A Silhouette in the Sunset

Guest post by Uncola

His mother was born in Kansas.  His father hailed from Kenya.  These star-crossed lovers met in a Russian Language class at the University of Hawaii in 1960.  A year later, he was born on August 4, 1961. Even today, his origin of birth remains a topic of national concern.  In fact, the subject of his birth certificate was recently raised by the NBC moderator, Lester Holt, during the presidential debate on September 26, 2016.  This, in turn, fomented a very heated discussion between the presidential candidates:  Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

His origin of birth was first challenged during the primaries for the 2008 presidential election by his then opponent, Hillary Clinton.  The controversy was later claimed to be settled upon the release of his long-form birth certificate in 2011.  However, many today still claim his long-form birth certificate is a fake.  Multiple electronic document experts currently contend the document uploaded by the White House is not a scanned version of the original long-form, paper birth certificate.  It is instead, a nine-layered” document with many electronically added overlays proving it to be assembled digitally as opposed to being an exact copy of the original.

Another claim proposed by some is that the British National Archives have indisputable documentation showing “his” father did indeed, have a child born in Kenya in 1961; and the literary agency, Acton & Dystel, once described him in their promotional materials as: “Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”  There are still others who claim his selective service card bears a number that proves it was issued in 2008 and there are at least five Social Security numbers  associated with his name for people who lived at previous addresses known to have been his.  But, at this point, what difference does it make?  Besides Snopes  says these are all lies and even Wikipedia claims these are just conspiracy theories anyway.

So let’s just stick to what we know.  In 1979, he moved to Los Angeles to study at Occidental College under the name of Barry Soetoro.  He later transferred to the home of Cloward and Piven:  Columbia University in New York.  Ironically, in 2008, the Wall Street Journal reported that 400 random Columbia classmates from his class of 1983 have claimed to have never met him.  In fact, within the same Wall Street Journal article, the following questions were also raised:

“Why not release his Columbia transcript? Why has his senior essay gone missing?”

Furthermore, the 2008 Libertarian Party vice-presidential candidate, Wayne Allyn Root, in an article written on August 6, 2012, questioned “his” attendance at Columbia University.  This is very interesting considering Root was also one of Columbia University’s 700 graduating students in 1983 and was in the Political Science department of which had only 150 graduating students that year.  How is it that, out of only 150 students all attending similar classes at the same time, cannot remember such an eloquent and charismatic smooth operator now?  Not even one?   Moreover, in October 2007, the New York Times ran a piece about “him”.   In this article it comments regarding his:

 “declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years.”

Even at Harvard law school, where he later attended, he has not said much regarding his years there.  Only that he attended Harvard and was elected president of the Harvard Law Review.  Furthermore,  Matthew Franck, a writer for the National Review Online, has stated that a search of the online database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to “him” in “any law review anywhere at any time”.

The aforementioned and perennially curious classmate, Wayne Allyn Root, has also posed the following question:

“How did he pay for all these fancy schools without coming from a wealthy background?”

Well, that really doesn’t matter now either, does it?

He was smart enough to write a book where he identified the “Muslim call to prayer” as one of the “prettiest sounds on earth”.  He was smart to become a community organizer in Chicago and brave enough to live right next door to a notorious domestic terrorist and he was humble enough to attend the church of a sweet and devoted Christian man of the cloth.   He was smart enough to win a seat in the United States Senate and, in the year 2007, to become known as its most liberal senator .  And, in 2008, he was smart enough to serve as a walking, talking Rorschach Test  to a majority of Americans who voted for him to become their president.

In truth, he was not elected because of his legislative record, because no one knew what that was. He was not elected because of his extensive foreign policy knowledge or his vast political experience.  He had none.  He was not elected based upon of the content of his character.  No, he was the first presidential candidate ever, in the entire history of the United States, to have been elected president because of the color of his skin.

It wasn’t long before this charismatic, mysterious and idealistic visionary successfully coopted one-sixth of the American economy by nationalizing the healthcare system.  In 2009, The Affordable Healthcare Act was passed with the cynical application of blatant lies to the American people and strict party line voting without one Republican vote in either the Senate or House of Representatives.  It’s a wonder there was any opposition at all, because he did promise:  “If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan”.  Besides, what family wouldn’t want to save an extra $2,500 on their health insurance premiums?

But there’s more.  He is the first President to require American citizens to purchase a product from a third party under the threat of financial penalty.  The national debt has doubled under his administration.  He spoke on national television regarding the carnage at the U.S Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, on the eleventh anniversary of 911, and said it was caused by a video on YouTube.  He later violated the War Powers Act during his 2011 military intervention in Libya without congressional approval and he created an imaginary red line in the sands of Syria as a red flag in order to start a war under false circumstances.

In less than eight years, he has achieved many other notable accomplishments including: the Fast and Furious scandal, NSA overreach, the IRS scandal, veteran death panels and illicit prisoner trades with America’s sworn enemies.  He has appointed radical, left wing, anarchist czars to replace elected officials in his administration and his closest advisor just happens to have been born in Shiraz, Iran.

He is the first president to have openly pursued the bankruptcy of the American coal industry while simultaneously fighting to not only allow, but increase Iran’s capabilities for uranium enrichment.

He bows to foreign leaders abroad and issues presidential orders via executive fiat at home. And, most recently, he acted to deny justice to the families who lost loved ones on 911 by suing the Saudi Arabian Government for their complicity.   Not surprisingly, his presidential veto was overruled in the Senate by a vote of 99 to 1 and with a 77% majority in House of Representatives this past week.

Within hours from as I write this, on Saturday October 1, 2016, he is handing over the keys to the internet to the totalitarian dictators of the United Nations.

If there ever was a verifiable Manchurian Candidate, would the ensuing national destruction be identified as much differently than what we have witnessed over the last eight years?  Yet we must not speak of such things.  Instead, we must quietly bear his consequences rather than risk being labeled a racist.  For racism is the unforgivable, and unredeemable, sin.

So let us speak no more of the dusky one. This man of shadows.  This man of many names.  The one for hope and change.  The man of our times.

His presidency represents the dying light of day before the setting sun; the fall season before winter comes. His legacy will resonate into the coming age like the sounds of autumn leaves rustling in an open doorway.  The seasons turn, the days bring change and most care not the reason.   Revolutions rise and revolutions fade; we reap what has been sown and in the end, ill-fated winds blow.  For most, they will never know the reasons for the season.  But for those that do, they can sense it as it wafts foul upon the evening air.  It smells like treason.

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Hollow man
Hollow man
September 30, 2016 9:39 am

Wow what a fantastic writing. I want to hand this to every true American.

  Hollow man
October 4, 2016 11:48 am

8 years ago this might have been relevant.

October 4, 2016 9:16 pm

8 years ago the sheeples were not listening, this then could not have been relevant. Even now half of the sheeples are voting not for skin color, but a body plumbing preference.
One can only assume nothing is relevant anymore, especially such a ephemeral concept as Treason. There must be something to commit Treason against. The arrival of Obamy and Hilarity’s USSA has all the integrity of wet flatulence and a nasty smell.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 30, 2016 9:50 am

Treason. Yes. Thank you. The western world is rife with it these days. In the halls of government, academia, the media and within the walls of financial institutions lie traitors of many different stripes. It is high time they are called what they are. The next step will be to hold them accountable.

You are on a roll Uncola. Keep it going.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 30, 2016 9:51 am

“Obama” fucked up. He fucked up in 2011 at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. He didn’t just make a joke at Donald Trump’s expense. He mocked Trump for 20 straight minutes on TV and in front of the entire media establishment. And Trump sat there stone-faced, with a forced smile and took it. And he decided. Right then and there. And five years later, Trump, never having run for so much as city council, is the GOP nominee and on the cusp of winning the presidency. To win it, he’ll have to – among other things – win the third debate by using the stone face he used to endure “Obama’s” mockery. Trump will have to suppress his old man’s training to always hit back. He’ll have to let Clinton’s barbs stick and – to her surprise – turn it back to the issues he chose to run on, the issues where the candidate took the people’s side for once in our godforsaken lives. If he pulls it off, he’ll take the keys to the White House from “Obama”, but it won’t end there. That will be only the beginning of the purge. John Brennan – gone. Loretta Lynch – gone. Comey’s term runs until 2023, so he’ll have to be forced to resign or be impeached. And he will. All the while, Trump will have to pretend he’d been wrong about Obama’s birth certificate. Only after years of rooting out the corruption will he be able to amass the evidence of who forged the birth certificates. And when he’s ready – if he hasn’t been assassinated by the Uniparty (using a Mexican or Muslim patsy) – he’ll out the bastard Obama. Because Obama took on the wrong German-Scotsman. Obama fucked up.

  Iska Waran
September 30, 2016 10:38 am

Iska… I like the way you think and believe that if Trump follows your “advice”, he can win this thing. Do I think he’ll make a big difference? I really don’t know, but it has to be better than having the Whore of Babylon and her entourage of pay to play travelling pantsuiters ensconced in the White House.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Iska Waran
September 30, 2016 10:58 am

Iska, +1000! Comey could be forced to resign by the inept way he handled the e-mail investigation. However, Trump simply can’t contain his reactionary mouth and he won’t endure mockery. It’s just not his way, and that is apparent from his 1st debate.

Wouldn’t it be incredible to be in that limo on January 20 when the Obamas and Trumps ride together from the WH to the Capitol?

“Traditionally, the president-elect arrives at the White House and proceeds to the inaugural grounds at the United States Capitol with the incumbent president. Only three incumbent presidents have refused to accompany the president-elect: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Johnson.[10] Around or after 12 noon, the president takes the oath of office, usually administered by the Chief Justice of the United States, and then delivers the inaugural address.”


  Iska Waran
October 1, 2016 2:57 am

Well, Iska – the number of “likes” on your comment above has exceeded my own all time (personal) record of 42 up-votes a few months ago. I’m jealous, but congratulations anyway.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 1, 2016 10:39 am

Great writing promotes great comments. You are both to be commended!

