Jonathan Cahn-We Are at a Dangerous Point

I am more than a little interested in TBP monkey screechings about this interview with the author of the Harbinger novel.  I haven’t even finished listening myself.

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Rise Up
Rise Up
September 30, 2016 9:01 am

“The Harbinger” was a very good read. The “co-incidents” throughout the book were startling. This interview with Greg Hunter is a good one.

September 30, 2016 9:38 am

He looks like Yassir Arafat.

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
September 30, 2016 10:48 am


September 30, 2016 11:59 am

I believe everything is a Damn lie .My adventures have taken me to the heart of Microsoft.Bill Gates himself is supposedly in the building next to me .Yes FedEx delivers to Microsoft ,Seattle WA.I don’t have the slightest idea how this college campus company could be worth hundreds of billions of dollars.The employees look no smarter then Stucky.Dress like grungy liberals. Big disappointment.

September 30, 2016 12:08 pm

You’re either a liar or a dumbshit.
Microsoft is in Redmond, WA not Seattle.

September 30, 2016 1:06 pm

Ok ,Redmond to be precise but I can throw a rock and hit Seattle . Mybills say Seattle , Wa. But zip code is Redmond. Meathead.

Meathead , what is your problem? Are you mad at world because you are about to lose everything you ever worked for and then you die.Perhaps you should turn your attention to the next life.Then you wouldn’t be so fucked up. Sincerely bb.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 2:43 pm


what is his problem. You you fucking serious! Try reflecting on what you wrote and then ask the same question of yourself. You sound like the one that is mad. I can’t fucking understand you. What exactly are you worried about. You keep telling me paradise is just a phone call away. You should be picking flowers but instead you seem to enjoy biting heads off.

Like Ozzy Osbourne

fuck man you gotta lighten up!

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 2:45 pm
September 30, 2016 2:45 pm

So it’s dumbshit, then.
Turn my attention to the next life, huh? Isn’t that what the muslims have been doing; 72 virgins in heaven and all that? How’s that working out, dumbshit?

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 2:51 pm


I am sitting here laughing my ass off. Man you really did it now.

Typical Bible Thumper

Everything goes something like this…

You’re a heathen
Go fuck yourself!
Then ends with


Because deep down
they really love you…

  RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 8:14 pm

Rarely will you encounter more delight, more glee, than in a Good Christian telling you how you are going to suffer eternal torment at the hand of Almighty God.
It’s the damndest thing (pun intended).

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 1, 2016 6:11 am


Anger misplaced is wasted and festers to become a cancer. Being right has always been a business. These days business is good. The videos I linked above were quite intentional. Done to show the real conflict each of us deals with.

It might be that the light just represents a new day and a fresh start but the theme seems to permeate my life right now. Maybe it will end being more. Time will tell. My journey to accepting my fate started with the song that talked about The Light.

I strongly suspect it will end with one as well.

September 30, 2016 1:23 pm


I listened to the whole thing. On my own 0-100 scale, with 0 being “Totally untrue” and 100 being “Definitely going to happen” I rank this at about a 10. That’s just me.

I’ve given up on any notion of impending doom. I think the world is going to continue to turn. There’ll be rain in some places, and sunshine in others. There’s going to be economic hardship in some places and prosperity in others. There will be terror attacks in some places, and peace in other places.

I’m still open to the possibility that I’m wrong on this, and total doom will engulf us all one day, but every day that goes by is one less day of doom.

For me, the idea of trying to tie current events in with Hebrew scripture from thousands of years ago is a fool’s errand.

But that’s just me; I’m nobody. Your mileage may vary.

September 30, 2016 5:09 pm

Keep in mind that 9/11 was implausible until it wasn’t.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and foresight, particularly foresight that is taken seriously, is rare.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 7:33 pm

Hi Maggie

I have to agree. I was born in Mt. Sinai hospital Toronto

September 30, 2016 3:49 pm

Tinker Bell , you and mad dog Meathead are the ones who should get serious. The bells of hell are ringing and you two just circle jerk each other. Damn man get a life.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 30, 2016 3:55 pm

yeah how Christian you self righteous twat….

Fuck you beebs..

get a real job delivery boy.


September 30, 2016 4:09 pm

To the followers of yaldaboath. Your god is insane!

September 30, 2016 6:34 pm

Ms. Freud and I are going to Barnes & Noble for the rest of the evening, so I gotta be brief.

Cahn’s beliefs fit under the category “Replacement Theology” … the concept being that Israel fucked up royally, which God punishes, and now all the promises to Israel will fall upon America. He didn’t invent that. Mormons have similar beliefs. Then there are those who believe the Lost Tribes are now England, and British Royalty are direct descendants. Complete bullshit, imho. But, hey, whatever floats your boat. It does not not mean Cahn’s novels are crap … they might very well be quite exciting … but, for fuksakes, don’t make you plans based in them!!

