)- The UK report confirms that the West and its allies directly supported and armed the rebels.

4)-  The real motivation for the war?  The Parliamentary report explains:

  1. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,
  2. Increase French influence in North Africa,
  3. Improve his internal political situation in France,
  4. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,
  5. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi’s long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa.

5)-  Gaddafi had offered to hand over power, but the West instead insisted on violent regime change.

6)- The Parliamentary report confirms that the Libyan war – like the Iraq war – has ended up spreading terrorism around the globe.

7)-  And the UK report confirms that the Libyan war has created a tidal wave of refugees.

8)-  The House of Commons report confirms that the Libyan war has wrecked the country:  … before the war, Libya as the 53rd most advanced country in the world for human development and as the most advanced country in Africa …. after the war, it is ranked 94th, it’s GDP reduced by over half … with the entire country in 2016 “heading towards a humanitarian crisis”.

“In other words – just like the Iraq war – the Libyan war was based on fake intelligence, was carried out for reasons having little to do with national security or protecting civilians, destroyed a nation and created a “shit show”, spread terrorism far and wide, and created waves of refugees.”


Save Our Country.

Save The World.

Vote Trump.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 24, 2016 11:06 am


Turns out he was right.

We should have listened to him not killed him.

Or maybe that was the purpose of killing him?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 24, 2016 11:19 am

Good post Stucky.

When this went down I remember seeing the video of Hillary laughing more or less over Gaddafi’s corpse. I sensed back then that the destruction of Libya represented much more than simply dislodging a small time dictator. It was a major step in destabilizing not just the ME but the western world in general.

I wonder how much the share holders of team Soros had to do with this production? We’ll probably never know the depth of the situation but it has certainly played into their hands now hasn’t it?

There is some pretty evil shit in this world. The more you think it about and play connect the dots the more you realize that people like Cankles are just the tip of the iceberg.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
September 24, 2016 1:45 pm

Stucky, it won’t be close. Hillary is about to get crushed. Obongo won Florida by 73,000 votes in 2012. Consider Trump’s appeal to independents and dixiecrats, and look at these numbers, straight R vs D.

YUGE! Trump Leads Early Voting in Florida By 120,000 – A First For Republicans in The State

remember, hillary leads in the Florida polls. Trump is about to wipe the floor with her. If he wins 40 states, I win about ten grand in steak dinners from my friends. I don’t plan on going hungry

September 24, 2016 5:54 pm

good post Stucky

Madeline Albright is a spokeswoman for Israel. The USA is an indispensable
nation for Jewish aggression. Hilary Clinton has sold her soul to the devil,
but he is pulling the plug. It is a function of extreme greed and a desire to rule
the world that motivates certain people. It is infectious, drawing others in to
the web, or lair.
First order of business for Trump…disband NATO immediately. Let the French
steal their own oil.

RCW, a deplorable
RCW, a deplorable
September 24, 2016 7:10 pm

Articles these make me not very sanguine about just how much goodwill remains in the world chalice towards the US, for which GI’s spilled their blood during WW2 ? Bloody neo-cons & neo-libs !