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  Rise Up
October 4, 2016 3:16 am

Unco, great write. And Iska, right down the middle of the plate. You guys got game.

September 30, 2016 9:56 am

He is a piece of shit traitor but so is the Main Stream media that protected him. This media and its owners deserve to hung from the nearest tree.Look at the white women in that picture. Disgusting. Woman should have never been given the right to vote.I will be glad when this so called democracy is destroyed but in the process we will probably destroy our REPUBLIC.

October 2, 2016 6:30 pm

What? SAY,WHAT? “Woman should have never been given the right to vote.” How sexist of you, bb.

It all has to do with biology and psychology. Women, no offense intended, are feelers and there is nothing wrong in that. That’s their biological nature and is very meaningful in creating progeny.
Women see the world thru their emotions and men see the world thru their thinking, rationality. Women and men are meant to complement each other. There are exceptions of course.

Because women are a large part of the voting block, they’re appealed to with emotional commercials to get their vote and it’s a very successful strategy. Women are more easily influenced by emotionalism than rationality.

I have often thought it was a mistake to give women the right to vote. Yes, after careful analysis, I thought that. Giving the women the right to vote has led to a series of unscrupulous individuals elected to public office, who have played to the emotions of women to win the office. Must I name them, it’s plainly obvious? How is it different today?

I remember in Junior High School a kid was running for class president. He wore red suspenders.
All the girls voted for him because he wore red suspenders. The teachers were appalled. He won!

I guess Trumps gotta kiss more babies and HiLIARys gotta play the ‘Trump hates women’ and the ‘race card’.

October 2, 2016 11:17 pm

The Republic hangs by a string. If the kleptocrat mama dog is elected it is finished. How long before the civil war would follow is anyone’s guess. I fear that Russky professor who says the US will break into six countries within a few years will be correct.
I pray Trump is Strauss and Howe’s gray champion.

September 30, 2016 9:59 am

Looks like pretty compelling evidence that humans are predisposed toward suffering. Why else would we put up with this shit?

September 30, 2016 10:06 am

It’ll never be too late to throw the fucker in jail.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 10:25 am


A great piece of writing. He started with ACA and now Barry is saying that final leg of his legacy is handing over the keys to internet to the UN.

Treason is the word that started the Obama years and it will be the word that ends it as well.

  RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 10:36 am

What great logic – ACA forces people (young people) who don’t need the product, to buy it, to subsidize the people who need the care. This is fucked up.

September 30, 2016 10:36 am

It will be interesting to see what the UN internet oversight ends up entailing. My bet would be on censorship of some sort, eventually.

As far as Obama’s birth, I think his handlers were purposely enigmatic about it to keep the controversy going in an effort to discredit his critics. He was born in Hawaii, we know that from both Honolulu newspapers that ran the birth announcement. You can’t fake yellowed papers from several archives. But Columbia? Could be easily faked by administrators with records access. Many of his “classmates” who doubted his attendance saw the Birthers get excoriated by the press and became intimidated. Not worth the hassle for them.

We can all look forward to this turd finally being flushed in January.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 30, 2016 10:54 am

@Vodka, if he was really born in Hawaii why is the birth certificate such an obvious fake? Could they not find the real one? So many fishy things about his past…keeps me wondering.

Also his draft card has several issues and what about his multiple Social Security numbers?

  Rise Up
September 30, 2016 11:10 am

Ditto. If true, you would think the newspapers would have been enough to put the controversy to rest instead of Obama being forced to release his long-form certificate 3 years after his election. Who really knows with this guy what’s true or not.

October 1, 2016 2:47 am

No, the newspaper announcements are just that just like announcing a birthday party or such. No proof of anything. There has been questions about Cruz birth, in fact, Trump questioned it. Cruz, Rubio, nor Jindal were eligible. Interesting that with an illegal in the WH, 3 more ran!!! Cruz, born in Canada to Cuban (or Canadian ) dad, and mom who may or may not have been a US citizen when he was born. Mom lived in England between when she married after college until she relocated to New Orleans and met Rafael Cruz and they relocated to Calgary. She may have become a British subject due to birth of a son in England. Ted has sealed his and mom’s records, why? Eleanor and Rafael are on Canadian voter rolls in 1974. Our Constitution requires the holder of the office of POTUS and VP to be Natural Born citizens, born on US soil to 2 US citizen parents.

October 2, 2016 11:22 pm

He just has to be born in America. Trump’s mother was from Scotland.

  Rise Up
September 30, 2016 12:23 pm

I think that it was obviously layered and faked as a distraction and a tool to discredit the birthers. Don’t watch the left hand!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 30, 2016 11:04 am

No one’s seen any yellowed Honolulu newspapers. The purported birth announcement is from microfilm, which is trivially tamperable. Hawaii also allowed births outside the state to be registered as within the state. Sun Yat Sen obtained a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth. Grandma Dunham may have been a commie, but she wasn’t a dummy. Not like her daughter. She may not have been planning for her grandson to run for president, but she knew it would be stupid not to make certain he had US citizenship, which he arguably wouldn’t have had if born to an 18 year old outside of the US, under then-current law.

Col. B. Bunny
Col. B. Bunny
  Iska Waran
October 3, 2016 12:21 pm

I believe one born overseas to one citizen parent entitles one to statutory citizenship, which can be secured, or is evidenced, by obtaining a Consular Report of Birth. This is Cruz’s situation. The person is a citizen, just not a NBC.

There might be some requirement that after 18 the person return to the US (if overseas then) so as not to be seen as avoiding the draft (before repeal) or to dispose of dual citizenship issues. Not sure about these two points.

You’re right to question the evidentiary evidence of a putative newspaper clipping. Iirc, it gives an Hawaii address for they parents but does not in so many words state that the birth was in Hawaii.

Still the placement of the announcement may have been due to some extraordinary foresight of grandma who knew of Obama’s birth in Kenya (where his publisher stated it to have been, as we know) and she knew enough about immigration law and cared enough about the NBC issue to lay the foundation for a later run for the presidency.

That seems a bit of a violation of Occam’s razor. Better to assume plain vanilla birth in Hawaii with announcement derived from hospital records routinely published by the newspaper. I think the left has made “birther” a smokescreen by making it an issue of location of birth thereby obscuring the easier – and more devastating – objection, that of Obama’s not being a NBC. (Cruz was quite duplicitous himself in trying to keep the focus on his mother’s citizenship, btw. The “great constitutionalist.”)

Still and all, the certificate published on the White House web site is obviously doctored so the question then is why? Obama has such a studiously doctored or obscured or stolen identity as to raise the question whether he was provided a legend such as the Soviets used to manufacture starting with (real) birth certificates of dead infants and going from there. A Russian woman in Soviet Russia was reported to have said at a dinner party that we have a black man whom we will make the president of the US, OWTTE. I’m not pushing this theory but by golly “legend” covers a lot of bases.

There’s no getting around the problems with his BC, SS #, and draft registration card.

October 1, 2016 2:26 am

No, the Hawaiian newspaper announcements, are just that, announcements. No hospital says he was born there, no one admits to him having been born there, including other patients during that time. Grandmother Sarah Obama says she was a witness at the birth in Mombaso, Kenya. His Kenyan bc and registration of birth are online. Actually, it would not matter if he was born in the WH, still not eligible to be POTUS, as the Constitution requires the POTUS and VP to be Natural Born citizens. A Natural Born citizen is born of 2 US citizen parents. He is not a Natural Born citizen, neither is Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or Bobby Jindal.

A. McGowan
A. McGowan
October 1, 2016 4:03 pm

The newspaper announcements could be triggered by the fraudulent registration of a birth that actually occurred outside of Hawaii.

DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
September 30, 2016 10:37 am

I know I sound like a kook, but I don’t believe he has any intention of handing the keys to anyone.

(Tin foil hat on and cocked rakishly to the side)

EL Coyote the not popular
EL Coyote the not popular
  DaBirds aka Deplorable DaBird
October 1, 2016 4:37 pm

Goot ting for you, TBP has a kook section. Vedy goot ting.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 10:54 am

This birther thing is a spent force.

Obama is gone in a couple of months and like a dead cat on road getting run over by cars everyone knows that the street cleaner is coming early Monday morning and problem and stench will get swept away.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 12:09 pm

I don’t even know what “birtherism” means. These days it’s defined as “the false proposition that Obama wasn’t born in the US”. False. Right. Maybe yes, maybe no. I take no position on where he was born. I just know that both of his birth certificates are forgeries. You’re right that it’s spent as a political issue. And it’ll be spent as a historical question if Hillary is elected. Don’t underestimate a narcissistic billionaire with hypomania who was raised to not merely defeat his opponents but to crush them and who nurses a huge grudge.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  Iska Waran
September 30, 2016 1:28 pm

It would be funny if someone were to release a faked scan of an Obama Kenyan birth certificate, one that shows multiple layers in the image. I wonder how long it would take before the press began to chant “It’s an obvious fake! It has multiple layers in it!”

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  Iska Waran
September 30, 2016 2:14 pm


I have been thinking a bit about it and what you said this afternoon. Maybe you are right. Maybe Trump will clean house and expose Obama for the fraud he is.

One can hope eh! It would make for great TV!

  Iska Waran
October 1, 2016 2:38 am

The thing is, Trump knows obama, or whatever his name really is, is illegally sitting as POTUS. Have read Washington state atty, Stephen Pigeon has found where he changed name back to Obama in October, 1982, in small town in Canada, across the border from Washington state.
I can find nothing that indicates he is or has ever been a US citizen. Lots of info is now online. A Natural Born citizen, as required to hold the office of POTUS and VP, is born on US soil to 2 US citizen parents. He does not satisfy this requirement. We have been had. Thanks to Nancy Pelosi and company, the MSM, and the RNC for allowing this to hapoen.