Enough of amateur theology. No one gives a shit anyway. Let’s talk about Biblical date-setting vs. logic.

I guess (have no time to research) Cahn has some idea of a specific date — 2015?, or whatever, it truly does not matter — whereby certain events take place. He, as all other date-setters, claim it’s BIBLICAL!!

Obviously, the sixty-four thousand dollar question is HOW did he get to that date?? It involves a lot off goofy assumptions, …. but he has to go backward in time at a very specific date , and from that date, count forward (using goofy and convoluted assumptions) to arrive at 2015.

Here’s Logic 101: If you START at the wrong past date, you have ZERO chance of ever arriving at the correct future date. (If that’s even disputable then you are either a moran, or named ‘bb’).

Here’s the problem: THERE IS NO “CORRECT” CALENDAR … anywhere in the world. All those events in Daniel? We simply do not know the exact dates when they happened. What date is the correct date to use when Israel was shipped to Babylon? Did in take place on one day, one week, one month, a year or more? No one knows? And, it is extremely critical to know exactly how long the Jews were in captivity, and their return — and since there is no God-calendar, the range given by scholars varies by about 200 friggen years.

Of course, Cahn, Hal Lindsey, et. al. will claim “WE KNOW THE DATES!!!” and go through excruciatingly painful twisting of logic and a bizarro world of scripture exegesis to prove their point. They are bold-faced liars one and all. And not because I say so. But, because no such calendar exists — show me one, otherwise.

If you’re one of those people who reads just the last paragraph in longer posts, well, here is the summary. It is literally impossible to come up with correct dates for future events based on Biblical “proofs” because …. a reliable/accurate calendar from ancient times simply does not exist. Therefore, EVERY date-setting ‘prophet’ and his/her dates are nothing but pure bullshit.

I’m done, I’m out, see ya tomorrow.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 30, 2016 8:46 pm

Without going back to watch the approximate 40-minute interview, where did Cahn do an end-times date prediction? I came away with the idea he was discussing Shimetah cycles, not end-times.

If you can point me to the video mark of this end-times prediction, I’d appreciate it and will watch again.

  Rise Up
September 30, 2016 10:23 pm

The guy is a pastor, a Messianic Jew, and from New Jersey. These are three good reasons for me to not watch the video … so, to be honest, I did not.

However, when this post first came up, I spent about 5-10 minutes looking him up … as I have never heard of him.

OK, I’ll take your word for it … that there was no date-setting in the video above. But, I found this (thank god for the internet “history” tab!);

“The Israelites spent 70 years in captivity away from God’s Holy city in Jerusalem. So, this coming 70th Jubilee Year [2015] will very likely have very special meaning for mankind. It could be God’s time of Perfect Completion for Redemption. Be prepared! Be right with God.”

There ya go. For reasons I explained above, there is absolutely no accurate methodology to know/claim that THIS is Israel’s 70th Jubilee …. hence, 2105-16 has ZERO meaning Scripturally for the USA!USA!USA! …. hence, he is a “false prophet” according to the requirements of being a prophet according to the Bible, which is, …. being correct with your prophetic utterances ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the time. Mr. Cahn fails this test utterly based on this incorrect prophecy, … as well as several others.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 1, 2016 11:31 am

When/where did Cahn profess himself to be a prophet?

Or are you just throwing something up against the wall to see if it will stick?

mark branham
mark branham
September 30, 2016 8:39 pm

This buffoon appeared in February of last year with Greg:

predicting economic collapse in September of ’15. FAIL

He’s back spreading even more bullshit. Expect the same result.

September 30, 2016 10:35 pm

Side Note: Got two awesome Best Sellers from B&N’s discount table …. $11.51 for two books, including tax!

1. Into The Fire by Tom Clancy. I’ve read about 5 of Clancy’s EIGHTEEN #1 best sellers. I read the first two chapters while sitting in B&N … and I was already hooked by yet another page-turner. The man is an amazing writer.

“When a team of assassins murder a high-ranking North Korean general and his family in their sleep, making it look like a robbery, events are set in motion that could shake the balance of world powers. Meanwhile, a U.S. naval combat ship, the USS Milwaukee, is attacked by North Korean forces in the middle of a training exercise, and Commander Kate Bigelow is forced to ground the ship to avoid being captured. The crew takes refuge on a tiny island, trapped dangerously between the grounded ship and a fleet of hostile North Korean soldiers.