  RiNS the deplorable
October 1, 2016 12:17 am

So, will there be a dead cat bounce?

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 1, 2016 6:27 am

When I linked to that picture it was as Freud once said just a cigar. But maybe subconsciously I had that as message all along.

Col. B. Bunny
Col. B. Bunny
  RiNS the deplorable
October 4, 2016 12:01 am

RiNS, The natural born citizen issue is so dead that three (3) men ran for president in the last year who weren’t natural born citizens.

It’s why we’re known as the premier constitutional republic in the world.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
September 30, 2016 11:27 am

There is nothing real about this guy. There are no pictures of his childhood, of him with his “mother” Stanly Anne Dunham, or even the grandparents that are not obviously photoshopped.

He looks like neither his proclaimed mother or father or a combination of them. What he looks like is a middle eastern man. Pull up images of Osama Bin Laden and compare. What an incredible likeness.

As for birth certificates and news paper announcements(of which I believe are altered), he is not that person and could only have assumed that identity.

Whether any of this is true or not is irrelevant. When any candidate has a questionable past, sealed records, or possibly an altered birth certificate, we must reject them and find another because really, nobody is irreplaceable.

  Greg in NC
October 1, 2016 6:24 pm

The old communist,that sired that thing, was old ” Frank Marshall Davis” look it up. If you had read the book,or watched the video, ” Dreams From My Father ” you would have known !

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 30, 2016 11:41 am
  Rise Up
September 30, 2016 12:01 pm

Funny at how those laughing at Trump in the video are not laughing so much anymore

Peter Van Buren
Peter Van Buren
September 30, 2016 11:56 am

America will have Trump or Clinton in the White House for the next four years because they are us.

Clinton is the ultimate end product of a political process consumed by big money. She is the candidate of the 1 percent. She believes in nothing but the acquisition of power and will trade anything to get it. The oligarchy is happy to help her with that.

Trump is the ultimate Frankenstein product of decades of lightly shaded Republican hate mongering. He is the natural end point of 15 post-9/11 years of keeping us afraid. He is the mediagenic demagogue a country gets when it abandons its people to economic Darwinism, crushes its middle class, and gives up on caring what happens to its minorities.

Both candidates are markers of a doomed democracy, a system that reached its apex somewhere in the past and has only now declined enough that everyone can see where we are. They’re us, people. We watched this happen, and we’ll be stuck trying to live with the results.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Peter Van Buren
September 30, 2016 12:20 pm

“Gives up on caring what happens to its minorities”? What color is the sky in your world? We’ve given up caring what happens to our majority.
Press 2 for English, cuck. They’re trying to replace the voters they don’t like. If stopping that is demagoguery, then bring it.

Col. B. Bunny
Col. B. Bunny
  Peter Van Buren
October 4, 2016 12:16 am

Peter van Buren, when you compared Trump to Frankenstein I knew it was going to be a great comment. I was not disappointed!

September 30, 2016 1:21 pm

Jesus H. Christ! Don’t you know his father was Frank Marshal Davis( The top black communist at the time) He even admits in his book that he visited him weekly. You can also find pictures of his whore of a mother naked on her knees in front of Frank Marshal Davis’s couch. In one of his books Davis talks about gang banging Obama’s mother with some of his black friends. Obummer looks just like the man. That’s what they are trying to hide. Watch “Dreams of my REAL father on video.

September 30, 2016 1:43 pm

@ Diogenes – I thought about going more into that but decided to keep it all about the chosen one instead. Plus given the time I had yesterday I figured under 1500 word count was best. I kept getting interrupted last night and also wanted to get this to Admin for posting today in case Kim Jong-Il calls the UN tomorrow and blackmails them to shut down the internet under the threat of him breaking out his radioactive persuasion devices. Once the internet changes hands, you never know. I figured time was short and I wanted to get this piece under the radar before it was too late.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 30, 2016 1:37 pm

Obama is indeed a traitor or, more accurately, a foreign agent. He is not an American, never has been. He is a Marxist extremist, a man from nowhere, a hate-filled nomad who loathes America. He is, quite literally, the bastard son of a whore. His mother at the age of 17 posed nude for a disgusting black Communist pervert who may have been his true biological father; the drunken Kenyan who “married” mother was already married to an African woman – the marriage to Obama’s mother was not valid, it was bigamy. As I have said before on this site, my brother knew this POS in Hawaii in the early 90’s when he would visit his grandmother in Honolulu (knew the grandmother and his sister as well). Obama is a homosexual with a fixation on transvestites. He was almost certainly born in or near Vancouver, Canada. His grandmother fiddled the certificate of live birth, a nothing document that relied on the word of the parent for details. You will note the “attending physician” at his birth has never been named. The reason, of course, is that there wasn’t one, at least in Hawaii. If Obama was born in Hawaii he would probably have been the only mulatto bastard born of a white woman in Hawaii that year, surely a memorable event. But nobody does remember it. Roger that on Trump. Trump knows what and who Obama is. Obama, in a typical piece of showing his ass, made a terrible enemy that day at the Press Club. He was too clever by half and he will pay an awful price for it, as will his accomplices. Trump probably has a good idea now what the real story on Obama is but with the power of the presidency he will be able to prove it once and for all. I think Trump will not hesitate to order his immediate arrest. If I was Trump I would declare a state of national emergency, impose martial law and order the rounding up of every senior Obama official and every senior Democrat involved at a high level with him. I would hold them until the truth was sweated out of them. If any judge tried to intervene he would go in the pot with the rest. This conspiracy certainly ranks in seriousness in its threat to the republic to what the Confederates did in 1861. Lincoln did not hesitate to do what he had to in order to crush Confederate sympathizers (by the way, the Confederate government treated Unionists the same way, but with even harsher methods), the Constitution be damned, and the courts too. Lincoln was right to do that, and I say that as a Southerner who fully understands the nuances at play here. This writhing hydra has to have ALL of its heads cut off, for good and forever.

  Southern Sage
September 30, 2016 8:43 pm

Damn Southern, between you and Uncola, that sums it up. And yes, it’s that fucking serious folks.

  Southern Sage
September 30, 2016 11:21 pm

You call yourself a Southerner with a comment like that? You must be a transplant.
I suggest you read a couple of the Lincoln books written by Thomas DiLorenzo. No tyrant is worth having.
How would you like it if Hillary decided to do that to Christians or Republicans or any of her enemies?

October 4, 2016 10:50 am

You ask that about Hillary as though she’s actually now giving consideration to what she has been dong for 30+ years, which is the demonic vilification of Christians and conservatives. With the power of the presidency, she will persecute us in ways unimaginable.

You’re an idiot

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 30, 2016 1:54 pm

Give up trying to tell them anything, even Trump admitted Oreo was born in the US. It is a sure thing that until Fox News and the other networks do a 3 hour spectacular to tell them he was born in Hawaii, it will fall on deaf ears. Oreo is the all time biggest empty suit who does nothing but read what he is told to read. Uncola gives him credit for things that would require work and high intel which totally leaves that dindu out in the cold.

  Bea Lever
September 30, 2016 2:37 pm

Hang in there Bea. I am toying with a “behind the curtain” piece that just might rock your world. Maybe even a couple articles that could make Project Blue Beam look like a bad game of charades. No guarantees, tho. If I can’t vet it, I won’t post it. Unfortunately, the internet seems to get more scrubbier every day.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 30, 2016 3:22 pm

Outstanding Uncola, keep them coming!

  Bea Lever
October 1, 2016 12:20 am

I second that compliment.

Dennis Clark
Dennis Clark
  Bea Lever
September 30, 2016 10:14 pm

I lived in Hawaii while growing up in the late ’60’s . There was never a hospital with this name while I lived there . It is a valid hospital but only had one of those names . It very well might have both now after a merge or buyout , but surely not the year he born .

September 30, 2016 2:27 pm

Trojan Horse = O

O= Trojan Horse

Either way, there you have it.

September 30, 2016 2:43 pm

At this point, what difference does it make? The damage is done.

October 1, 2016 3:09 am

Is important as all he has done and appointed would be declared null and void. For our hustory, this really needs to be finalized. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullos, and California atty, Orly Taitz, or similar nsme, know the truth but have been unable to get a judge to hear them.

September 30, 2016 2:56 pm

I always figured Jimmy Carter would go down as the worst President. But Obama has him beat.
Obama had very little going for him except for being a light skinned black man. I read that as a senator he voted present a lot and took no sides on issues.He really wasn’t qualified in any way for the job.
I think of him as the anti American President. He seems stuck on the European model of a large overseeing government as his ideal. His anti gun talk and forcing the public to buy healthcare are the two big beefs i have with him.There of course are many more things wrong with his thinking.Just like Hillary Clinton’s thinking is bad for our country and people who want to live free and with as little gov. in their lives as possible.

September 30, 2016 3:05 pm

Maybe this will be the great event of the Fourth turning–the left is revealed fully for their duplicity and treasonous attempts to destroy the US as a sovereign nation under Constitutional law.

Hillary’s State Dept access for donations to her foundation revealed for the world to see after “recovery” of the 33,000 emails……
The scam that is the BLM movement full of paid professional “protestors” is revealed for the terrorist organization it is and its deliberate efforts to foment civil unrest-Soros is tried and executed.
And most of all, Obama is exposed as the non-citizen ( or at least dual citizenship), muslim sympathizer he is (which is so obvious to so many.) The groups behind his seizing of the POTUS position are brought to light, the Dohrn’s, Ayers types, the Muslim Brothehood & cultural Marxist agents who have taken over our schools, media and courts will have the full light of truth shined upon them—this would be a revolution of the scale as the one of the later 1700’s…….

September 30, 2016 3:08 pm

He kept the birther movement alive because it benefited him. His place of birth made no difference as his mother was an American citizen (see Ted Cruz). He could have stopped it with a direct answer at any time. He still benefits from the distraction. Get over it. The bastard is laughing at us still. Where he was raised gave him an outlook that is not and was not American. He hates us and everything we stand for and wins when we get distracted.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 30, 2016 11:28 pm

McCain was born in Panama, that was never an issue. The only thing here would be if that woman was not his real momma. The girls show no traces of a white granny. Why?

October 1, 2016 3:18 am

Is important as all he has done and appointed would be declared null and void. For our hustory, this really needs to be finalized. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullos, and California atty, Orly Taitz, or similar nsme, know the truth but have been unable to get a judge to hear them. Ted Cruz is also not eligible. Mon, Ann, was not old enough to give him citizenship, dud to laws at the tije. A NBC is child of 2 US citizen parents. Like the Tango, it takes 2.

Col. B. Bunny
Col. B. Bunny
October 4, 2016 12:27 am

One citizen mother is not enough.

September 30, 2016 3:37 pm

It has indeed become blatantly obvious that Obama is no lover of America or the average American. He cares nothing about what Americans want for their country – believing that he has been blessed with some greater knowledge that allows him to know better than anyone what is truly best for the U.S. This is especially true when the subject is Islam. There can be little doubt as to his Muslim background, affection and sympathy. Despite poll after poll that shows the majority of Americans are against his ideas concerning Islamic immigration he forges on with his own agenda – Americans and their country be damned.

As we close FY2016 today, Obama has exceeded his goal of 10,000 “Syrian refugees” with a total of 12,571. (His new goal for FY2017 is now 110,000) Over 99% of these invading immigrants are Muslims (12,470/12,571), while less than one percent are Christians or other religions (101/12,571). After his own DHS and FBI Directors have admitted that the U.S. is incapable of successfully vetting these immigrants Obama continues to open the doors and the Treasury to people that have proven to be terrorists and to be infected with a variety of dangerous and deadly diseases. Recently, an immigration official told Ted Cruz at a Senate hearing that the current vetting process has been hurried by the administration to the point where it is simply a matter of relying on the word of the immigrants that they are not terrorists when they are questioned.

His pro-Islam ideas and plans coupled with his lack of care for American sentiment is not just related to Muslim growth in America. There is heavy speculation that Obama is rumored to be considering a major reversal of decades-long U.S. policy toward Israel by supporting a UN Security Council resolution that unilaterally recognizes a Palestinian state before a peace agreement is negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians.

“A White House decision to support unilateral Palestinian statehood would unquestionably be contrary to the will of Congress: 88 senators recently signed a letter opposing such an action, while 388 members of the House have signed a similar letter supporting a veto of all “one-sided” UN resolutions concerning the Israel/Palestine issue.” But Obama cannot have the will of the American people or the legislative branch of the American government, put a stick in the spokes of his ever-forward turning wheel of Islamic aggrandizement.

Obama is a traitor for the continuous acts of making the safety and welfare of Americans secondary to the welfare and advancement of Islam. He will leave behind a closet full of Gordian knots that in many cases cannot be untangled. Hillary will attempt to untangle none of them, and in some cases will simply make them worse. Trump will attempt to untie those that appear to be able to be untangled, but that will still leave many that will take the will of many, instead of just one man, to untie. The storybook ending would be a Trump victory, the immediate seizing of the passports, and arrests of Obama and all his confidants and ‘Komrades’ that have conspired to destroy America from the inside out. I would suggest that Hussein Obama should get the Saddam Hussein treatment.

Reds Fan
Reds Fan
September 30, 2016 6:28 pm

It will take decades to reverse the damage done by this man, but reverse it we will.

mike in ga
mike in ga
  Reds Fan
September 30, 2016 9:15 pm

Oh yeah? How do we reverse the 51% of the country that voted for him? Twice!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  mike in ga
September 30, 2016 11:50 pm

How Can You Mend a Broken Gov?

I can think of younger days when voting for a white
Was everything a cracka would want to do
I could never see Obama, I was never told about the half-negro

And how can you mend a broken gov?
How can you stop Hillcunt from getting crowned?
How can you stop the bitch from winning?
What makes the bitch fall down?
How can you mend this broken system?
How can a 99 percenter ever win?
Please help me mend my broken gov and make me free again

I can still hear the sleaze that passes for debate
And miss the memories of campaigns gone by
We could never see Obama, no one said a word about the nigger

And how can you mend a broken gov?
How can you stop Hillcunt from getting crowned?
How can you stop her head from jerking?
What makes the bitch fall down?
How can you mend this broken system?
How can a 99 percenter ever win?
Please help me mend my broken gov and make me free again

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
October 1, 2016 1:53 am

Two down-thumbers. You try fitting in the words. Fucking Neg Nellies.

  mike in ga
October 1, 2016 3:36 am

Mike, there was no 51% for him. Read about the election fraud. Happened grossly in Florida, N.C., Ohio, Colorado, and especially in Philadelphia. If 100 people are registered in a precint, 35 is usually a good turnout. Having over a 100 vote and vote 100% for the same person simply does not happen, yet it did in 2012. Just read that in Ohio, where early voting does not start for 12 days or so, 12 boxes, containing 10s of thousands of ballots have been discovered, all marked for Hillary! !! The Demo know how to win electons. For months , I have been saying the National Guard needs to oversee elections, just now, on Lou Dobbs, Trump said voting precints need monitoring.

October 4, 2016 10:54 am

The Ohio story isn’t true-the “Ballot Boxes” are PS and the image is from several years ago in Great Britain.

Nonetheless, I believe the usual 3-5% voter fraud the dems perpetuate every election will easily double this time around.

Dennis Clark
Dennis Clark
  Reds Fan
September 30, 2016 10:17 pm

Only if we survive all his B.S.

September 30, 2016 8:15 pm

“If there ever was a verifiable Manchurian Candidate, would the ensuing national destruction be identified as much differently than what we have witnessed over the last eight years?”

Did we forget about “W”? The “presidency” of Cheney? That 911 was an inside job? Did we forget the lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? Or that the real estate collapse was contained?

I don’t think Obama did much at all as a president. But to ignore the complete clusterfuck he walked into is…disingenuous, at best, and moronic at least.

Obama did far less to hurt the average American (and global citizen) than Cheney and his puppet president W did….The argument could be made that no one could’ve fixed the fuckups from the Bush administration.

Lastly, why is it that the discourse from those on the right has gotten so…gutter…What is the point of being so ridiculous as calling the current president a treasonous traitor? Is that how you want the next republican president to be treated by the left? It is seriously childlike.

Why would anyone of character want the job? That’s why we have such poor candidates. A sane, non-psychopathic, reasonable person can’t get elected because they don’t want to deal with the bullshit of getting elected.

September 30, 2016 8:21 pm

Let us not forget that the Obummer would never have become President of the United States without the support of very powerful entities of the oligarchic Deep State who control both major political parties. These are the real traitors who must be identified, indicted and brought to justice for high crimes against the American people and humanity. One wonders if there is enough rope to hang them all although hanging doesn’t seem sufficient punishment – politcians, banksters, globalists, Supreme Court justices, propagandists who own and prostitute for the MSM..and the list goes on and on and on. I want to be there for the twin hanging of Bill and Hillary.

September 30, 2016 8:35 pm

“Let us not forget that the Obummer would never have become President of the United States without the support of very powerful entities of the oligarchic Deep State who control both major political parties.”

Do you mean those who chose Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate…?

That is essentially what got Obama into office…in a fricken landslide.

Token Whitey
Token Whitey
September 30, 2016 9:13 pm

The mainstream media pulled off the greatest crime ever when they saddled us with King Nig. The scary part is that the worst is yet to come. Just a few more weeks before we find out if he laid the groundwork sufficiently enough. If so, the rest should be a piece of cake. And on that note… http://www.unz.com/imercer/when-america-becomes-south-africa/

September 30, 2016 9:16 pm

@ Randy – This is not a left/right issue, per se, so don’t try to make it one. It is more of a truth vs. falsehood deal. My critique of Obama is not meant to be a vindication of Bush. Maybe take the gum out of your mouth so you can think it through a little more clearly. Multi-tasking isn’t for everyone.

September 30, 2016 10:02 pm

I didn’t take it entirely that way…but the birther issue is just soooo juvinile, and so revealing about those who still try to get mileage out of it…Then again, stupid people don’t know that they’re stupid.

I also wasn’t suggesting that you were vindicating Bush. I was suggesting that Bush gave us Obama…and that everyone seems to forget that. Do the people here really think that the country would have been better off with McCain/Palin? I could accept arguing about Romney/Ryan, but McCain/Palin – Trump/Pence? You cannot be serious.

I’m suggesting the Republican Party fucked up with the Palin choice. That Bush/Cheney put America in a position that allowed a relatively inexperienced community organizer to become President.

So, with the US at war on multiple fronts, and the financial system seizing up the elite hand the keys to a Kenyan muslim black guy, in a landslide?.really…?

Those pushing that the elite are choosing Hillary over Trump, forget the fact that the experienced Hillary lost to the upstart Obama…and Now Trump is the inexperienced upstart. Obama won on charisma, which neither Hillary or Trump have….

I have no vote…but this is going to be a landslide for the democrats, and the majority here will continue to be the minority…y’all have to find the magic white man to lead…just fuckin do it…because Trump ain’t it…

I will also ad that my word play was influenced as much by the comments as the essay.

Truth is in the eye of the beholder…as is falsehood.

September 30, 2016 11:04 pm

@ Randy – Like you, I am an observer and we may be beyond any real solutions at this point. I will concede that. However, that stated, one could argue the birther issue is not juvenile, but rather, it could possibly be the biggest fraud ever perpetrated in U.S. history, if not the world. Regardless, like the moon landing, no one we know was actually there and, besides, it’s a moot point now anyway.