Op-Center intelligence discovers a secret alliance behind the attack—one in which North Korea guarantees China total control of a vast oil reserve found beneath the Yellow Sea. As both sides marshal their forces for a major confrontation at sea, Chase Williams and his Op-Center organization devise a plan to secretly spirit the American crew from the island. But the North Koreans have something else in mind, and soon they unleash a terrorist cell on the American homeland. Can Op-Center uncover their plan and prevent a major catastrophe that could lead to all-out war?”


2.) Shock Wave by John Sandford.

“A billion-dollar superstore has its sights set on a small Minnesota river town for its next outlet. Two very angry groups want to stop it: local merchants, fearing for their businesses, and environmentalists, predicting ecological disaster. The protests are ignored, until a bomb goes off at the megastore’s Michigan headquarters—the first of a series of explosions.

The blasts are meant to inflict maximum damage and utmost fear. They do. Virgil Flowers has been enlisted to find out who’s behind the dangerous acts, but the answer he uncovers may be the biggest shock of all.”

September 30, 2016 10:50 pm

My layperson’s quick summary of Biblical prophecy:

1. Lucifer has always had power on the earth to wreak havoc on any- and everything related to God’s creation, man and woman being his favorite targets
2. There will come a point in time where his power becomes so great that tremendous chaos and evil overtake the earth (because this notion is so relative due to many tragic and terrible eras throughout history, I assume the advent of technologies able to control and destroy anyone on the whole earth who tries to resist the status quo will render this time of the end the worst period in the history of man)
3. We seem to be moving toward such a time, especially with the efforts to create a global digital economic system gaining steam
4. The nation of Israel has been regathered from around the world and is once again established in Palestine, as the Bible predicts it would be at the time of the end (whether you believe the Jews who live there are the genuine deal or not, a nation called Israel once again exists)
5. At the time of the end, Damascus will no longer be a city, just a pile of rubble
6. There are specific and disastrous natural events that will occur during this time, and they will severely disrupt earth’s ecosystem
7, There is going to be a huge battle in the Middle East, and Luciferian armies will be defeated decisively. God’s righteousness will at last fully prevail.

I do not pretend to know the reasons for the circumstances of man’s history as it has unfoldeded and as it ends. These are mysteries that continue to haunt us.

Trying to identify nations and actors (besides Israel) and pin all of this on a calendar has been tried unsuccessfully for centuries. Although things seem to be heading towards all of the above, the exact timetable is not ours to know. The puzzle pieces are fascinating, but putting them all together remains elusive.

I have listed to a number of Cahn’s interviews and find them most interesting. I confess I haven’t watched this one yet, but I will.

October 1, 2016 10:51 pm

Nothing wrong with zero evidence, Maggie. You’re interested, not trying to sway things one way or the other. Studying is how we make educated decisions.

There is something that I too find interesting about Cahn. He completely missed his 2015 prediction, but the similarities to Isaiah chapter 9 and America today make me think he may have been into something until he started saying “This is what is coming next.”

We live in interesting times.

October 1, 2016 8:13 am

I watched almost to the two minute point of the video and the guy started talking about the 7th schmeesalas or something. No idea what he was saying so I stopped the video. I guess I need to bone up on my yiddish or something. From reading the comments, above, I have no desire to watch any more.

October 1, 2016 12:15 pm

“When/where did Cahn profess himself to be a prophet?” —– Rise Up

Perhaps you don’t understand the definition of prophet? We all know the first one — a person who predicts the future. The second Biblical one is less known — someone who declares publicly a message that he or she believes has come from God … something I’m pretty sure Cahn is doing.

In a sense, all preachers/teachers are “prophets”. In fact, some denominations instead of calling them preachers, pastor, etc., refer to their speakers as “Prophet So-and-so”.

You seem defensive. Look, no sweat off my balls if you like him! I’m just giving my two-cent worthless opinion.


Hey, speaking of books. I mentioned I bought the book “Shock Wave” above last night from B&N … 388 pages …… just finished it!! . John Sandford has written three other books. I think I’m gonna order all three. The guy writes at a frantic pace … truly a page-turner.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 1, 2016 2:43 pm

I certainly don’t think Cahn is a prophet. But I did enjoy his book “The Harbinger”–although it was a novel, it had many factual underpinnings.

You just seem quick to assume things about the man.

fwiw imho
fwiw imho
October 1, 2016 3:25 pm

Stucky, Sandford has written many books. The “Prey” series and now Flowers. My wife doesn’t share my enthusiasm, because I think he writes for an appreciative male audience (guy books). I listen to his books on tape and the reader, Richard Ferrone, adds to the enjoyment of his novels. Makes the 30 blocks of squalor an enjoyable commute. That fuckin Flowers………