The elite loved Barry the Magicman in the same way they love China. They love socialism because it paves the way toward their ultimate end goal of communism. The majority of the electorate loves Obama because they think he is “cool”. That’s all that matters. McCain, Palin, Romney and Ryan were all nerds. It is a movie star world.

Many would argue that Trump does, indeed, have charisma. He is filling venues nationwide and people love him. He speaks truth to power and is not politically correct. The establishment is terrified of him, but not for the reasons you might think. Has it occurred to you that Trump may really love America? Has it occurred to you that he may be the Gray Champion in the 4th Turning after all?

I am not making any claims, mind you. I am just asking if you are willing to consider these perspectives as possibilities.

Perhaps the beholder is in the eye of truth, or falsehood. Not vice versa as you claim.

October 1, 2016 12:23 am

Unc…I agree that solutions are mirages in this crazy fiat maze created just before the last financial crisis…But I disagree on the birtherism issue. It’s ridiculous to think that a man elected to the senate, then – beat the Clinton/Bush dynasty – was so carelessly vetted that he could actually not be an American citizen. The audacity of the birther issue is that Ted Cruz, John McCain, George Romney, and Barry Goldwater all had the same issue…It’s a technicality. It doesn’t preclude someone from running, it doesn’t preclude them from being elected.

The fact that they think Barry is cool, is related to his laid back speaking manner, being logical, and coherent. Trump is not filling venues because of high flying rhetoric on how great America is, he is using low flung monkey poo saying how bad America is. It’s regressive charisma, meant to appeal to those who harken back to the “good ole days”. When America was America…Most people, especially young people are looking forward, not back. He appeals to a shrinking demographic (as do Republicans).

That is not to say that Hillary is appealing. She is a shill for the banks, wall street, the military industrial complex. She is the one percent, the ultimate insider, a Bilderberger, a hawk, in bed with both Saudi Arabia and Israel.

I do believe Donald Trump loves America. What I don’t understand is the “reality tv” context of a campaign. Why doesn’t he at least act like the office means something. It’s hard to believe, with as weak Hillary is, with as much contempt there is for the establishment that Trump can’t take this more seriously. Civilly.

As much as people are sick and tired of political correctness, one must expect such from a person the whole nation, and that worlds children can look up to….America is not supposed to be some despotic empire, it’s supposed to be the land of the free, the land of human rights, that “shinning city on a hill” (Reagan). He could’ve taken the high road as a plain spoken person, but he’s treated the campaign, and the American people with complete arrogance, and utter incompetence…If I were a Republican, I would be so embarrassed. As a Canadian, I’m titillated.

They love China? Could’ve fooled me. They can’t get China to do anything about North Korea…It is big business that loves China. Big business that supports both parties. Big business that loves to privatize profit and socialize debt. Big business that moves jobs overseas, not just for the cheap labour, but because environmental laws are non existent, pensions – non existent, labour laws, private property, human rights non existent. Corrupt incompetent politicians corrupted by corrupt psychopathic capitalists…

While Clinton is a corrupt politician, she was corrupted by people like Trump…If that makes him a saviour to some, then some must be thinking and chewing gum…at the same time.

You say the sky is blue, and to you (and others) that would be the truth. I say the sky is every colour but blue, and because the only colour we actually see is the one reflected, what I say is the truth. Truth is in the eye of the beholder.

I have to say that I am enjoying this relatively cordial conversation.

October 1, 2016 1:41 am

If truth actually were in the eye of the beholder than it would be relative and our debate would not matter.

It seems some Canadians, American Liberals and impeached American presidents only care for “technicalities” when they parse what the meaning of “is” is.

I have a hard time believing you don’t see how “bad America is” as you identify Hillary, a 2016 presidential candidate, as: “a shill for the banks, wall street, the military industrial complex. She is the one percent, the ultimate insider, a Bilderberger, a hawk”

This is pretty bad, don’t you think? Especially considering how big business and big government are both horns on the same bull with the head of the bull consisting of those controlling the banks.

Which presidential candidate is owned by the banks again? Oh yeah, by your own admission, Hillary. Maybe then, the “low flung monkey poo saying how bad America is” is therefore merited by Trump?

As a Canadian, are you “titillated” by ISIS? By the worldwide immigration crisis?

I fail to see how Trump corrupted Hillary. Please clarify. And calling Hillary Clinton a “corrupt politician” seems a little like calling Michael Jordan in his prime, an “OK basketball player”.

I care not regarding the color of the sky. But when it rains, the rain is wet. Like the definition of “is”, some things are not “relative” and up for debate. Unless you are a “shill” yourself?

October 1, 2016 10:17 pm

I am definitely not a shill, as exemplified by my excoriation of Clinton. But for you to not consider or even recognize the irony of Trump calling a politician crooked and corrupt, a politician he has verbally, and monetarily supported, a politician he invited to his wedding (to either make himself look important, or to gain political favour) is shocking considering the thought you put into your writing.

The problem here is a false equivalency.

While Clinton represents the insider class (which IS Trump, by the way), using quid pro quo to push her political agenda, Trump brags that he bought and paid for politicians all over, and all over the ideological spectrum to push his personal economic agenda. In that there seems to be a modicum of equivalency.

But that equivalency ends when one looks to the expectation of performance. Would you pick the plumber with the best bluster, or one that actually knows how to … plumb. While Clnton is an anathema to Republicans, there is no doubt that her resume reveals that she knows government. While any may disagree with her poor choices (the Iraq vote) many other politicians (including Republicans) supported that shit. Trump on the other hand, only knows that government can be bought.

He is clearly clueless on policy, has to rely on Republicans to tell him what policy is, and even then, has a very hard time making complete coherent sentences regarding them. While he may be a successful business man and a bonafide celebrity – he is not a politician, has no diplomatic skills, and is probably suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is so concerned about his ego he can’t even let go of (allegedly) calling someone Miss Piggy….Really? There aren’t more important things he could be talking about?

Your politicians and the lame stream media have you Americans terrified of boogey men on the other side of the world….More Americans are killed by toasters http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_people_a_year_are_killed_by_toasters than terrorist (even ISIS, ISIL, Dash, AlQeada, etc.) https://www.start.umd.edu/pubs/START_AmericanTerrorismDeaths_FactSheet_Oct2015.pdf . They use that boogeyman because the Russians just don’t scare Americans anymore…And they need to keep you scared so that they can justify illegal acts of American terror, world wide.

Where is the backbone against toasters? Especially since their all made in China…

As I said, I do believe that Trump loves America. I also believe that the America represented by the Statue of Liberty, the first stanza’s of it’s constitution, and quite honestly, it’s progressivism in the face of it’s violent, genocidal, and racist past…Quite honestly, I also believe that Clinton, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, etc, all love America…It’s a really petty tactic to say that an American politician hates America…

Calling Trump President of the United States of America is akin to calling Micheal Jordan, in his prime, a major league baseball player…

October 1, 2016 11:01 pm

What is Hillary’s political agenda?

October 1, 2016 4:07 am

Randy, I am expecting a landslide for Trump. The birther issue is important because what happened by putting Obama in office is aga our Constitution. Article 2, Section 1 states the office of POTUS and VP require holders to be Natural Born citizens. Born of 2 US citizen parents. That is why Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal were not eligible. Interesting that we had an illegal in the WH and 3 illegals running. Obama, I believe is not even a citizen. Having one citizen parent is not enough. Having one US citizen parent would mean the Prince of Monaco, the Proof Jordan and millions more all over the world would be eligible. Do you think the founding fathers desired this? It us a Constitutional and legal matter. Think about Trump this way, he was enjoying a great life, he did not need this, but saw the message are in, saw no one that could get us out of this mess, so threw his hat in. He is working about 20 hours away, at his expense, booking rally after rally, often far apart and back to back, with thousands of people in attendance, waiting hours to get in and standing outside when unable to get inside. Hillary cannot gill a HS gym, even with staff and some paid to attend. This is a movement, he is saying what many of us have been thinking. I regret I have not been able to attend a rally. There are requirements for POTUS and VP that are higher than for any other elected office. Being a citizen is not adequate.

October 1, 2016 3:50 am

Randy, I am expecting a landslide for Trump. The birther issue is important because what happened by putting Obama in office is aga our Constitution. Article 2, Section 1 states the office of POTUS and VP require holders to be Natural Born citizens. Born of 2 US citizen parents. That is why Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal were not eligible. Interesting that we had an illegal in the WH and 3 illegals running. Obama, I believe is not even a citizen. Having one citizen parent is not enough. Having one US citizen parent would mean the Prince of Monaco, the Proof Jordan and millions more all over the world would be eligible. Do you think the founding fathers desired this? It us a Constitutional and legal matter.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 1, 2016 10:59 am

Apparently Randy does not mind being hoodwinked about Obama’s birth and his highly questionable background.

Millions of Americans think otherwise.

September 30, 2016 11:01 pm

You created a clear and concise summary of a complex subject. I don’t think Trump really believes what he recently stated; he just figures he is beating a dead horse, so just drop it.

The fact that Trump is so universally despised in the media for suggesting such a thing probably means he is right. There is a Pulitzer Prize waiting somewhere in the future for the individual who writes the real story of Barack Hussein Obama.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 1, 2016 10:44 pm

There’s a high speed car crash waiting for the journalist who writes the real story of Obama. Or perhaps a fatal “heart attack”, and then the coroner doing the autopsy dying of arsenic poisoning. See Michael Cormier.

September 30, 2016 11:10 pm

When his “birth certificate” was published, I could never understand why nobody on Fox News ever publicized the signature at the bottom—“U. K. Lele”—-if that wasn’t the biggest f-u to the whole world I don’t know what is. After he gets out of office he’ll tell us the truth and laugh in our faces, and all too many will say “what difference does it make?”

September 30, 2016 11:34 pm

He can’t tell the truth because he could be arrested for fraud (except I think the CIA is involved in the deception, so that won’t happen.).

But if he weren’t a citizen, everything he did would no longer be valid. Any law he signed as president would be invalid, any treaty, etc. Do you really think he wants his “signature” Obamacare law to become invalid, especially if Republicans have a majority in both houses? I don’t think so.

October 1, 2016 12:41 am

And as we see, the birther issue lives….would a birther issue live if it were Ted Cruz as the nominee?

Probably, from the fringe of the democrats, but certainly not republicans…nary a peep in the primaries about Cruz, or McCain for that matter…

The birther issue is pure partisanship AKA bullshit…Not conspiracy, not mystery, just bullshit…it means nothing, and the “magical negro” ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_Negro ) will be out in four months.

fer fuck sakes…get on with it…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 1, 2016 12:54 am

randy, how do you lean on the 9/11 report?

  EL Coyote
October 1, 2016 1:05 am

911 commission report? complete hokum. Dangerously worthless.

It was obvious that the buildings were imploded…

Ice – It’s better than peacocking racism…(ahem)…in my opinion.

October 1, 2016 1:53 am

Randy keeps talking how young people in America are looking “forward” and, obviously, he is too when he says:

“fer fuck sakes…get on with it…”

But he’s the one who keeps writing about George Bush, John McCain, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz and Barry Goldwater!!

Sounds to me like someone hates white people.

You cannot compare George Bush with Barry the Magician. If America was a neighborhood, George is the drunken buffoon who crashed his car into the side of your house. Barry, on the other hand, is the “cool guy” next door with the “laid back speaking manner, being logical, and coherent” who closes all the curtains in his house then goes downstairs to torture young children in his basement.

Read the essay above one more time and tell me what I am missing.

October 1, 2016 7:17 am

Randy @ 12:33 AM says regarding Trump: “It’s regressive charisma, meant to appeal to those who harken back to the “good ole days”. When America was America…Most people, especially young people are looking forward, not back. He appeals to a shrinking demographic (as do Republicans).”

And, by the way Randy, while not wanting to sound racist against Canadians; I would additionally like to query your vast and progressive intellect while tapping into your infinite Canuck wisdom in order to ask how you think the youth of America might be “looking forward” by electing another CLINTON? And stop opining for better candidates as we only have two choices in the upcoming election. Please let me know your thoughts on this as well. Thank you in advance.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 1, 2016 8:08 am

Uncola sound away. I have to live among Canadians so no need to apologize. Being outside looking in we folks to the North should be able to see election with a third objective view.

However more often than not folks here cannot resist the temptation to be smug. Hold ourselves in higher regard. Our infinite Canuck wisdom proportional to our righteous vanity. It is something I hear about in polite conversation when I am …out and about…. We don’t seem to notice pronouncing those words differently but in a liberal echo chamber few notice.

I support Trump because I am repulsed by everything Hillary doesn’t stand for. I don’t think Donald is regressive. A bit unpolished for sure but that is part of his appeal. Hillary on the other hand reads talking points like she is riding a mechanical bull. The shit coming from her mouth the only thing she can add.

[imgcomment image[/img]

  RiNS the deplorable
October 1, 2016 9:07 am

I couldn’t agree more Rob.

October 1, 2016 10:57 pm

Well, you can’t actually be racist towards a nationality, I don’t think.

And like the rest of the world, we stand with our hands over our mouths saying, “did he just say that out loud”…Suffice it to say, our rednecks support Trump, and they are a good portion of our nation (between 35 and 40%) , but are also a shrinking demographic. They overperform in our political system because the left is represented by the Liberals, and New Democrats. Otherwise, you would never see a Steven Harper type government ever elected nationally.

That is where Americans are headed. The only way the Republicans can continue to be a major party is to allow a third party to gain a good 15% of the left.

Anyway, I went back in the past to show that I’ve done research on the subject, learned that the subject is not new, nor is it a real issue…

Listen, there is no way that you can expect me to argue that Clinton is the best candidate that the democratic party nominated. But in consideration of pure policy, one can’t righteously consider pro-life, a wall, a ban on muslims, and an “okey dokey” wink of the eye to racism “looking forward”.

Even if only one thing – the representation that a women can be president – is more forward looking than another rich white dude pointing his tiny finger at, generally anyone he doesn’t like, and saying “loser”…He is so fuckin highschool bully it’s not funny. He is Al Bundy.

My case here is not to prosecute the reason for which I believe Clinton is a better candidate, my rhetoric is entirely couched in the fact that Trump is a completely inadequate candidate for a nation as great as the USA (a good portion of Republicans agree AKA Democratic landslide – Clinton Republicans…hahahahah). As you said – there are only two choices (when the truth is: there are more than two choices) – One, “dirty” but competent, one, entertaining but incompetent. If I were choosing a clown for a birthday party, I would choose Trump, if I were choosing a politician, I would choose Clinton.

The US has it’s fingers in almost every country on the planet. The idea that Trump can extort other nations for defense, and can brag about he got his purple heart pretty easy, shows everyone the temperament of a dictator, not a president.

October 1, 2016 11:23 pm

Regarding being racist against Canada, I was merely being ironical. Your contempt for Trump seems visceral, and your arguments against him, ad hominem.

When you brand Hillary as “dirty but competent” and Trump as “entertaining but incompetent” – don’t the facts show the exact opposite of your assessment?

What has Hillary accomplished that would cause you to label her as competent? And, how can you set aside Trump’s obvious business-savvy and overall success in his endeavors?

October 1, 2016 4:26 am

Randy, Cruz was discussed, Trump has brought this up. Cruz is not eligible, for similar reason. Interesting we are having ineligible people coming out of the woodwork to run. I think the Dems were expecting Cruz to win, then, at the 11th hour, would have had him declared not eligible, we would have had egg on our collective faces. McCain qualified due to his dad being stationed in Panama with the US Navy. US military bases and US embassies also qualify as US soil. I was briefly for Cruz until I discovered he was not eligible, as time went on, I was glad I had pulled away from supporting him. There are serious questions regarding the citizenship of mom, Eleanor, when he was born. She was born in Delaware, but not certain of her citizenship at time of his birth. One US parent does not satisfy Natural Born citizenship. See Vattel’s Law of Nations, DC C has an article and video on this, was RE Cruz, founding fathers fid not want POTUS to have divided localities, is the reason I this requirement. Don’t understand why people are not understanding thus, is not rocket science.

October 1, 2016 12:51 am

Wow . It seems once again everyone is posting about POCB.

Go figure lol
Everything else is trivial and a distraction .
As it is designed to be . Whatever

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 1, 2016 2:08 am

Am I the only one that imagines IceHouse is too cool for words?
Please elucidate IH, we’ve got time here.
Heck, we have so much time, we still discuss JFK.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 1, 2016 7:19 am

That was yet another excellent piece. TBP is turning into the Iowa Writer’s Workshop only better.

Anyone who runs for public office should be willing to have their life be an open book, a President more than any other. The secrecy and dissembling that surrounds the current occupant of the White House are more than enough to disqualify him from serving in a sane time. The failure to release the college transcripts, the foreign father, the broken home, the Connecticut SSN#, that he identifies as “Black” when he is a mulatto- all of it should have kept him out of the theater of politics, even at a local level.

Our Nation today is no different than any other corrupt and collapsing political dynasty of the past- more so, in fact. In a hundred years, in a thousand it will be viewed the way we see Napoleon exiled on Elba, Ceasar knifed on the floor of the Senate, Torquemada’s Auto-da-fe’, Cleopatra with her asp, the slaughter of the Romanov family in the cellar at Ekaterinburg…

These are legendary times and we live to see the parable of the Emperor’s new clothes written in real time.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 1, 2016 9:04 am

Indeed. Thanks stopping by Hardscrabble.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 1, 2016 8:53 am

Defend from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC . I think we all fell asleep on duty . Time to wake up , probably to late . Don’t like people entering our country illegally , you racist that’s hate speech ! Don’t like people entering our country dedicated to our death and destruction , you racist that’s hate speech ! Don’t like the economic handling of our country from Washington to K street to Wall Street , you uneducated blue collar stiff , we know what’s best . Now encourage your son to be a hero in one of our foreign policy blunders , we will tag his coffin HERO and convince your other children to become indentured to us by borrowing huge sums of money to educate themselves for a better future job that doesn’t exist ! Oh and most of the professors will teach them just how stupid that blue collar dimwit that supported you as his retirement was bankrupted keeping a roof over your head and 3 meals a day clothed and entertained and welcomes you back as you discover the military and college recruiter were only really concerned about head counts ! But that worn down dimwit limps along smiles and says welcome home ! Pity Obamas legacy is our children’s future destroyed but he is revered while us old industrial dirty hands that built a powerful nation are tossed out like a Dixie cup !

  Boat Guy
October 2, 2016 4:31 am

Don’t know your age but think about America when you were a kid. I am 64 and when I was a kid, there were no Hispanics anywhere that i can remember in Cincinnati where I grew up.
Muslims? didn’t even know what one was except for Ali Baba.
Our country has been changed by population and on purpose. Why?

Col. B. Bunny
Col. B. Bunny
October 4, 2016 12:54 am

One answer is that Enlightenment delusion and socialism were like two injections of disdain for and hatred of Western civilization. The Fabian’s prided themselves on being subversives.

Multiculturalism and globalism are two other manifestations of a profound malevolence, although they can probable understood as having roots in the foregoing two phenomena.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 1, 2016 11:08 am

Trump has “warned” Obama not to pardon Clinton and her co-conspirators.

That may be a veiled threat to Obama himself.


  Rise Up
October 1, 2016 4:42 pm

A strong move by Trump. Very strong. Also plain to see that Randy was completely demolished by Uncola on this thread.

October 1, 2016 11:15 pm

“Completely demolished” is completely subjective.

I’m in a conversation (debate) with a person with whom the majority of this site agree with. So from that perspective, you may be speaking the truth.

If we were at my house, in front of my peeps, they would say that I completely demolished him, because they support my views…which are based on truth.

See, purely subjective (as even truth is). Although, I think, that a thinking person would say that I held my own in front of immense odds….

Then again, most here are relatively unfamiliar with nuance…

peace anyway…

October 2, 2016 5:57 am

@ Randy:

Nuance? Or lies? Like many who oppose Trump today, your arguments against him are fundamentally dishonest. I have read many of your comments here on The Burning Platform website across multiple other threads, and your deciet has now become blatantly obvious.

Your distaste for Trump is apparent, but what makes you sneaky is how you simultaneously feign contempt for Hillary. For some time, this is why you have been able to comment here, for the most part, unchallenged.

However, on this thread, I have exposed your bullshit. You are, in fact, a lying, Huffington Post opinion stealing, flaming Hillary supporter in drag.

‘The truth is subjective’ my ass.

Why don’t you just admit it now, so you and I can begin to have a real debate. OK?

Or, wait until the next one. Maybe I will write about Hillary soon. Or not. I am not sure if I could type an essay about her while keeping the contents of my last meal off my keyboard.

And, given the lifespan of those who have presented a threat to the Clintons, it really could be my “last meal” indeed.

What say you now?

October 2, 2016 8:31 pm

Well Unc…You’re wrong…

I have no reason to lie…I’m not American, I cannot vote, and I’m sitting here on what seems to have turned into a “white nationalist” site (again, can someone tell me if that was the founders intention, or did it just change)…debating with a majority of those that I know for a fact, don’t give two shits for a liberal opinion…and accept that position…I don’t have to lie. And none of you can point to even one.

I liked Bill Clinton, although I thought Gore was smarter. I thought Bush was a dumbass, and the Cheney was pure evil…I liked McCain, until Palin. I liked Obama’s inspirational rhetoric, and thought Hillary was shrill. I thought Romney was just another rich- out of touch white guy, but I did like Ryan (a little). I also liked Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden (because HE is the plain spoken politician).

I’m a social democrat at heart, and I’ve never denied that. And my distaste for Trump is couched in the deeds and words coming from his own mouth and actions…I am a Trump fan in the sense of his TV show…I watched the Apprentice for a few years…It was fun…

But as a presidential candidate he has no class. He doesn’t raise the level of discourse he drives it into the sewer. He’s the drunk uncle who is fun to laugh at and with about the stupid things he says and does. But no one would ever vote for drunk uncle…(Okay, Toronto had Rob Ford, and New York had Gulliani…)

Here’s the new one…Hillary used the same tax advantages that Trump did….Nobody has suggested Trump did anything illegal, or corrupt, it’s just the appearance that a rich guy can call out others, like Obama, or hedge fund managers, about not paying enough taxes, yet he pays none….pot calling the kettle black…

But wait, there’s more…If Trump did nothing wrong by avoiding taxation, then why throw the same stone at Clinton? Why imply that Clinton -doing what Trump did- is somehow unsavoury? If it’s perfectly ok for Trump, how is it bad for Clinton?

I am way ahead of Huffington…Fox, and CNN…And quite honestly, my thinking is way ahead of both campaigns, and am shocked that they let themselves get caught up in the he said she said game…

I’m not running anywhere, I’ve given an honest opinion that you call feigned, simply because I don’t agree with you whole heartedly…or that I don’t cow tow to the prevailing thoughts presented by you, or others on this site (which I’ve been reading regularly since early 2008).

I’m here for debate, because much of what I see on liberal, conservative, and fringe sites is simple circle jerking…Sticking to the majority opinion so that they feel like they are part of something (a mob, really)…As opposed to debating issues in a way that gives another person a chance to open their mind to another perspective…to think outside the box of the single party with two heads propaganda brought to the fore by the six corporations that control 90% of the media, who have no real reason to speak truth to power, because that does not increase ratings, or attract advertisers…

I don’t need people to agree with me. I do research, I think, then I write, then I edit…Also, I read and respond to the content of my huckleberry…Unlike Trump surrogates (and some Hillary surrogates) who pivot at the first sign of trouble…I can stay on topic…

I say if you want to debate, lets have at it…You can call me a flaming Hillary supporter in drag, and I can call you a knuckle dragging Trump bag licker…But that language won’t really get us anywhere…Although, the shit throwing monkeys here might really enjoy you grilling me…I’m up to that challenge…

Truth is subjective…when Trump’s carry forward losses became public, the truth is that he is taking advantage of a tax code that Hillary is partially responsible for (quite honestly, that tax code is the responsibility of congress first, not the senate)….The subjectiveness is that it’s rich fuckers (like Trump) that lobby the government for those same tax code holes and support politicians who promise to enact them. Who is worse…the addict, or the drug dealer?

Subjective truth depends on propagandized belief systems…like religion..or party affiliation. By the way, I’m also an atheist, treehugger, who also believes that the financial crisis only seems to have been controlled by the changing of “mark to market” to “mark to model”, and that 911 was an inside job…just to give you a more 3D view of your debate opponent…

So tell me what I’m “fundamentally” dishonest about regarding Trump…

October 2, 2016 10:23 pm

Truth is, I approach Trump cautiously. I respect him spending his own money in this campaign. I respect him speaking to the establishment in ways that have them scared. Unlike you, with your apparent delicate sensitivities, he does not offend me in the least. However, this is far from being, as you say… a “knuckle dragging Trump bag licker”. If I were to summarize my approach to Trump, it is more along the lines of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. And, right now, Trump has the establishment running scared.

If he wins, will he be able to put the derailed train back on the tracks? Most likely not. In the meantime, pass the popcorn.

But here is what I find troubling with you: You actually believe Hillary is smart and competent while at the same time labeling Trump as an imbecilic clown.
Unfortunately, Randy, the facts don’t bear this out and this is why you are dishonest. Or, perhaps “blinded” may be a better term.

When you don’t believe in anything, you will fall for it. This is what happens when you believe truth is subjective. If this is the case, 2 + 2 can equal 5. Orwell was trying to tell you something. Can you see it now? If you were to compare the spin at the Drudge report with the Huffington Post which one is more based on facts? Can you see how you have been propagandized in your own belief systems? Did you believe Bill Clinton did not have sex with that woman? Do believe Hillary is an advocate for women’s rights?

To even buy into the “tax” issues as put forth by the mainstream media proves you are in the weeds. Being concerned regarding Trump’s personal affect or his taxes is like fighting over who is to deal in the next basement poker game when the house is on fire.

Yes, we will continue this debate, if not continuing on this thread, than maybe on another. As mentioned before, I might write something on Hillary next. However, it may end up being more of an indictment on the country I used to love, its current body politic and, more than likely, upon your current worldview as well.

Take it for what it’s worth. Which to you, may not be much. But that is to be expected. If truth is subjective, nothing matters anyway.

October 2, 2016 11:52 pm


The idiom you clumsily use does not apply here. I do believe some things, but not most. Sure Bill dipped his beak…So what…Donald hasn’t? Other Presidents didn’t? Most rich guys don’t? (I wonder if Hillary has “stepped out”?)

In a bygone era, candidates would never go this low. It’s classless, and always victimizes the women (the wife, AND the mistress). Only women (and one would think that religious people would) care about this issue…(and they would side with the women)…Trump has been married to three women…More cynically, male politicians were loath to speak of things they could get dinged for….He walks on shaky earth trying to claim the moral high ground.

As it comes to publications I tend to believe that editorial slants, designed to attract and appease advertisers, AND to keep inside sources, lead to bullshit from both sides. Especially considering the concentrated ownership of the media in the US (and in Canada).

I’m certainly not buying into any “tax thing”…I’m just accusing a guy (Trump) of throwing stones at other people for not paying enough taxes (glass house). If anything, Trump, as I said before, being part of the 1%, is the type of person that buys politicians (and actually brags about it)…These are the type of people, a couple of years ago, that were written about here, with disdain…You know, bankers, politicians, orchestrating bailouts, offshoring jobs…We’ve already been through this.

The enemy of my enemy is the same as the lesser of two evils…Not a reason to vote for someone, but a reason to vote against someone.

Truth is, Trump is an entertainer. I think you could replace Trump with almost any “strongman” entertainer and have the same effect. Clint Eastwood, in my opinion, is a great example. Imagine him in a debate…That stare…”Make my day Punk”…And in that vein (see what I did there) I would go with the guy from Austria, who governed California as a Republican.

If the race were between Hillary and Arnie, I would likely be much more intrigued by Arnie. He is a celeb that pushes a higher ideal. His commitment is not suspect. Arnie would jump through any hoop his opponent set out in front of him, then flex that bicep…”Hasta la vista, baby”

Trump is a celeb that made his mark as the boss man who is never wrong, is vindictive, short tempered…”You’re Fired!”…How is it not easy to see why my delicate sensibilities are triggered? The president, as well as being Commander and Chief is supposed to inspire…Especially young people…

Clinton is a mediocre career politician hated by the right whose claim to fame is that she is a former first lady (she was parachuted into a senate seat, I give her no credit for that). She is uptight, calculating, vindictive, and a obviously has two faces: one for the public, and one for Wall Street. BUT as a woman candidate, it can be said, that she as president, would inspire women – and in particular – young women.

And in my studied opinion, that is the lesser evil.

Of the two, the experience of a Senator makes her a more competent government employee (which is true), than does Trump’s experience as an entertainer/businessman. Both are smart…cynically smart. But Trump IS a political buffon….Just look up his history…Republican, Reformer, Democrat, Republican…How can you take that seriously?

All the real bullshit will be done by congress anyway, without reading a damned thing…….except for the Huff and Drudgery type…

I look forward to your next treatise, and our next discussion.

October 3, 2016 12:15 am

It’s not the sex. It’s the purgury, Stupid!

But let’s forget about that for now.

As a tree hugger, are you concerned about the potentially very high number of them killed by the radioactive nuclear fallout when the deep state leads their postmenopausal puppet to war with Putin to preserve their precious petro-dollar?

Given Trump’s man-love with Vlad, wouldn’t he be the best environmental candidate in this election?

What are your priorities, Randy?

Tactical Zen
Tactical Zen
October 1, 2016 11:30 am

Suggest all read David Stockman’s new book, “Trumped”.

I’ve been studying our fouled up crony system for years (decades, actually) and Stockman nails it. He also nails Trump’s role – a lesser of evils but an unlikely Savior. IMHO the US and world debt levels makes collapse inevitable. But I am interested in the chance I may be wrong. A slim chance.

Obama’s sins are but a few in a 40 years path to destruction.

EL Coyote the not popular
EL Coyote the not popular
October 1, 2016 4:40 pm

A dedication for Barry and Reg

  EL Coyote the not popular
October 1, 2016 4:45 pm

Hey El – if this post makes it to 100 comments, does it still count if like 20 of them were mine? Just curious.

EL Coyote the not popular
EL Coyote the not popular
October 1, 2016 5:04 pm

Llpoh said he would be polite when responding to comments on his articles.
Another person said copying and re-posting on another article was typical back in the olden days.
I have seen Yohimbo making multiple addedums on his Pepe article.
If your comments are not too obviously padding the comment count, your fine.
You’ll make it there. Shit, remember when we padded Maggie’s bullshit article and got it to 300?

Winning is all that matters, nobody remembers the runner-up.

EL Coyote the winner
EL Coyote the winner
October 1, 2016 5:07 pm

100. I win

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 1, 2016 5:32 pm


What have you done now to be unpopular? This is a chronic thing…not that I too am not always in trouble with Stucky or Admin.

EL Coyote the salacious
EL Coyote the salacious
  Bea Lever
October 1, 2016 11:52 pm

Unpopular, in real life I’m a friendly human carpet. It’s here that I play the role of a rebel, a thorn in people’s sides. Whenever somebody pisses me off in the physical realm, the poor guys of the cyber dimension pay.

I notice Maggie hasn’t found the time to comment. Perhaps your mention of a sunset still spooks her. Hey, Maggie, he was talking of another kind of spook.

October 1, 2016 6:58 pm

…not that there’s anything wrong with it.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 2, 2016 2:26 am

“Truth is subjective”.

What’s it like to be a fag?

  Iska Waran
October 2, 2016 6:51 pm

Iska Waran–If the ‘Truth’ is subjective, then there’s 7 billion versions of the ‘Truth’ out there!

Is Randy right? Maybe Randy is just another version of the ‘Truth’.

Jack Nicholson to Diane Keaton, “I’ve always told you some version of the ‘Truth’.
“The ‘Truth’ doesn’t have versions,” Diane Keaton to Jack Nicholson in the movie, “Something’s Gotta Give”.

October 2, 2016 3:22 pm

A mere 113 comments?

Denninger proved Obummer’s birth certificate was fake years ago by dissembling it, finding it multilayered, forged and fiddled.

No new news here – but it’s always good to stuff it up Obummers ass on his way out the door.


Pita Strep
Pita Strep
October 3, 2016 11:57 am

Fat-ass Denninger didn’t prove anything.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Pita Strep
October 3, 2016 2:11 pm

Miss Tickly did.

October 2, 2016 5:42 pm

Why it matters now is the legal metaphor, “Fruit of the Poisonous Tree”. If Obama wasn’t born in the US, then he had no right to assume the position of POTUS and everything signed, enacted, or created in the name of that high office by him is ‘NULL ans VOID’. It would mean he had no authority vested in him by the Constitution or the people to make any decision for the United States.

This is a serious matter. It is a matter of Law and Order, which our Republic rest upon. Either you have Law and Order or you don’t and you better be afraid if you don’t.

I have always wanted to see the birth certificates of those in Hawaii born the day before Obama and the day after him. I bet there are irregularities between his certificate and the others. I also have thought that the reluctance of Obama to release his University records would show that his application would say that he was born in Kenya and he used that information to gain an advantage in the admission process.

There are too many irregularities in Obama’s history to be summarily dismissed without further scrutiny as to truthfulness.

What does it matter? If it doesn’t matter, then nothing matters.

October 3, 2016 2:05 am

To think that the political class would be interested in even investigating this, at this late stage, is ridiculous.

To think that the political class has been covering up a Kenyan born president for 8 years is delusional.

And to think that the political class would unwind everything done in the last 8 years is actually a little insane…

put down the koolaid…

October 3, 2016 1:36 pm

Poor Jim Jones forever embodied in the lexicon of the English language.

Randy, I don’t think that the political class is interested in anything other than getting as much as they can. It won’t be them investigating the birther issue, but some historian with the fortitude to do a real investigation which may determine the issue once and for all. If it does substantiate a foreign birth, the political class will state that the information is old hat and already well known.

There have been many conspiratorial issues raised that were denounced as ‘tin foil hat’ and later proved to be true. To think that the political class hasn’t been covering up a lot of things is delusional on your part, Randy. All the facts about Obama’s birth is still a mystery and the release of a transcripted birth certificate in today’s world with all the computer programs designed to fake stuff is not proof. There has to be substantiated proof beyond reproach.

The political class probably wouldn’t unwind everything done by Obama as they have too much invested, but the truth would make change possible because it would change the belief that people have respecting their government and that is a precursor to change in government. Not to understand that is a little insane.

October 3, 2016 8:35 pm

Alas Homer, I cannot agree that the birther issue would be covered up by Republicans…

Although, I do believe the political class, mostly, is in it for themselves, and I do agree that the political class is and does collude to hide things from the voters…I just don’t believe that the right would with-hold the truth on the birther issue…Question: did the birther issue come up when he was running to become a Senator?

One more non-belief…Change doesn’t generally come from people who have had their beliefs changed respecting government. Change comes from those who challenge government.

Unfortunately, the majority of those that challenge government are moneyed lobbyists…It is generally accepted that progressive change in government is almost never made altruistically. The American people were against the Iraq war…The American people were against NAFTA (as were Canadians)…The American people (anyone paying attention) were completely shocked over the Citizen’s United decision…

Even though I believe that the Democrats will win in a landslide, I have no delusion that Hillary will make things materially better for the poor or the middle class…and insanely, the rich will get changes that make them better off…

October 4, 2016 6:16 am

Alas Randy, I cannot believe that you’re so naive to think that the Dems and Repubs aren’t bought and paid for. Not all but enough to sway the outcome and I think they would not even broach the birther issue and not deal with the public about it if they were told not to.

One more thing, people act consistent with their beliefs and when the people’s beliefs change concerning government, the government changes or the people stop supporting it.

The last thing that government wants is the loss of support of the people. It’s anathema to them. That’s why propaganda is always used by governments to formulate the beliefs of the populaces. When governments lose popular support, they can become ruthless in maintaining their power. The ‘War of Southern Independence’ is a good example of this. Dissension is only tolerated as long as it doesn’t interfere with the Status Quo.

Money lobbyist don’t change governments, but use governmental powers for their own advantage. Buying congressional votes and buying elections works very well for them.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 2, 2016 9:53 pm

This is your moment, Unrecognized. You should push for big dog status, do a Harry Reid and call for an emergency meeting of the big dogs to consider the issue.

Just the ballsy action alone will impress most of the dogs to consider the upgrade. If they deny you, feel free to talk about they mommas and their own feral upbringing.

  EL Coyote
October 2, 2016 10:41 pm

El – is the pay better?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 3, 2016 8:52 pm

I can’t cite figures but most of the big dogs are rich. The poorest is Stuck who is trying to unload his half-million dollar mansion in Jersey.

I’m not sure if you have to have a huge income before joining this rich man’s club or if the big dog pay gets you there, you know, like congressmen get rich after joining the club.

October 3, 2016 1:44 am

Perjury? Sophism…To accept that context is to believe that politicians tell the truth, let alone a married man caught cheating with an intern. Reacting to the lie is missing the forest for the trees…Critical thinking requires me to understand or know: Why the lie.

Getting caught lying creates embarrassment and vulnerability in the liars mind (if they have any respect for themselves), and the flight or fight mechanism generally pushes the denial button. Impeach if you must, but we would all lie in that situation.

But let’s forget about that for now.

I am not concerned about a potential war with Russia…It’s all bullshit. There will be war with either candidate. The war will be a proxy, in a land far away, inhabited by people browner than light toast. And it will be covered in the MSM to the extent that advertisers, and government see fit.

The idea of war in the 21st century is to use up the old stuff so that you can buy new stuff…Now whether you actually use that old stuff, or give it to one tribe of people to kill another tribe of people is relatively, and/or subjectively insignificant.

The end of the petro dollar will hurt every economy on the planet. It will end global trade, as no one will trust anyone’s money…Might as well have an EMP…Fiat currencies collapse…Central Banks have lost control. Rates cannot normalize. The velocity of money is continuing to slow outside of the financial markets…

All that said (and I could say more), the American Dollar hegemony will not end with war with Russia…

Yes, I think that an oligarch/reality tv star can win peace with a man who was the head of the KGB, and who has ruled America’s “enemy” with an iron fist for almost two decades.

Kind of like I think that Dan Quale was the equivalent of George H W Bush…or Sarah Palin was the equivalent of John McCain…

“What are your priorities, Randy?”

That sir, is a question that deserves contextual boundaries…My priority right now is to stop rambling on and go to fricken bed…

until next time…

October 3, 2016 8:07 am

Sleep well my misogynistic, sexual harassment enabling, neocon friend…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 3, 2016 8:47 pm

I suspect randy is one of EL Coyote’s sock puppets. His opinions and POV are eerily similar.

October 4, 2016 9:56 am

Uncola, AWESOME post!